Friedrich Fehrmann (lawyer)

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Friedrich Fehrmann (born April 18, 1886 in Menden , † October 9, 1965 in Münster ) was a German lawyer and senior state administration official.


Fehrmann was born as the son of the chemist Albert Fehrmann ("The ammonia water and its processing") and his wife Antoinette, geb. Bering, born. He spent his childhood and youth with his mother, who was widowed at a very early age, in Berlin-Friedenau, Kiel and Münster . In Münster he was a student at the Paulinum grammar school , where he played as a violinist in the school orchestra and was a member of the Euphonia Paulina student association. He served as an altar boy at the school masses in the St. Petri grammar school church. The Abiturientia Paulina in 1905 chose the colors black-silver-red, as headgear a dove-gray striker was common.

Fehrmann studied law and political science in Münster and Heidelberg . He was a member of the non-striking and non-colored Catholic student associations Tuiskonia-Münster and K.St.V. Palatia Heidelberg in the KV . He received his doctorate on October 26, 1913 at the University of Heidelberg .

His marriage to Emilie Bäumer had four children: Milly, Margund, Friedrich and Wilderich Fehrmann .

As a court trainee he was a year old volunteer in the Kaiser-Franz-Garde-Grenadier-Regiment No. 2 in Berlin. In 1913 he was appointed lieutenant in the reserve. He passed the major state examination on August 1, 1914, before the Prussian Judicial Examination Commission in Berlin. On August 10, 1914, he went into the First World War as a company commander with his regiment .

As a result of the demobilization , he was released from army service on February 18, 1919 as first lieutenant in the reserve .

On December 31, 1919, he was referred to the Munster District Court for free employment . Since October 18, he worked on a trial basis as legal counsel for the Münster government.

He was appointed court assessor on October 5, 1914 , and was appointed government assessor on April 16, 1920 .

He was temporarily entrusted with the administration of the district office in Meppen / Ems on April 13, 1923, and finally on October 16, 1923.

In 1927, 1929 and 1931 he was proposed as qualified to the Ministerialrat , but was sent into temporary retirement on May 5, 1933. He had to leave his official apartment in Meppen on Bahnhofstrasse. He and his family moved to Münster / Westphalia.

On May 25, 1933, there was an unscheduled appointment with the Münster government and he was appointed to the government council on January 28, 1935 , an office which he held for the first time in 1920. It was not until December 1939 that he was appointed senior councilor .

In 1939, Fehrmann was delegated to the High Presidium for the Province of Westphalia and the State of Lippe and appointed head of the State Food Office, Dept. B for the Province of Westphalia and the State of Lippe. After the end of the war, he was director of the Upper Insurance Office and the supply court of the Münster government and chairman of the appeal committee for the approval of doctors and dentists. In 1950 he was appointed government director . Due to two resolutions of the North Rhine-Westphalian state cabinet, his term of service was extended until July 1, 1952.

The North Rhine-Westphalian Minister of the Interior, Franz Meyers, pinned him the Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class awarded by Federal President Theodor Heuss on November 28, 1953.

Anointed the sick by his friend Bernhard Kötting , he died on October 9, 1965, surrounded by his children in his apartment in Münster. He found his final resting place in the family grave in the central cemetery at the side of his wife.


The young district administrator, whose certificate of appointment was signed by the Prussian interior minister Carl Severing (the Prussian district administrator remained a state official), found a poor and backward circle. His main focus was on improving the infrastructure. If he was not responsible for this, he could, if not initiate, support the necessary measures. First of all, the transport infrastructure association was assisted by the construction, expansion and extension of roads, sometimes using manual and tensioning services as well as emergency work. Electrification was another important goal. Over 60 of the municipalities were not yet connected to the electrical network. Fehrmann promoted the vocational school system and founded one of the first district vocational schools in Meppen. The creation of healthy homes and the fight against the widespread tuberculosis (ban on sleeping cupboards, alcoves ) was another focus of his work. The rail network of the Meppen-Haselünner Railway was extended and the Dortmund-Ems Canal was dredged to make shipping easier. The settlement system had a great friend in him (district settlement Rühle). The redevelopment of the district of Meppen, carried out under his aegis, was later continued and completed in the implementation of the so-called Emsland Plan. In 1950, the district council of Meppen held a special meeting in honor of its former chairman, in which District Administrator Kerckhoff recognized his successful work for the district and its residents, his objective, impartial management and his social attitude and gave him an oil painting of Neuhaus (church of Bokeloh) with the following dedication.

IN GRATITUDE, the district council of the district of Meppen commemorates the great merits of the government director Dr. Fehrmann, which he acquired as district administrator for the Meppen district from 1923 to 1933 around the Meppen district.
Meppen, June 13, 1950
District Administrator Oberkreisdirektor District council members
His life's work is characterized by a sense of responsibility, reliability and care.


  • The right to relocate an easement (§ 1023 BGB) , Verlag der Theissingschen Buchhandlung, Münster 1913, dissertation.


  • Friedrich Fehrmann jr .: Dr. Friedrich Bering, doctor, poet and revolutionary. Aachen 1971. (Publications of the Society for Rhenish History, XIX)
  • Hermann Friese : A citizen and his city. Vol. 1: A contribution to the history of the city of Meppen from 1910 to 1935, Meppen 1985 (2nd improved edition), p. 110.
  • Hermann Friese: A citizen and his city. Vol. II: Thoughts and contributions to the events in the Emsland after 1933, Meppen 1983, pp. 68–76.
  • Heinz Kleene: Fehrmann, Friedrich, Dr. jur. In: Emsländische Geschichte, Haselünne 2003, Vol. 10, ISBN 3-9808021-1-6 , pp. 306–373
  • Günter Lasalle: 1200 years of the Paulinum in Münster. , P. 221, Druckhaus Aschendorff, Münster 1997
  • Joachim Lilla : Senior administrative officials and functionaries in Westphalia and Lippe (1918-1945 / 46) . Publications of the Historical Commission for Westphalia.
  • Stefan Marx: Franz Meyers 1908 - 2002. A political biography , Klartext-Verlag, Essen 2003, ISBN 3-89861-199-X
  • Horst Romeyk : The leading state and municipal administrative officials of the Rhine Province 1816–1945 (=  publications of the Society for Rhenish History . Volume 69 ). Droste, Düsseldorf 1994, ISBN 3-7700-7585-4 .
  • Anton Veltrup: The district of Meppen / Ems from 1922 to 1933. Unpublished manuscript, Hanover, November 5, 1980.
  • Ranking of the Kgl. Prussian Army, Berlin 1913, p. 601.

Meppen daily mail from April 1, 1958.

  • Dr. Fehrmann turns 75. In: Westfälische Nachrichten of April 18, 1911.
  • Heimathaus Emsland opening. In: Meppener Tagespost No. 77 from April 1, 1958.
  • Commercial middle class shot the upright district administrator Dr. Exit Fehrmann. In: Emsland-Nachrichten No. 238 of October 12, 1965
  • Dr. Fehrmann 45 years. Kv Bl. Of April 18, 1931

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Reinhold Zilch , Bärbel Holtz (edit.): The protocols of the Prussian State Ministry 1817–1934 / 38. Vol. 12 / II. In: Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): Acta Borussica . New episode. Olms-Weidmann , Hildesheim 2003, p. 558 ( Online ; PDF 2.2 MB).