Ernst Hasse (painter)

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Rooster and chickens at a farm

Ernst Hasse (born May 22, 1819 in Erfurt , † September 2, 1860 in Dresden ) was a German landscape and animal painter , draftsman and lithographer .


Hasse studied from 1837 at the Dresden Art Academy as one of Ludwig Richter's first students . During this time he drew views from the area around Dresden and nature studies. After graduating, he settled in Dresden in 1848 and worked as a freelance landscape and animal draftsman and painter.

Hasse traveled to France ( Rhône Valley ), Spain (1853, Málaga , Sierra Nevada ) and Portugal , among others . Although impressions from these trips flowed into some of his works, he mainly depicted the nature of his homeland. Hasse often drew idyllic motifs in the country (farms, scenes of the harvest), in which animals were often in the foreground. He often depicted birds and made a name for himself as a poultry draftsman. He made templates for woodcuts by Hugo Bürkner , which appeared in his book Heimische Vögel (1856) and in Studies from Nature (1855) by Hermann Masius . He also worked as an illustrator of children's books.

Hasse's works show features of late romanticism , the leading exponent of which his teacher Richter in Germany had been, but he tended towards a new realism in the depiction of nature and animals. He drew with pencil, pen and ink and painted watercolors , whose preliminary drawings in lead often have an effect through the translucent application of paint. He also made lithographs of some of his drawings. Despite the war losses, many of his works have been preserved and are offered in art dealers. Some are in the collections of museums such as the Kupferstichkabinett Dresden , Lindenau Museum in Altenburg and Angermuseum in Erfurt.


Web links

Commons : Ernst Hasse  - Collection of images, videos and audio files