Ernst W. Middendorff

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Ernst W. Middendorff (born September 24, 1892 in Dortmund ; † May 12, 1974 in Hanover ) was a German businessman and, among other things, the sole managing director of the Herrenhausen brewery .



Ernst W. Middendorff married Irmgard Grünewald, a daughter of Friedrich Grünewald , in 1926 . today's private brewery Herrenhausen . The sons of the two were Günter Middendorff (born March 6, 1928), farmer on the " Rittergut Sehlde I" near Hanover, and Jürgen Middendorff.


Born in Dortmund, Ernst W. Middendorff completed a commercial apprenticeship in a grain import company .

After participating in World War I , at the beginning of the Weimar Republic, he took up a position as managing director of another grain company in Hanover . After his marriage to Irmgard Grünewald in 1926, daughter of the chairman of the supervisory board of the Herrenhausen brewery . Ernst W. Middendorff joined the Herrenhausen- based brewery just a few weeks later, on July 27th of that year . In the middle of the Second World War he first became a member of the board in 1943 , while his father-in-law was chairman of the board . In the following year the company was converted into a GmbH .

After the war, on October 1, 1948, the year of the currency reform in West Germany , Middendorff was appointed the sole managing director of the company, which was undamaged at least with regard to the buildings during the war. His father-in-law had resigned for reasons of age.

Middendorff shaped the years of reconstruction through substantial technical modernizations and enlargements of the buildings. In 1954 his wife Irmgard joined the advisory board of the GmbH, in 1955 their son Jürgen Middendorff joined the company.

In 1958 the club's brewery was renamed "Brauerei Herrenhausen GmbH", which began exporting overseas in 1961 and already recorded an output of more than 300,000 hectoliters in 1963/64 .

Honorary posts - honors - awards

Ernst W. Middendorf held various honorary positions in numerous organizations, both in the brewery industry and other economic and charitable organizations . He was

Middendorff was a sponsor of the Technical University and the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover , both an honorary citizen and an honorary senator .

In 1957 Ernst W. Middendorff became Honorary Consul of the Kingdom of Norway .

Middendorff was awarded the Great Federal Cross of Merit and the Great Lower Saxony Cross of Merit .

The country of Norway honored Ernst W. Middendorff with the Order of Saint Olav as a first class knight .

In addition, Middendorff received the Golden Medal of Honor from the Berlin Research Institute .


  • Rudolf Cyperrek: 100 years of mansions , commemorative publication based on preliminary archival work by Helmut Millies, ed. von der Brauerei Herrenhausen GmbH, Hanover-Herrenhausen, Wiesbaden: Verlag für Wirtschaftspublizistik H. Bartels KG, 1968, pp. 39–40 as well as an appendix on the history of the Brauerei Herrenhausen GmbH.
  • Waldemar R. Röhrbein : MIDDENDORF, Ernst W. In: Dirk Böttcher, Klaus Mlynek, Waldemar R. Röhrbein, Hugo Thielen: Hannoversches Biographisches Lexikon . From the beginning to the present. Schlütersche, Hannover 2002, ISBN 3-87706-706-9 , pp. 255f.
  • Waldemar R. Röhrbein: Middendorf, Ernst W .. In: Klaus Mlynek, Waldemar R. Röhrbein (eds.) U. a .: City Lexicon Hanover . From the beginning to the present. Schlütersche, Hannover 2009, ISBN 978-3-89993-662-9 , p. 442.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac Rudolf Cyperrek: 100 years of mansions (see literature)
  2. Note: Both the Hannoversche Biographische Lexikon and the Stadtlexikon Hannover (see literature) use the name Middendorf (with only one f ).
  3. Christian Schulz-Hausbrandt, Holger Bock (managing director): Tradition (see web links)
  4. a b c d e Waldemar R. Röhrbein: MIDDENDORF, Ernst W. (see literature)
  5. Christian Schulz-Hausbrandt, Holger Bock (managing director): Tradition (see web links)
  6. Rudolf Cyperrek: 100 years mansions , p.45
  7. Waldemar R. Röhrbein: GRÜNEWALD, Friedrich. In: Hannoversches Biographisches Lexikon , p. 138f.
  8. a b c d Waldemar R. Röhrbein: Middendorf, Ernst W. (see literature)