Ernst Pilick

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In the Heinrich Heine Club 2019

Ernst Pilick (born July 25, 1927 in Cologne ) is a German actor and reciter .


Ernst Pilick attended the Karl Steinbach drama school and passed the exam in 1948. As early as 1946/47 he played regularly in " Tazzelwurm ", the first post-war Cologne vaudeville . He played at the Kölner Kammertheater under Franz Goebels. Engagements in Mainz, Koblenz and Trier followed. He has been working as a freelancer since 1962. He has developed over 20 programs in which he a. from the works of Wilhelm Busch , Fjodor Dostojewski ( The Grand Inquisitor ), James Thurber , Heinrich Heine (e.g. Atta Troll ), Heinrich Spoerl , Fred Endrikat , Christoph Martin Wieland , Joachim Ringelnatz , Christian Morgenstern , Eugen Roth , Eduard Mörike , Erich Kästner and Kurt Tucholsky recited. Since 2013 there has been a reflection on happiness ( winged is happiness and difficult to find ), since July 2015 on Theodor Heuss and since 2018 a Goethe lecture and a report for an academy by Franz Kafka . With over 90 years of age he is still on tour with old and new programs like Faust² 2019 together with Dr. Denise Roth, the director of the Faust Museum in Knittlingen . Since September 2019 he has been performing three one-act plays by Anton Pawlowitsch Chekhov . Pilick speaks all of his texts freely and without a manuscript.

In the Cologne area he was also known for over fifty years from 1949 to 1999 through his appearances together with his colleague Friedrich Biesenbach with his various self-written role-plays Nikolaus and Knecht Ruprecht in Gürzenich , in the Klarissenkloster Cologne-Kalk , at 1. FC Cologne and at the Altermarkt . He gave, among others, Joseph Cardinal Frings , Romy Schneider and Tina Turner . WDR dedicated a 45-minute report on German television to these appearances .

From 1959 to 1965 Ernst Pilick was seasonal during Lent and in November as reciter in projection events Düsseldorf photo Institute Carl Simon & Co. engaged.

He has lived in the "Fauststadt" Knittlingen since 1968 and was active as a member and at times as Vice President of the International Faust Society at the Fauststadtfest. In 2004 he was awarded the Citizens Medal by the city of Knittlingen for his services.

Another aspect of his activities is the translation of Wilhelm Busch's texts into the Cologne dialect. He is a member of the Wilhelm Busch Society and the Kurt Tucholsky Society .


Pilick at a radio recording in 2016
  • Plisch and Plum . In: Manfred Gerlach (Ed.): Wilhelm Busch - Plisch and Plum in German dialects. dtv, Munich 1984
  • Max and Moritz op kölsch . In: Manfred Gerlach (Ed.): Wilhelm Busch - Max and Moritz. A boy’s story in seven pranks. In German dialects, Middle High German and Yiddish . Helmut Buske Verlag, Hamburg 1982, ISBN 3-87118-522-1
  • Max and Moritz. Dat Verzällche vun dä Ströpp münkchesmooss op Kölsch nohverzellt vum Pilicks Ernst . In: Manfred Görlach (Hrsg.): Wilhelm Busch - Max and Moritz appropriate to the dialect. Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 2007, ISBN 978-3-423-13623-5


“Fascinating lecture art: Ernst Pilick as Grand Inquisitor : Pilick plays and speaks with tone, facial expressions and gestures that get under the skin, changing several times in fine gradations from the haughty style of the accuser to tearful, opinionated emotion. A masterpiece of monological and scenic performance art, illuminating and charged with tension. "

- Eckehard Uhlig

“Just as a great musician never plays the sheet music for his solos, absolute textual certainty in every role was a must for him. He was and is an excellent speaker as well as a versatile performer, who is able to cast a spell over his audience as a spectator. ... His illustrious language and his brilliant vocabulary gain brilliance through well-thought-out onomatopoeia and difficultly increased volumes ... "

- Ellen Ruhnau : on Pilick's program Humor as Medicine

"... in a virtuoso one-man show, Ernst Pilick recited by heart, without slip of the tongue, without even looking at a manuscript."

- Eva Filitz : about Pilick's program Heinrich Heine: Atta Troll


  • Pia Biundo (Ed.): Ernst Pilick 77th Festschrift for Ernst Pilick on his seventy-seventh birthday. Rohrbach 2004, ISBN 3-930760-77-0
  • Gerda Schneider-Sato: From Kuddeldaddeldu to the Grand Inquisitor. Ernst Pilick in pictures . Edition G. Schneider-Sato, Karlsruhe 2016

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Saskia Scholz: Pilick's travels in Heinrich Spoerl's footsteps…: With a sonorous voice, then again brilliantly in Rhenish dialect, Pilick brought the teacher Bömmel and all the other eccentric characters to life . In: Baden's latest news , February 20, 1996
  2. Peter Kohl: Adorable Ringelnatz evening with reciter Ernst Pilick in the Orgelfabrik: It is admirable what energy the elderly reciter achieves, how he retrieves the often long and intricate poems of Ringelnatz from memory, how he changes the pitch, the verses gestures and facial expressions underlines how he expresses the diversity of Ringelnatz in many voices . In: Baden's latest news , September 17, 2011
  3. Ilona Prokoph: "Ernst Pilick inspires with Kafka in the stone house of Fauststadt". In: Pforzheimer Zeitung of November 5, 2018
  4. Eva Filitz: “Impressive performance.” Mühlacker Tagblatt dated November 6, 2018
  5. Eckehard Uhlig. In: Pforzheimer Zeitung , October 2, 2012
  6. ^ Borkumer Zeitung , September 14, 2009
  7. Mühlacker Tagblatt , November 23, 2017