Ernst Heinrich von Czettritz

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Ernst Heinrich Freiherr von Czettritz (born March 3, 1713 at Neuhaus Castle ; † January 13, 1782 ibid) was a Prussian lieutenant general , chief of the Dragoon Regiment No. 4 , governor of Lyck and canon of Minden .



He was the son of Ernst Heinrich von Czettritz (* May 7, 1679 in Seitendorf ; † September 21, 1721 in Oberwaldenburg ), heir to Neuhaus, Waldenburg, Weinstein and Hermsdorf and his wife Anna Helena, born von Czettritz (* August 12 1687; † 1735) from the Schwarzwalde house .

Military career

Czettritz stayed in Paris in 1732/34 and attended the University of Geneva . In August 1740 he was employed as prime lieutenant in the Hussar Regiment "von Zieten" No. 2 of the Prussian Army . As a staff captain he met on 4 March 1741 to dragoon regiment "von der Schulenburg" no. 3 above and the fourth came shortly after the newly formed regiment of dragoons "Bissing" no. In the campaign 1741/42 he made the siege of Neisse and Brieg with . During the campaign of 1744/45 he took part in the siege of Prague , became captain and squadron chief and shortly afterwards major . For his achievements during the Battle of Hohenfriedberg , Czettritz received the order Pour le Mérite then fought at Kesselsdorf . In January 1746, Friedrich II gave him a vicarie at Magdeburg Cathedral . On September 8, 1754 he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and on June 2, 1755 he was appointed regimental commander. In 1756 he also became governor of Prussian Holland . With the promotion to colonel on October 24, 1757 he also became head of the regiment.

During the Seven Years' War he was involved in numerous battles such as Lobositz , Prague , Kolin and Zorndorf . At the end of 1758, Czettritz was made major general and marched from Saxony to Silesia to relieve the Neisse fortress . At Koßdorf on February 20, 1760, he was attacked by the Austrians and his horse shot. He himself was taken prisoner, but was exchanged shortly afterwards and then took part in the battles of Liegnitz and Torgau . On April 10, 1761, he was promoted to lieutenant general.

Due to his poor health, Czettritz diminished on September 22, 1772 and received a salary from the king .


Czettritz married on December 26, 1742 in Proßnitz Marianne Josepha (* July 5, 1718 in Brussels , † November 16, 1755 in Landsberg an der Warthe ), the daughter of the Austrian field marshal Johann Wenzel Freiherr Przichowsky von Przichowitz. The daughter Anna Henriette Sophie (* May 22, 1744 in Friedeberg ; † May 7, 1746 in Landsberg an der Warthe) emerged from the marriage.

His relative Georg Oswald von Czettritz (* 1724, † 1796) (House Schwarzenwaldau) was chief of Hussar Regiment No. 1 and became general of the cavalry .
