Battle near Koßdorf

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Battle near Koßdorf
Part of: Seven Years War
Koßdorf February 20, 1760
Koßdorf February 20, 1760
date February 20, 1760
place Koßdorf
output Prussian victory
Parties to the conflict

Prussia KingdomKingdom of Prussia Prussia

Habsburg MonarchyHabsburg Monarchy Austria


Ernst Heinrich von Czettritz

Philipp Levin von Beck

Troop strength
2000 Croatian riders

7 officers and 275 soldiers killed, von Czettritz in captivity

? Fallen / wounded; 70 prisoners

Along with General von Czettritz , his luggage, including secret instructions from the King, also ended up in Austrian hands

The battle near Koßdorf was a military conflict during the Seven Years' War .


On February 20, 1760, the Prussian troops, which were camped under General Czettritz in the village of Koßdorf near Mühlberg on the Elbe, were attacked by the Austrians under General Baron Philipp Levin von Beck . On the evening of February 20, 1760, about 2,000 Croatian cavalry men advanced from Großenhayn and against the Prussians. An outpost was overrun, but the guard at Burxdorf noticed the advancing Austrians and resisted. The noise alarmed the troops in Koßdorf under General Ernst Heinrich von Czettritz . The general, however, had the misfortune to fall on his horse and be captured. His representative Levin August von Dingelstädt (commander of the von Puttkammer hussar regiment) called the cuirassiers stationed in Blumberg for help. The cuirassiers under Kurt Friedrich von Flanß prevented further losses with his presence of mind and courageous perseverance with two squadrons from Regiment No. 4 (Schmettau) until the other troops were gathered at Koßdorf and, after he had received reinforcements, threw the enemy back.

A total of 70 Austrians were captured. The Prussian losses were seven officers and 275 soldiers.

General von Czettritz's luggage was a particular booty. There the Austrians found the book The General Principles of War . These were secret instructions from Friedrich II for his generals. The book was then published in Austria in 1761.


Web links

Commons : Battle near Koßdorf  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files