Fritz Riedl

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Fritz Riedl also Friedrich Riedl (born June 10, 1923 in Vienna , † 2012 in Linz ) was an Austrian artist and abstract picture weaver.


Fritz Riedl was born in Vienna in 1923. His father's family came from Lower Austria, while his mother came from a Polish family. From 1938 to 1939 Fritz Riedl studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna . In 1941 he joined the Wehrmacht. He came to the Russian front as a radio operator. In 1944, Fritz Riedl was seriously injured by shrapnel and taken to a hospital. His service in the Wehrmacht came to an end and he was able to continue his studies at the Vienna Academy in September 1945 after the war. Under the difficult conditions of the post-war period, he studied together with other personalities such as Arik Brauer , Ernst Fuchs , Rudolf Hausner , Wolfgang Hutter , Anton Lehmden , Johanna Schidlo and, for a short time, Friedensreich Hundertwasser . In the beginning, he created surrealistic images depicting the dark years of the war. But gradually more colorful, more abstract forms developed. Always present at the center of artistic activities, Fritz Riedl could be seen in the Strokoffer Art Club as well as at Gütersloh's readings. In 1949 Riedl finished his studies at the academy and studied lithography as an extraordinary student at the University of Applied Arts with Professor Herberth. Then he began to discover picture knitting as a decisive artistic medium for himself. Numerous tapestries were created in his studio on Sebastianplatz, some of which he made with his then wife Johanna Schidlo. For a while, the studio also served as a cultural meeting point for various artists, including Thomas Bernhard , Jeannie Ebner and Peter Turrini , Markus Prachensky . Riedl was also a member of the Art Club in Vienna. Fritz Riedl and his weaving studio were commissioned by the municipality of Vienna to make the tapestry Die Welt und der Mensch by Herbert Boeckl . Other important jobs followed. After completing the commissioned work, Fritz Riedl began to produce tapestries he had designed himself, among others for the Congress House in Vienna , the World Health Organization in Geneva and the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. In the summer of 1967 Riedl came to Mexico via detours. Fascinated by this colorful and sunny country, he decided to set up a tapestry workshop in collaboration with an Austrian architect. The workshop proved to be extremely successful and many of its own tapestries as well as orders from artists from all over the world were carried out. He also worked as a visiting professor at the University of Guadalajara . The tapestry workshop continues to this day under the direction of Jaime Ashida . In 1976 Riedl returned to Austria and was offered a professorship at the University of Art and Industrial Design in Linz . He founded the Institute for Artistic Textile Design in 1978 and headed it until his retirement in 1991.

Fritz Riedl lived and worked alternately in Mexico and Linz until his death in 2012.


  • 1984 Participation in an exhibition in Vienna, Neuer Hagenbund, Kunsthalle Zedlitzgasse
  • 1950 member of the Art Club, Vienna; Exhibition in a straw suitcase
  • 1953 Solo exhibitions in Frankfurt, the Bekker von Rath art gallery and Stuttgart, the Landesgewerbemuseum
  • 1954 participation in the XXVII. Venice Biennale
  • 1956 Participation in exhibitions in Philadelphia, Museum School of Art, Cincinnati, Cincinnati Art Museum , and New York, Museum of Contemporary Craft
  • 1958 Solo exhibition in Athens, Parnassos Gallery
  • 1959 Participation in the II. Documenta in Kassel
  • 1960 solo exhibition in Vienna, Greeksbeisl; Solo exhibition in Rome, RUI; Participation in an exhibition in Aschaffenburg, Gallery 59
  • 1962 Participation in the Biennale in Sāo Paulo, solo exhibition in Vienna, Austrian Museum of Applied Arts
  • 1964 Solo exhibition in Vienna, Gallery Peithner-Lichtenfels
  • 1965 Participation in the textile biennial in Lausanne
  • 1966 Solo exhibition in Stockholm, Sweagalleriet and in Graz, Forum Stadtpark
  • 1967 Solo exhibition in Linz, New Gallery of the City of Linz, and in the Austrian Cultural Institute in New York, exhibition tour at 14 American universities
  • 1968 Solo exhibition in Mexico City in the Palacio de Bellas Artes as Austria's contribution to the Cultural Olympiad, also in Guadalajara, Escuela de Artes Plásticas de la Universidad
  • 1969 Participation in an exhibition in Linz, New Gallery of the City of Linz, second participation in the Textile Biennale in Lausanne
  • 1970 Solo exhibition in Los Angeles, Mary Louise Sanders Gallery
  • 1972 Solo exhibition in Vienna, Galerie Internationales Studentenheim, and in Guadalajara, Goethe-Institut
  • 1976 Solo exhibition in Guadalajara, Goethe Institute
  • 1977 Exhibition in Linz, Galerie Maerz
  • 1978 solo exhibition in Vienna, Austrian Museum for Applied Arts; President of the artists' association MAERZ
  • 1981 Organization and implementation of the international textile exhibition "Textilkunst81" in Linz and Vienna
  • 1983 Solo exhibition in Wels, Staedtische Galerie
  • 1984 Solo exhibition in Salzburg, gallery above Café Mozart, and in Vienna, Neue Galerie
  • 1985 Exhibition in Klagenfurt, Carinthia Gallery
  • 1986 Exhibitions in Klagenfurt, Carinthia Gallery, and in Linz, Allgemeine Sparkasse
  • 1989 Exhibition together with students in Mexico City, Museo de Arte Moderno, exhibition in Vienna, Neue Galerie
  • 1990 Exhibition together with Virginia Riedl in Bad Ischl, State Music School
  • 1991 Solo exhibitions in Vienna, Neue Galerie and in Linz, Galerie Maerz
  • 1994 exhibition in Guadalajara, gallery in the Exconvent del Carmen; Exhibition in Guadalajara, Goethe Institute
  • 1995 Exhibition in Geras, Neue Galerie Geras
  • 1996 Exhibition in Guanajuato, Museo del Pueblo and in Guadalajara, Goethe-Institut
  • 1997 Exhibition in Ajijic, Gallery CABA and in Guadalajara, Exconvent del Carmen, participation in the European exhibition in Mexico City
  • 1998 Exhibition in Geras, Neue Galerie Geras



Fritz Riedl's works quickly found international recognition in the 1950s. He was a participant in the Venice Biennale in 1954 . In 1959 he participated in documenta 2 in Kassel in the tapestry department. In 1963 he exhibited at the São Paulo Biennale . The design of his pictorial work was initially abstract and geometric, but in the 1950s he adopted the Informel style in his carpet design.

Most important works:

  • 1954 tapestry, Klingsporschriftmuseum in Offenbach
  • 1954 tapestry, gallery at the Albertina-Zetter
  • 1957 tapestry, Darmstadt Municipal Gallery
  • 1960 tapestry, Artothek des Bundes
  • 1960 Tapestry, Ströher Collection, Darmstadt
  • 1961 Tapestry, MAK Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna
  • 1961 tapestry, Lentos Art Museum Linz
  • 1961 tapestry, Galerie Springer
  • 1961 tapestry, cultural department of the city of Vienna
  • 1961/81 / Two tapestries, Investkredit Bank AG
  • 1962 tapestry, World Health Organization in Geneva
  • 1962 tapestry, Vienna Congress Center
  • 1962 tapestry, Federal Ministry for Education and Art
  • 1963 tapestry, Council of Europe in Strasbourg
  • 1963 tapestry, railway workers' union
  • 1963 tapestry, Artothek des Bundes
  • 1965 tapestry, Copenhagen City Hall
  • 1965 Tapestry, Svea Gallery, Stockholm
  • 1966 Tapestry, Misrachi Gallery, Mexico City
  • 1968/88 Two tapestries, Baxter AG Vienna
  • 1969 Tapestry, Galerie Kaiser, Vienna
  • 1969/83/84/88/94/96 Six tapestries, Neue Galerie Vienna
  • 1970 Tapestry, Misrachi Gallery, Mexico City
  • 1973 Two tapestries in the parish church of the Holy Spirit in Linz
  • 1973 Tapestry, Federal Ministry for Education and Art, Vienna
  • 1974 Tapestry, Austrian National Bank, Vienna (destroyed by fire)
  • 1975/76 Two tapestries, Kin Gallery, Mexico City
  • 1976/79 Three tapestries, Galerie Kaiser, Vienna
  • 1977 tapestry, Bank Austria
  • 1977 tapestry, music school of the city of Linz
  • 1979 Tapestry, Uno City, Vienna
  • 1980 Three tapestries, National Bank in Vienna
  • 1980 tapestry, Austrian National Bank
  • 1980 tapestry, Oberbank Linz
  • 1982 tapestry, Volkstheater Vienna
  • 1983 tapestry, mobile house in Vienna
  • 1983 tapestry, Schwarzenbergplatz Vienna Telekom Austria
  • 1983 tapestry, St.Barbara-Friedhof Linz
  • 1983 tapestry, Hofmann-Laroche company, Vienna
  • 1983/84/86 Three tapestries, Carinthia Gallery, Klagenfurt
  • 1984 Two tapestries, Vienna Commercial Academy
  • 1984 Two tapestries, Federal Chamber of Commerce
  • 1985 Tapestry, New Town Hall in Linz
  • 1986 Tapestry, Feuerstein company, Traun
  • 1987 Tapestry, Investkredit Bank AG
  • 1987 tapestry, Upper Austrian provincial government
  • 1989 Tapestry, Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City
  • 1989 tapestry, Allgemeine Sparkasse Linz
  • 1990 Three tapestries, University of Music in Graz
  • 1998 tapestry, baptistery of the Jesuit Church in Vienna


  • Franz Smola (ed.): Fritz Riedl, tapestries, tapestries. Illustrated book for an exhibition, Böhlau, Vienna 2003, ISBN 3-205-77213-X .
  • Helen Knopp-Rupertsberger (Ed.): "Fritz Riedl, A Contribution to Austrian Textile Art", T&T Verlag, Vienna-Eisenstadt, 1991, ISBN 3-901187-01-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence
