Günter Riesebrodt

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Günter Riesebrodt (born December 14, 1911 in Lichtenberg near Berlin, † March 4, 1989 in Berlin) was a German politician ( CDU ), lawyer and notary.


Riesebrodt was born in the Friedrichsfelde district of the then still independent municipality of Lichtenberg. He attended the Kant-Real-Gymnasium in Berlin-Karlshorst and then studied law and political science in Berlin. In 1934 he was expelled from the Friedrich Wilhelms University . The reason for this was that he had become deputy chairman of the Radical Democratic Party , a left-wing and anti-fascist split from the German Democratic Party (DDP) that emerged in 1930 , to which the leading German pacifists Ludwig Quidde , Hellmut von Gerlach and Paul von Schoenaich belonged. He continued his law studies in Erlangen , where he also received his doctorate . He then worked in the commercial department of C. Lorenz AG and Telefunken in Berlin.

In 1945 Riesebrodt was involved in founding the Liberal Democratic Party of Germany (LDP) and, together with his father Max Riesebrodt (1881–1951), also in founding the CDU in Friedrichsfelde. After the Social Democrat Franz Stimming was relieved of his post as district mayor at the instigation of the KPD after only five weeks in office , Riesebrodt was in fact the first post-war district mayor of Berlin-Lichtenberg from June 1945 to October 1946 . In his function as district mayor, he was involved in drafting a provisional constitution for Greater Berlin in April 1946 .

After his time as mayor, he worked for his father's address book publisher in Berlin-Wilmersdorf . From 1954 to 1958 Riesebrodt was executive state chairman of the CDU Berlin and from 1958 to 1971 a member of the Berlin House of Representatives .


In March 2008, the Lichtenberg District Assembly decided to name a new traffic route in the Berlin-Karlshorst district after Riesebrodt.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Günter Wirth: From Karlshorst to Karlshorst . In: FAZ , December 8, 2007; Retrieved March 11, 2012.
  2. Federal Archives: Central Database of Legacies , accessed on March 11, 2012.
  3. Norbert Podewin , Manfred Teresiak: "Brothers, now your hands in one ...". The pros and cons of the Unity Party in Berlin. Dietz, Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-320-01917-1 , pp. 19-21.
  4. Werner Breunig: Constitution in Berlin 1945–1950 . Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1990, ISBN 978-3-428-06965-1 , p. 170.
  5. Printed matter - DS / 0772 / VI Street name after the first Lichtenberg mayor Dr. Riesebrodt. District Assembly Lichtenberg of Berlin, March 27, 2008; accessed on February 10, 2016.