Ernst Wagner (painter)

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Ernst Wagner (born February 2, 1877 in Cilli , Lower Styria , Austria-Hungary , † December 17, 1951 in Ammerland in Bavaria) was an Austrian painter , sculptor , graphic artist and writer .


Wagner did a doctorate in law at the University of Graz and then studied from January 1901 to February 1902 in the sculpture class of Josef Breitner at the Vienna School of Applied Arts and from March to May 1902 in the sculpture class of Hans Bitterlich at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna . He then moved to Munich and joined the circle around Adolf von Hildebrand . He participated in the exhibitions of the Munich , Berlin and Vienna Secession . He went on study trips to Paris , Ascona and Calamotta . In 1909 he met Auguste Rodin .

During the First World War, Wagner was drafted into the war press headquarters. He was a member of the Hagenbund from 1922 to 1938 . From 1929 to 1936 he taught as a professor at the Staatliche Kunstgewerbakademie in Dresden . He gave lectures and seminars on cultural studies . In 1936 and 1937 he stayed in Italy , in 1938 in England and France and again in Italy from 1939 to 1940. From the winter of 1940 he lived in Vienna and from 1941 in Munich. In 1951 he moved to Ammerland.


His pictures have been exhibited in the Nierendorf Gallery , Hans Goltz and the Munich Municipal Gallery (1952 with Hermann Ebers ).

The well-known critic Hermann Bahr wrote about him:

“Finally a painter again who knocks me over! Nobody since Kokoschka gave me this feeling of being drunk with an art . "

- Hermann Bahr : Critique of the Present

Works (selection)

  • Golgotha
  • Luna
  • wisdom


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hermann Bahr: Diary. September 1 [1920]. Book edition: Critique of the Present. Haas & Grabherr, Augsburg 1922, pp. 207–208.