Frida Nilsson

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Frida Nilsson (2013), together with the other authors nominated for the August Prize in the children's book category (from left to right: Frida Nilsson, Ellen Karlsson, Sara Kadefors, Eva Lindström, Klara Persson and Lena Sjöberg)

Frida Nilsson (* 1979 in Hardemo ) is a Swedish writer , presenter and voice actress . Several of her books are also available in German translations. Nilsson's children's novel Apstjärnan (2005; German Ich, Gorilla und der Affenstern , 2010) was nominated for the German Youth Literature Prize in 2011 . In feature their books are highly praised. In 2011, Die Zeit wrote that Nilsson was about to become "one of the most important contemporary children's book authors in Sweden." Nilsson lives in Stockholm.

life and work

Nilsson discovered her passion for the theater at an early age, especially inspired by her father, who worked as a journalist and playwright. After graduating from high school, she gave theater courses for children.

Nilsson made her debut as a writer in Sweden with Kråkan's otroliga liftarsemester (2004, illustrated by Per Dybvig). Hedvig followed ! (2005, illustrated by Stina Wirsén), Apstjärnan (2005, illustrated by Per Dybvig), Hedvig och Max-Olov (2006, illustrated by Stina Wirsén), Hedvig och sommaren med Steken (2007, illustrated by Stina Wirsén), Jag, Dante och miljonerna (2008, illustrated by Pija Lindenbaum), Hedvig och Hardemos prinsessa (2009, illustrated by Stina Wirsén), Ryska kyssen och den fasansfulla brännaren (2011, illustrated by Peter Bergting) and Jagger, Jagger (2013, illustrated by Lotta Geffenblad) . Of these nine books, eight have been published by Natur och Kultur . Four of her books are part of Hedvig! -Series about a little girl named Hedvig, who is in 1st grade in the first volume of the series.

Nilsson's books published in Swedish include Ich, Dante und die Mio. (2009), Ich, Gorilla und der Affenstern (2010), Hedvig! The first year of school (2012), The masked macaroon on the hunt for the fire devil (2012), Hedvig! In the horse fever (2013), Hedvig! The Princess of Hardemo (2014) and Siri und die Eismeerpiraten (2017) several have also been published in German translation. In Germany Nilsson is published by Gerstenberg Verlag . Friederike Buchinger has translated all of her books from Swedish. What is editorially unusual is that the German-language editions of Nilsson's books were illustrated by different illustrators than the original Swedish editions. This is how the books of Nilssons Hedvig! Series illustrated in Germany by Anke Kuhl , all other books by Nilsson in Germany by Ulf K. Nilsson's books have been translated into at least eleven languages ​​( Danish , German , English , French , Italian , Korean , Norwegian , Polish , Russian , Serbian , Spanish ).

In 2010, Nilsson criticized the Swedish literary newspaper Vi Läser , for fear of lack of salability in one of their books by publishers replacing beer with raspberry juice.

In addition to her work as an author of children's books, Nilsson also moderates on Swedish television and radio. She also works as a voice actress.

Nilsson lives in Stockholm and during the summer near Örebro .

Press review


“The choice of unusual locations and sometimes extremely weird character ensembles is not infrequently surprising, as is the dramaturgy of her children's books. With lots of puns and a good portion of slapstick and laconicity, Frida Nilsson pulls her readers of all ages under the spell of the adventures of her protagonists after just a few pages. "

“With questions about loyalty, solidarity, responsibility and self-confidence, Frida Nilsson negotiates existential issues here. Her pronounced knack for a sophisticated dramaturgy, for comic language and situation and subtle double bottoms gives the books a narrative gain in complexity, which is underlined by playing with literary and cinematic narrative and genre patterns. Not least because of this, Frida Nilsson is an exception in children's books. "

- Ines Galling : Between Adaptation and Rebellion , in: JuLit 1/2013, p. 83.

Hedvig! (2005) / Hedvig! - The first year of school (2012)

“Nilsson succeeds wonderfully in making this unconditional feeling, which is reserved for childhood, tangible in Hedvig's everyday life. She also suggests family difficulties in short, unsentimental sentences - wonderfully translated by Friederike Buchinger - rather than just rolling them out. [...] Hedvig is absolutely contemporary - but the wondrous children's world of a seven-year-old is still not betrayed by the taste of the time. "

“And yet this children's book, an early Nilsson text, is very different from what Frida Nilsson could read in German so far: less spectacular, quieter, precisely observed and finely balanced - in the best Astrid Lindgren tradition. [...] Such are the adventures and excitements into which Hedvig and with her the readers get. The occasion is often everyday and familiar, the narrative attitude of the author is through and through loyal and literally child-friendly. As a Bullerbü idyll with manageable breaks, Hedwig's tiny village at the end of the world, even her red house with "Nobody as a neighbor" becomes the setting for loving, funny, wise, but never patronizing stories. Hedvig! is a childhood and children's story at the same time: a little nostalgic, a little melancholy and always so funny that not only Hedvig's head rolls off his head with laughter. All that remains is to look forward to the sequel in the spring, when Hedvig is in the second and has more to tell. "

- Christine Knödler : When someone comes to school , in: Die Welt from October 20, 2012

Apstjärnan (2005) / Me, Gorilla and the Monkey Star (2010)

Me, Gorilla and the Affenstern tells more ingeniously than almost any other children's novel about experiences of foreignness and being different. The illustrations by Ulf K. cleverly stage the fantastic animal figure and its human adopted child. The translation by Friederike Buchinger allows us to perceive the weirdness of the characters and the comic situations in the German text. "

- Jury of the German Youth Literature Prize : Ich, Gorilla und der Affenstern , on:

“As in Ich, Dante und die millions , Frida Nilsson is developing the life of a fantastic outsider figure, but one who has great human qualities. The precarious in relationships is always brought to extremes with her, the closeness between the unusual protagonists is threatened by overly realistic problems. Nilsson pushes the plot forward and does an excellent job of maintaining the tension in every line - until the rapid showdown! Ulf K.'s drawings illustrate what is happening in an unpretentious way. Despite the fantastic and exaggerated narrative elements, it remains clearly visible what the author is about: security and belonging - nice to be told about it with so much clarity and with so much humor! "

“The story is told by Jonna and it happens so directly and convincingly that eight-year-olds immediately find themselves in the story. Here there is everything your heart desires: adventure, a life in which the rules of adults are overridden and in which an undreamt-of freedom awaits children. [...] Between slapstick [...] and sentimental moments [...] the story always finds its balance, open to surprises, ready for developments. "

Hedvig and Max-Olov (2006) / Hedvig! In Horse Fever (2013)

“Psychologically secure, with empathy and tact, Frida Nilsson takes the children's perspective seriously in her Hedvig series [...]. What the second graders engage in is an existential hand-to-hand struggle in which they are often alone at heart: "For adults, nothing that is really dangerous is a reason to worry." So it's good if parents read this exciting book, written with poetic power and tenderness and nicely illustrated by Anke Kuhl. So that you can imagine some things. "

- Angelika Overath : A horse novel without a horse , in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung of July 3, 2013

Jag, Dante och miljonerna (2008) / Me, Dante and the millions (2009)

“Frida Nilsson's novel for children transcends the boundaries of classic crime novels, even when it comes to solving a bank robbery. But more important is Nilsson (who is about to become one of the most important contemporary children's book authors in Sweden) a completely different research: Helge's search for meaning, for the answer to the question of who he actually wants to be. [...] The socially critical undertone is typical for Nilsson without appearing moralizing or obsessed with teaching. She is more likely to wink. Your heroes often have to first realize that appearance and reality are two different things. Or they are absolutely weird types themselves. Talking rats, for example, who want nothing more than a set of gold teeth. Even with these characters, first of all to find out who they really are, instead of saying: There aren't any talking rats! Nilsson tells the reader that, and that's the secret of their storytelling. "

“Frida Nilsson wrote something like the children's book about the financial crisis, which, together with the successful drawings by Ulf K., developed its very own, brittle charm. Sometimes pedagogical, but never head teacher, she unfolds a story of friendship, courage and self-discovery in an impossible place that is not "magical" but always exciting to read. [...] Me, Dante and the Millions is the right thing for young readers who need a Harry Potter break or who have never been able to do anything with wizards. Anyone who has always been on the side of the frog with the "Frog King" will have a great time with this original, funny story. "

- Norbert Zähringer : Frida Nilsson finds millions in the garbage , in: Die Welt from December 9th, 2009

Ryska kyssen och den fasansfulla brännaren (2011) / The masked macaroon on the hunt for the fire devil (2012)

“Frida Nilsson ignites a fireworks display of fast-paced scenes without ignoring the vulnerability of the psyche. Fun for everyone who can endure tricky situations. The images reflect Harriet's initial awkwardness as well as her newfound self-confidence. The change of perspective reflects the dynamics of what is happening. The unmasking of the arsonist amazes and the final picture puts a gruesome icing on the whole thing. "

- Verena Hoenig : wings made of croissant , in: Süddeutsche Zeitung of October 9, 2012

“No question about it, a ludicrous scenario of considerable weirdness, which Nilsson turns into an action-packed animal thriller with wit and tension, congenially illustrated by the Düsseldorf comic artist Ulf K. with black and humorous illustrations. [...] A delicious Superman parody! "

- Marion Klötzer : dog-eared

"Frida Nilsson references film noir in her characters and settings and juggles quite well between literary and film genres. The book is not entirely noir, though, since more crazy ideas, original characters, and surprising twists make for a wild and witty story. "

- International Youth Library : Ryska Kyssen och den fasansfulla brännaren , in: White Ravens Catalog 2012 of the International Youth Library

Bibliography (selection)

Swedish-language original edition German-language first edition Remarks
2004: Kråkans otroliga liftarsemester , Frida Nilsson (text), Per Dybvig (illustration), Natur och kultur ( Stockholm ), ISBN 978-9127104587 not published in German translation
2005: Hedvig! , Frida Nilsson (text), Stina Wirsén (illustration), Natur och kultur ( Stockholm ), ISBN 978-9127104600 2012: Hedvig! The first school year , Anke Kuhl (illustration), Friederike Buchinger (translation from Swedish), Gerstenberg ( Hildesheim ), ISBN 978-3836953696 German-language edition does not contain the original illustrations by Stina Wirsén
2005: Apstjärnan , Frida Nilsson (text), Per Dybvig (illustration), Natur och kultur ( Stockholm ), ISBN 978-9127105430 2010: Ich, Gorilla und der Affenstern , Ulf K. (illustration), Friederike Buchinger (translation from Swedish), Gerstenberg ( Hildesheim ), ISBN 978-3836953221 German-language edition does not contain the original illustrations by Per Dybvig
2006: Hedvig och Max-Olov , Frida Nilsson (text), Stina Wirsén (illustration), Natur och kultur ( Stockholm ), ISBN 978-9127106536 2013: Hedvig! Im Pferdefieber , Anke Kuhl (illustration), Friederike Buchinger (text), Gerstenberg ( Hildesheim ), ISBN 978-3836954884 German-language edition does not contain the original illustrations by Stina Wirsén
2007: Hedvig och sommaren med Steken , Frida Nilsson (text), Stina Wirsén (illustration), Natur och kultur ( Stockholm ), ISBN 978-9127026360 2016: Hedvig! Summer with Specki , Anke Kuhl (illustration), Friederike Buchinger (text), Gerstenberg ( Hildesheim ), ISBN 978-3836958974 German-language edition does not contain the original illustrations by Stina Wirsén
2008: Jag, Dante och miljonerna , Frida Nilsson (text), Pija Lindenbaum (illustration), Natur och kultur ( Stockholm ), ISBN 978-9127116139 2009: Me, Dante and the millions , Ulf K. (illustration), Friederike Buchinger (translation from Swedish), Gerstenberg ( Hildesheim ), ISBN 978-3836952682 German-language edition does not contain the original illustrations by Pija Lindenbaum
2009: Hedvig och Hardemos prinsessa , Frida Nilsson (text), Stina Wirsén (illustration), Natur och kultur ( Stockholm ), ISBN 978-9127116122 2014: Hedvig! The Princess of Hardemo , Anke Kuhl (illustration), Friederike Buchinger (text), Gerstenberg ( Hildesheim ), ISBN 978-3836957557 German-language edition does not contain the original illustrations by Stina Wirsén
2011: Ryska kyssen och den fasansfulla brännaren , Frida Nilsson (text), Peter Bergting (illustration), Rabén & Sjögren ( Stockholm ), ISBN 978-9129676082 2012: The masked macaroon on the hunt for the fire devil , Ulf K. (illustration), Friederike Buchinger (translation from Swedish), Gerstenberg ( Hildesheim ), ISBN 978-3836954730 German-language edition does not contain the original illustrations by Peter Bergting
2013: Jagger, Jagger , Frida Nilsson (text), Lotta Geffenblad (illustration), Natur och kultur ( Stockholm ), ISBN 978-9127136106 not published in German translation
  • 2015: Ishav Pirate . Nature and culture, Stockholm.
  • 2018 (German): Me and Jagger against the rest of the world . With illustrations by Ulf K. , in German by Friederike Buchinger. Gerstenberg, Hildesheim 2018, ISBN 978-3-8369-5904-9 .
  • 2019 (German): Sasja and the realm beyond the sea . With illustrations by Torben Kuhlmann , in German by Friederike Buchinger. Gerstenberg, Hildesheim 2019, ISBN 978-3-8369-5688-8 .

Nominations and Awards

Festival participation

Web links


  1. Archive link ( Memento from October 20, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  5. Christine Knödler: When one comes to school. In: . October 20, 2012, accessed October 7, 2018 .
  9. A horse novel without a horse. In: July 2, 2013, accessed October 14, 2018 .
  11. Norbert Zähringer: Children's book: Frida Nilsson finds millions in the garbage. In: . December 9, 2009, accessed October 7, 2018 .