Ferdinand von Galen

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Ferdinand Karl Hubert Graf von Galen (born January 7, 1803 in Münster ; † July 28, 1881 there ) was a Prussian diplomat and politician.

Ferdinand and his brother Matthias in a painting by Johann Christoph Rincklake


Ferdinand von Galen grew since 1810 under the tutelage of the family von Ketteler on Castle Harkotten on. He studied law in Göttingen and Heidelberg from 1818 to 1822 . After a two-year trip through Europe, he entered the Prussian diplomatic service in 1824. As chargé d'affaires at the German embassy in Brussels, he refused to defend the arrest of the Archbishop of Cologne in public in Belgium in 1837, which led to his dismissal from the diplomatic service. After a job with the district government in Münster in 1840, he returned to the diplomatic service in 1841. In the following two decades he was, among other things, the Prussian envoy in Stockholm , Kassel and Madrid .

After his retirement in 1863 he belonged to the Prussian manor house until his death . In 1867 Ferdinand von Galen was a member of the constituent Reichstag of the North German Confederation for the constituency Arnsberg 8 ( Lippstadt , Brilon ). In the Reichstag he belonged to the free conservative faction .


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carl Heiner Beusch: Noble class politics in Vormärz. Johann Wilhelm Graf von Mirbach-Harff (1784–1849) (= Historia profana et ecclesiastica , 3). Lit Verlag, Münster 2001 (Diss. University of Cologne , 1999), ISBN 3-8258-4377-7 , p. 470, footnote 1873 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  2. Tobias C. Bringmann : Handbuch der Diplomatie, 1815-1963: Foreign Heads of Mission in Germany and German Heads of Mission abroad from Metternich to Adenauer . Walter de Gruyter , Berlin 2001.
  3. Bernd Haunfelder , Klaus Erich Pollmann : Reichstag of the North German Confederation 1867-1870. Historical photographs and biographical handbook (= photo documents on the history of parliamentarism and political parties. Volume 2). Droste, Düsseldorf 1989, ISBN 3-7700-5151-3 , photo p. 133, short biography p. 405.
predecessor Office successor
Heinrich Alexander von Arnim royal Prussian envoy in Darmstadt
Heinrich Alexander von Redern
Adolf von Brockhausen royal Prussian envoy in Stockholm
Joseph Maria Anton Brassier de Saint-Simon-Vallade
Karl Friedrich von Savigny royal Prussian envoy in Kassel
Hermann von Thile
Julius von Canitz and Dallwitz royal Prussian envoy in Dresden
Heinrich Alexander von Redern
Atanazy Raczyński royal Prussian envoy in Madrid
Georg von Werthern