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As fees as a will vessel denotes the similarity with handmade paper or vats has. It used to be made of wood or clay, later also of metal. Its oval shape is characteristic, conical towards the bottom. They typically have one or two handles, each attached to the pointed "end" of the gel. The word was and is in use - also in its meaning as a measure of measure  - in Upper German, especially in the Alemannic- speaking area, i.e. in Switzerland, Baden-Württemberg and Alsace.


Applies were used to store and transport wine, grapes, potatoes, oil, dairy products, etc. In the past, gels were also used for washing (washing gels) with a washboard . Nowadays they are often used as bathing pools for small children or as plant troughs.

Especially in Waldshut on the Upper Rhine, during the carnival , the fees as a noisemaker used. There "Geltentrummler" drumming through the streets of the city on the Gelte.

Old volume measure

The fees as is linguistically in medieval Latin galeta back and as such is already in a Bolzano attested document of the 1289th


Apply, also Gilte or Broc, was also a measure of volume in the Swiss canton of Vaud .


It was also used as the Dutch wine measure.

  • 1 hold = 2 pots = 2.7088 liters
  • 2 values ​​= 1 schreef / schreve
  • 48 values ​​= 1 aim / ohm


The coats of arms also contain representations of validity:


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hannes Obermair : Bozen Süd - Bolzano Nord. Written form and documentary tradition of the city of Bozen up to 1500 . tape 1 . City of Bozen, Bozen 2005, ISBN 88-901870-0-X , p. 112-113, no. 82 .
  2. GA Jahn: Dictionary of Applied Mathematics: a manual for use in the study and practical operations of those sciences, arts and crafts that require applications of pure mathematics: at the same time as a continuation of Klügel's dictionary of pure mathematics. Volume 1, Reichenbachsche Buchhandlung, Leipzig 1855, p. 502.
  3. Helmut Kahnt, Bernd Knorr: Old measures, coins and weights: a lexicon. Licensed edition of the Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig. Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim, Vienna, Zurich 1986, ISBN 978-3-411-02148-2 , p. 100.