Franz Xaver Trips

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Franz Xaver Trips ( Franciscus Xaverius Trips ; born March 30, 1630 in Cologne , † September 10, 1696 in Honnef ) was a German pastor , librarian and historian, who was known for his neo-Latin poetic works.


Trips attended the Tricoronatum Gymnasium (today's Dreikönigsgymnasium ) in his native Cologne from 1639 to 1644 . From 1645 he was enrolled at the Universitas Studii Coloniensis . From April 22, 1648 he completed a novitiate with the Jesuit order in Cologne. In 1658 he was ordained a deacon and priestly in Hildesheim . In 1660 he left the Jesuit order at his own request. Trips later became a pastor in the Archdiocese of Cologne . He took up his first pastoral office on December 8, 1667, succeeding his uncle at St. Viktor in Xanten . From there, Trips was appointed pastor to Honnef in 1670 at the request of the bailiff in the Löwenburg von Franckenberg office and the local judge Michael Heister - he first arrived there on June 25th and returned there from Xanten on August 4th. When French troops marched into Honnef in 1673 under the leadership of Marshal Turenne during the Dutch War , it is said that Trips' negotiating skills protected the place from robbery and arson. In 1682, the Archbishop of Cologne and Elector Maximilian Heinrich of Bavaria appointed him librarian and court chaplain to the Electoral Cologne residence in Bonn . He entrusted the administration of the Honnef parish to a chaplain. Trips worked at the Bonn court until the elector's death in 1688. He then returned to Honnef and remained a pastor until the end of his life. When Honnef was captured by French troops in 1689, Trips was mistreated and robbed, and a large part of his writings, including more than 2000 sermons, according to his own account, burned. Four months before his death he was elected dean of Siegburg on April 23 or May 23, 1696 . Trips can be considered the most important and well-known among the Honnef pastors up to that point.

"Neither erroneous nor wrong views of Pastors Trips can in the least diminish the fame and merits of this man who worked so selflessly for the congregation and the church entrusted to his care."

Trips was the author of an extensive poetic work in Latin as well as some poems in German and was awarded the honorary title of Poeta Laureatus by the emperor . He was also active as a - also political - commentator on the contemporary history of the Rhineland and Europe. One of his writings, perceived as anti-French, caused the electoral court to refuse to publish it; after being reprimanded for corresponding verses, he published anonymously. Trips also worked as a chronicler of the local history of Cologne and Honnef; Among other things, he wrote down his experiences and general events during the sacking of Honnef by French troops (1689). In 1978 Ernst Nellessen (1928–1982) published for the first time Trips' records of local history, which were kept in the parish archives in Bad Honnef, in Latin and in German translation.

A square (Franz-Xaver-Trips-Platz) in the pedestrian zone of Bad Honnef city center is named after Trips.

Fonts (selection)

  • The French in Honnef . 1689. (at the same time August Haag (ed.): Contributions and sources on the history and folklore of the Rhineland. No. 1, Siebengebirgsbuchhandlung, Honnef a. Rh. 1927)
  • Quinquennalis seditio atque rebellis Ubiorum status . 1704.
  • Honnef before 1700: Notes on local history . Edited and translated by Ernst Nellessen. Self-published, Bad Honnef 1978.


  • Uta Schmidt-Clausen: The Latin poem of Franz Xaver Trips about the Gülich uprising in Cologne - investigations and partial edition with translation and explanations (= Noctes Neolatinae , Volume 16). Olms, Hildesheim 2010, ISBN 978-3-487-14500-6 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Theodor Dumont (ed.): History of the parishes of the Erziöcese Cologne , Volume 28, JP Bachem, 1890, p. 84.
  2. a b c d e f Heimat- und Geschichtsverein Rhöndorf (ed.); August Haag: Pictures from the past of Honnef and Rhöndorf . Complete production JP Bachem, Cologne 1954, pp. 44–51.
  3. ^ Works by and about Franz Xaver Trips  in the German Digital Library
  4. a b c d e f Trips. In: Killy Literature Lexicon , p. 600
  5. Publisher's advertisement for the book The Latin poem of the Franz Xaver trip about the Gülich uprising in Cologne - investigations and partial edition with translation and explanations ( Memento from May 15, 2015 in the web archive )
  6. a b Rheinische Vierteljahrsblätter . No. 43/1979, Ludwig Röhrscheid Verlag, Bonn 1979, p. 537.
  7. a b c d e f g J [ohann] J [oseph] Brungs : The city of Honnef and its history . Verlag des St. Sebastianus-Schützenverein, Honnef 1925, p.  222–225 (reprinted 1978 by Löwenburg-Verlag, Bad Honnef).
  8. ^ A b Karl Günter Werber : Honnefer walks . 2nd revised edition. Verlag Buchhandlung Werber, Bad Honnef 2002, ISBN 3-8311-2913-4 .
  9. a b c Ursula Lewald. In: Annalen des Historisches Verein für den Niederrhein , Volume 182, Issue jg, pp. 196/197, doi: 10.7788 / annalen-1979-jg55 , December 1979.
  10. Description of the uprising caused by Nicolaus Gülich in Cologne 1683–1686 . (PDF) Holdings of the Hist. Archives Cologne