Roman-Germanic Commission

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Logo of the German Archaeological Institute
Palmengartenstrasse 10–12, seat of the Roman-Germanic Commission

The Roman-Germanic Commission ( RGK ) is a department of the German Archaeological Institute based in Frankfurt am Main .

Your task is to research the prehistory and early history in Central Europe. In doing so, it works closely with universities, museums and monument offices and maintains contacts with the relevant specialist institutions abroad.


It was founded in 1901 and began operations in Frankfurt on October 1, 1902. The RGK has its seat in a building erected in 1956 by the city of Frankfurt on the Palmengarten. A research center in Ingolstadt , established in 1980 and existing until 2015, served research in Celtic Manching and in Central Bavaria during Roman times.

Eszter Bánffy has been the first director since 2013 as the first woman and the first non-German, and Kerstin P. Hofmann has been the second director since May 2016 . The Association for the Promotion of the Roman-Germanic Commission Friends of Archeology in Europe V. has been supporting the institute's research projects since 2004.

Directors of the Roman-Germanic Commission

Current members of the Roman-Germanic Commission

Some of the members are appointed based on their function:

The other members are personally elected at the annual meetings:


  • Twenty-five years of the Roman-Germanic Commission. Berlin 1930
  • Festschrift for the 75th anniversary of the Roman-Germanic Commission. Mainz 1979
  • 100 years of the Roman-Germanic Commission. The 100th anniversary of the Roman-Germanic Commission on October 25th and 26th, 2002. Mainz 2003
  • Uta von Freeden , Siegmar von Schnurbein (ed.) For the Roman-Germanic Commission: Traces of the Millennia. Archeology and History in Germany. Theiss, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3-8062-1337-2 (extensive volume that was published on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the commission)


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