Felix Teichner (archaeologist)

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Felix Teichner

Felix Teichner (born August 22, 1966 in Herborn ) is a German provincial Roman archaeologist .

Study and teaching

He studied from 1985 to 1990 at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main and received his doctorate there - after previous excavations in Marktbreit and Stockstadt am Main - in 1992 on the subject of “ Kahl am Main . Settlement and burial ground during the migration period ”(was awarded the Eduard Anthes Prize ).

Until 1996 he worked several times at the Madrid branch of the German Archaeological Institute as a research assistant, and in the meantime he has traveled to the Mediterranean region with the DAI's travel grant .

After a stay at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena , where he worked as a research assistant in the DFG- funded project " Romanization " of the Roman-Germanic Commission of the German Archaeological Institute , as well as assistant professor for Classical Archeology , he returned to Frankfurt in 2001 as Scientific staff back. In 2003 he received the one-year Kalkhof-Rose grant from the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz. In 2004 he was a guest lecturer at the "Centro para el Estudio de la Interdependencia Provincial en la Antigüedad Clássica - CEIPAC" at the University of Barcelona (financed by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation through the Feodor Lynen grant ). After completing his habilitation in Frankfurt am Main , he worked as a private lecturer since 2006. In the same year he received the Heisenberg Scholarship from the German Research Foundation and has since taught at the universities of Frankfurt, Innsbruck and Seville . In the years 2011-2013 Teichner taught as a substitute professor at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (Center for Classical Studies). At the beginning of the 2013 summer semester he was appointed Academic Councilor at the Prehistory Seminar of the Philipps University in Marburg , followed by the appointment of associate professor in the 2015 winter semester .


Felix Teichner works in the field of European archeology, the spectrum extends geographically from the Balkan Peninsula to the northern Alpine region of Central Europe to the south of the Iberian Peninsula and from the early Roman Empire to the Middle Ages. His focal points include research into Romanization, geoarchaeology and continuity issues (late antiquity, Christianity, Islam). Teichner researched, among other things, the Roman facilities in Milreu , Miróbriga / Santiago do Cacém , Abicada , Munigua , Mursella and the Christian / early Islamic buildings of Mértola . He also worked on the DFG project “Cultural Change at the Beginning of the 1st Millennium in West Pannonia” and Ulpiana ( Kosovo ) for the Roman-Germanic Commission in cooperation with the German Archaeological Institute.

He is a scientific adviser to the magazines Romula (Revista del Seminario de Arqueología), SPAL (Revista de prehistoria y arqueología de la Universidad de Sevilla), the e-journal REUDAR-European Journal of Roman Architecture and the series "Studies on the Rural World in the Roman Period "and corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute (Berlin). Teichner is a board member of the Kalsmunt eV association in Wetzlar and editor of the small writings from the Prehistoric Seminar .



  • Felix Teichner: Kahl am Main. Settlement and burial ground during the migration period (= material booklets for Bavarian prehistory. Volume A 80). Michael Laßleben, Kallmünz 1999. ISBN 978-3-7847-5080-4 ( online )
  • Felix Teichner: The residential and commercial building 2 on Forumstrasse . In: C. Bassas / KE Meyer / F. Teichner, Mulva IV: The Houses (= Madrid contributions . Volume 27). Mainz 2001 ( online ).
  • Felix Teichner: The Germanic settlement Sülzdorf in southern Thuringia (= Weimar monographs on prehistory and early history. Volume 40). Weimar 2005, ISBN 978-3-937517-15-5 ( online ).
  • Felix Teichner: Between land and sea - Entre tierra y mar. Studies on the architecture and economy of rural settlements in the south of the Roman province of Lusitania (= Stvdia Lvsitana. Volume 3 / Madrid contributions ). 2008 ( online ).
  • Felix Teichner: The grave fields of Intercisa II . The old finds from the museum collections in Berlin, Mainz and Vienna. Inventory catalog. Volume 11. Museum of Prehistory and Early History SMPK, Berlin 2011 ( online ).
  • Felix Teichner (ed.): Current research on Roman provincial archeology in Hispania. Contributions to the DAAD colloquium in Seville in May 2015 (= Small Writings from the Prehistory Seminar Marburg. Issue 61). Marburg 2016 ( online ).
  • Theodor Hauschild , Felix Teichner: The Roman temple in Évora (Portugal). Excavation, description, evaluation. (= Madrid contributions. Volume 38). Wiesbaden 2017.

Small pamphlets

Selection of magazine articles and conference contributions

  • Felix Teichner: On the chronology of the Roman Obernburg a. Main , district of Miltenberg, Lower Franconia. In: Report of the Bavarian Heritage Monument Care 30/31, 1989/90 , pp. 179-234 ( online ).
  • Felix Teichner: Pearls of Faith. The prayer cord in Islam and Christianity. In: Uta von Freeden, Alfried Wieczoreck (Hrsg.): Perlen: Archeology, Techniques, Analyzes; Files from the International Pearl Symposium in Mannheim from November 11 to 14, 1994. (= Colloquia for Prehistory and Early History. Volume 1.) Habelt, Bonn 1997. pp. 325–338 ( online ).
  • Felix Teichner: drinking bowl, bowl, field kettle. Middle imperial grave finds from the Lahn valley near Wetzlar (Lahn-Dill district). In: Acta Prehistorica et Archaeologica. Volume 30. 1998, pp. 224-243 ( online ).
  • Felix Teichner: House floor plans from an Urnfield settlement of Kahl am Main (Lower Franconia). In: Svend Hansen , Volker Pingel (Hrsg.): Archeology in Hessen. New finds and findings. Festschrift for Fritz-Rudolf Herrmann on his 65th birthday (= International Archeology. Studia honoraria 13 ). Marie Leidorf GmbH, Rahden / Westf. 2001, ISBN 3-89646-393-4 , pp. 83-89 ( online ).
  • Felix Teichner: The medieval and modern found ceramics from the excavations of the German Archaeological Institute in Évora (Alentejo, Portugal). In: Madrider Mitteilungen No. 47, 2006, ISBN 3-89500-533-9 , pp. 295-409. ( online ).
  • Felix Teichner: Romanization and Celtic Residence? The small towns in northwestern Hispania. In: Elisabeth Walde, Barbara Kainrath (ed.): The self-portrayal of Roman society in the provinces in the mirror of the stone monuments. Files of the IX. International Colloquium on Problems of Provincial Roman Art. Innsbruck 2005. (= IKARUS. Volume 2) University Press, Innsbruck 2007, pp. 202-216 ( online ).
  • Felix Teichner, Lluís Pons Oriole: Roman Amphora Trade Across the Straits of Gibraltar. An Ancient "Anti-Economic Practice"? In: Oxford journal of archeology. , Volume 27, 2008, pp. 303-314 ( online ).
  • Felix Teichner: "Nam primum tibi mater Hispania est, terris omnibus terra felicior". Large late antique villas and residences on the Iberian Peninsula. In: Gerda von Bülow, Heinrich Zabehlicky (eds.): Bruckneudorf and Gamzigrad: late antique palaces and large villas in the Danube-Balkan area: files of the International Colloquium in Bruckneudorf from October 15 to 18, 2008. (= Colloquia on the pre- and Early History, Volume 15) Frankfurt 2011, pp. 293–308 ( online ).
  • Felix Teichner, Yolanda Pena Cervantes: Archaeological information on the production of olive oil and wine in Roman Hispania. A research report. In: Bonner Jahrbücher. Volume 210/211, 2010/2011, pp. 95-178 ( online ).
  • Felix Teichner: From Aquileia to Carnuntum: Geographical Mobility Along the Amber Road. In: Veleia. Volume 30, 2013, pp. 45-70 ( online ).
  • Felix Teichner: "Balkan Archeology". Mirror of contemporary history? In: Gerda von Bülow (Ed.): Contact Zone Balkans: Contributions to the International Colloquium "The Danube-Balkan Region as a Contact Zone between East-West and North-South" from 16.-18. May 2012 in Frankfurt a. M .. (= Colloquium for Prehistory and Early History. Volume 20) Habelt, Bonn 2015, pp. 1–31 ( online ).
  • Felix Teichner, Heike Schneider: On the sustainability of Roman spatial planning in Pannonia using the example of a settlement chamber at Marcal and Raab. In: P. Scherrer, Ute Lohner-Urban, Johanna Kraschitzer: The upper Danube region 50 BC. to 50 AD (= region in transition. Volume 10) Berlin 2015, pp. 313–316 ( online ).
  • Felix Teichner: Ulpiana - Iustiniana secunda (Kosovo). The urban center of the Dardan mining district. In: Ephemeris Napocensis. Volume 25, 2015, pp. 81-93 ( online ).
  • Felix Teichner: Loci sepulcri in agro. La evidencia del Projecto VRB. In: Rafael Hidalgo Prieto (ed.): Las villas romanas de la Bética. Volume 1. Seville 2017, pp. 551-574 ( online ).

New releases

  • Felix Teichner: O establecimento portuário do Cerro da Villa (Vilamoura) : de aglomerado romano a aldeia islâmica. In: Catálogo de exposição. Loulé Território, Memória e Identidade. Museu Nacional de Arqueologia, Belem 2017.
  • Felix Teichner: Roman Villas in the Iberia Peninsula (Second Century BC - Third Century BC). In: Guy PR Métraux, Annalisa Marzano (Ed.): The Roman Villa in the Mediterranean Basin. Cambridge 2018, ISBN 9781107164314 ( presale ).

Web links