Ernst Wilke (painter)

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Ernst Wilke (also: Wilken ; born July 30, 1846 in Hanover ; † 1915 ) was a royal court decoration painter, teacher and entrepreneur in Hanover.


Ernst Wilke was born at the beginning of industrialization in the royal seat of the Kingdom of Hanover as the son of a nail smith .

Wilke, who is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran teaching, enrolled under the matriculation number 4144 several times at the educational institution, initially called Polytechnic School in Hanover , first on September 29, 1864, and then studying until 1865/1866. He studied there again from 1874 to 1876 and again in the semester 1883/1884.

In 1886, during the founding of the German Empire , Wilke received his title of royal court decoration painter.

Also in the 1880s, Wilke ran his own studio with 80 employees. In parallel, he taught decorative painting on the from the Hanover trade association maintained Kunstgewerbeschule- and crafts School of Hannover .

On August 30, 1896, Wilke traveled from Hanover together with the secret government councilor Heinrich Köhler and the court jeweler Lameyer to Dresden for the "[...] delegates' day of the German arts and crafts associations" and the first meeting of the members held in the Viktoriahaus there, in the under among other things about the loading of the world exhibition in Chicago was discussed.

Known students

  • around 1886 to 1888: Franz Lauterbach (1865–1933), German painter, glass painter and entrepreneur

Well-known works (selection)

  • 1879: Wilke used the sgraffito technique for the first time in Hanover in the Biedenweg'sches Haus apartment building designed by the architect Heinrich Köhler at what was then Prinzenstrasse 6 , which he laid over the plastered facade in neo -Renaissance style .
    • Wilke also designed the Warmbüchenkamp 12 building in a similar way.
  • to 1879-1882: painting of the auditorium of the building officer of Johann Friedrich Pape in the Leonhardtstraße in Hannover built Royal Kaiser-Wilhelm Gymnasium and that of the also built by Pape and connected via the common courtyard School Teacher seminar "On Volgersweg"; Wilken decorated the auditoriums according to the templates of the Bible published in 1860 in pictures by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld
  • circa mid-1890s: design of a church based on designs by the architect Alexander Linnemann , based on which the Hanover company Henning & Andres created numerous church windows and Wilke designed the murals with casein paints .
  • around 1898 - 1900: Painting of the villa designed by Emil Lorenz for the Hanoverian heating manufacturer Fritz Kaeferle, in Lüerstraße 5


  • Herbert Mundhenke : The registers of the Höhere Gewerbeschule, the Polytechnische Schule and the Technische Hochschule zu Hannover (= publications of the Historical Commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen , Vol. 9, Dept. 6), Vol. 1: 1831 - 1881 , Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung und Verlag, 1988, ISBN 978-3-7848-2121-4 and ISBN 3-7848-2121-9 , p. 147; Preview over google books

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Harald Storz : The glass painter Franz Lauterbach and his workshop , in Christian Scholl , Harald Storz: Visibly evangelical. The glass windows of the Jakobikirche in Göttingen from 1900/1901 and the Hanoverian glass painting workshops Henning & Andres and Lauterbach & Schröder. Catalog for the exhibition “Visibly evangelical” in the Jacobikirche in Göttingen from March 27 to June 23, 2017. Göttingen University Press, Göttingen 2017, ISBN 978-3-86395-302-7 ; Pp. 75-98; as a PDF document also at Wikimedia Commons
  2. ^ A b Harold Hammer-Schenk : Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gymnasium and Royal Teachers' Seminar, Hanover, 1879–1882 , in Harold Hammer-Schenk, Günther Kokkelink (Ed.): From the castle to the train station. Building in Hanover. For the 200th birthday of the court architect GLF Laves , 1788–1864. An exhibition by the State of Lower Saxony, Institute for the History of Architecture and Art of the University of Hanover and the State Capital Hanover, Historical Museum. Exhibition in the forum of the Landesmuseum Hannover from October 13, 1988 to January 8, 1989, Institute for the History of Architecture and Art of the University of Hannover, Historisches Museum Hannover, 1988, ISBN 3-88746-223-8 , p. 352ff., Here: p 354
  3. a b c Herbert Mundhenke: The register of the Höhere Gewerbeschule, the Polytechnische Schule and the Technical University of Hanover (= publications of the Historical Commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen , Vol. 9, Dept. 6), Vol. 1: 1831 - 1881 , Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung und Verlag, 1988, ISBN 978-3-7848-2121-4 and ISBN 3-7848-2121-9 , p. 147; Preview over google books
  4. Kunstgewerbeblatt. Organ of the arts and crafts associations Berlin, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Elberfeld, Frankfurt a. M., Hamburg, Hanover, Karlsruhe IB, Königsberg i. Prussia, Leipzig, Magdeburg, Pforzheim and Stuttgart . New series, Vol. 7, Leipzig: Seemann, 1896, p. 10; Digitized via the Heidelberg University Library
  5. ^ A b c Architects and Engineers Association Hanover (ed.), Theodor Unger (ed.): Hanover. Guide through the city and its buildings. Commemorative publication for the fifth general assembly of the Association of German Architects and Engineers . Klindworth, Hannover 1882 ( reprint : Vincentz, Hannover 1978, ISBN 3-87870-154-3 ) (reprint: Europäische Hochschulverlag, Bremen 2011, ISBN 978-3-86741-493-7 ), pp. 18, 32, 180, 190; Preview over google books
  6. ^ Journal of the Architects and Engineers Association of Hanover , Volume 41, Hanover: Schmorl and von Seefeld, 1895, p. 25; Preview over google books
  7. Der Baumeister magazine , Volume 1 (1903), p. 35; Preview over google books