Franz Ellendorff

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Franz Ellendorff (* 1941 in Hagen , Westphalia) is a German agricultural scientist ; He is an adjunct professor at the University of Göttingen , private lecturer at the University of Veterinary Medicine (TiHo) Hanover and former head of the Institute for Animal Breeding and Animal Behavior in Mariensee of the Federal Research Center for Agriculture (FAL) in Braunschweig-Völkenrode.

Live and act

After graduating from high school in Heilbronn , Franz Ellendorff first completed an agricultural apprenticeship before studying agriculture at the universities of Stuttgart-Hohenheim and Göttingen . In 1965 he received a Fulbright program to graduate from the University of Vermont in the United States with a Masters of Science degree . Immediately afterwards another research stay followed with work on chickens at Cornell University . Ellendorff then obtained his doctorate from the University of Göttingen. sc. agr. and moved to the Brain Research Institute in Los Angeles , USA as a postdoctoral fellow of the Ford Foundation . With the help of a habilitation grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG), he then returned to Göttingen and completed his habilitation in 1974 with a topic on reproductive biology and endocrinology . In 1979 he also completed his habilitation at the TiHO Hannover (Dr. habil.) In the field of "Endocrinology and Neuroendocrinology ".


In 1975 he was awarded the Schoeller-Junkmann Prize of the German Society for Endocrinology for his work . In 1976 he then moved from the university to the then Institute for Animal Breeding and Animal Behavior Mariensee of the Federal Research Center for Agriculture (FAL) Braunschweig-Völkenrode, where he took over the management of the endocrinology and neuroendocrinology department, which he expanded into an internationally recognized and powerful research unit. In 1989 he became head of the Institute for Small Animal Breeding (from 1992 Institute for Small Animal Research) Celle of the FAL, returned to Mariensee in 1995 and was head of this facility until his retirement in 2006.

During his years in Mariensee, later in Celle, then again in Mariensee, the international moment was predominant with numerous stays abroad, e. B. in Cambridge (AFRC Institute), England, in Bordeaux (Laboratoire de Neurophysiologie et Physiopathologie), France, at the Metropolitan Institute for Neurosciences in Tokyo , Japan, in Canberra (Australian School for Biological Research) or in Auckland (Dept Pediatrics University Auckland ), New Zealand. This internationality has established special relationships with various scientific institutions abroad. The People's Republic of China deserves special mention, especially the University in Nanjing , where Ellendorff was honored with two prestigious awards in 1999.

Focus of work

The most important topics include a. to be mentioned: questions of neuroendocrine control of reproduction, neurophysiology, behavior, growth in farm animals and performance physiology. The number of species processed is also impressive and ranges from pigs, cattle, sheep, horses and laboratory animals to poultry and kangaroos. He remained connected to the horse in various activities even after retiring from active service. He supervised numerous doctoral students, postdocs and visiting researchers, including award winners of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation .


Publications (selection)

Franz Ellendorff has published his research work regularly and from the outset in high-quality scientific journals. Given today's discussion of impact factors and peer-reviewed publications, he was way ahead of many in animal breeding research.

The following book contributions should be mentioned:

  • Reproductive biology of farm animals. With Diedrich Smidt . BLV Munich, 313 pp., 1969
  • Physiology and Control of Parturition in Domestic Animals. With. M. tavern u. D. Smidt (Ed.). Elsevier Amsterdam, 348 pp. 1979
  • Fetal Neuroendocrinology. With PD Glucksmann u. N. Parvici (Ed.). Perinatology Press Ithaca NY, 285 pp, 1984
  • Endocrine Causes of Seasonal and Lactional Anestrus in Farm Animals. With F. Elsaesser (ed.). Martinus Nilhoff Publishers Dordrecht, 237 p., 1985
  • Early Pregnancy Factors. With E. Koch (ed.). Perinatology Press Ithaca NY, 276 pp. 1985
  • Genome Analysis in Domestic Animals. H. Geldermann; F. Ellendorff (Ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft Weinheim, 337 pages, 1990
  • Animal breeding. With G. von Lengerken and J. von Lengerken (eds.). Ulmer Verlag Stuttgart, 582 pp., 2006
  • Performance training for the horse - biology and training principles. Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft Hannover, 102 pp., 2011

honors and awards

Web links


  • Heiner Niemann and Ernst-Jürgen Lode : Hermann von Nathusius Medal for Prof. Dr. hc Franz Ellendorff, Züchtungskunde, 81, (1) pp. 1–2, 2009, ISSN 0044-5401
  • Franz Ellendorff: personal. Announcements from February 10, 2017

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Franz Ellendorff in Breeding Studies
  2. Hermann von Nathusius Medal for Prof. Dr. Franz Ellendorff ( Memento of the original dated February 13, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /