Georg Paucker

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Georg Paucker (born September 25, 1910 in Munich ; † July 16, 1979 there ) was a German shorthand theorist and practitioner as well as the inventor of the German notepad .

Work in the shorthand field

At the age of 13, Georg Paucker learned the Gabelsberger shorthand system, first in self-tuition and then at high school . From 1924 he switched to the newly released German unified shorthand . From 1929 he learned their upper level, the speech writing. In 1931 he passed the shorthand test at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry with a writing time of 10 minutes at 300 syllables per minute . In February 1932, Paucker became a candidate for stenography at the Bavarian state parliament and, after the state parliament was dissolved, changed to the position of press officer for Reich Minister Dr. Hans Frank and the National Socialist Lawyers' Association to Berlin. A new high in Chamber of Commerce exams was set by him in the fall of 1932, when he wrote 360 ​​syllables per minute for 10 minutes. In 1937 Georg Paucker became German master of shorthand with 400 syllables per minute. In 1943, while on vacation as a soldier , he wrote 400 syllables for 10 minutes, 440 syllables for 5 minutes and 480 for three minutes on three consecutive days on three consecutive days, a maximum achievement not previously achieved in German. In 1950 he shorthanded 260 syllables per minute in the traffic script of the German uniform shorthand; this traffic writing record still exists today.

Georg Paucker was also the author of various textbooks for the German unified shorthand. He also made a great contribution to the training of shorthand practitioners. So he also brought out a distance learning course for express writing practice.

As a representative of the German Federation of Trade Unions, Paucker was instrumental in the reform of the German unified shorthand - and for years against the considerable resistance of the German Stenographers Association. In 1966 he invented the so-called German notepad , also called DENO. This abbreviation of the long script, i.e. the conventional cursive script, also contains shorthand characters. The set of rules is based on the shorthand reduction principles. It is easier to learn than conventional shorthand. With this publication, Paucker again attracted bitter opposition from the German Stenographers Association.

Founder of various educational institutions

In 1953 Paucker founded the vocational training center of the German Trade Union Federation , the largest educational institution in Germany after the adult education centers .

In 1958 Georg Paucker founded the European language club, which is still in existence today and based in Munich and Düsseldorf . The headquarters have been in Stuttgart since 1988 . As early as the 1960s, the European Language Club was offering around 200 language courses in many countries as well as two to four-week holidays with selected foreign host families in England , Scotland , Ireland , France , Spain , Italy , Sweden , Denmark and French-speaking Switzerland . The summer courses “German for Foreigners” were held in Munich.

Foundation of gourmet seminars

The gourmet seminars Exquisite Cuisine were founded by Georg Paucker in 1966. Their aim was to introduce French food culture into Germany and to give amateur cooks the opportunity to refine their cooking skills in seminars held by top chefs at home and abroad.

Georg Paucker and the inner-German border

In 1975, at the age of 65, Paucker was probably the first and only German to walk the entire border between the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany on foot (over 1,300 km) and in 1976 self-published the book "Der deutsche Zaun - Mitten durch Herz". In 1980 "The Bleeding Frontier" was published by Goldman-Wilhelm-Verlag in Munich. Around 1,650 slides and 42 cassettes, each 90 minutes long, were made during the long and strenuous march; a historical collection managed by his son, the opera singer Georg Paucker jun.


  • Directory of members of the specialist group negotiation stenographers in the Deutsche Stenografenschaft e. V., as of January 1, 1939. (Included in the SLUB Dresden under signature F r 0103-1939 / 40)
  • L. Haverkamp: The German memo. Munich undated (also contains information on the biography of Georg Paucker)
  • Georg Paucker: German memo. Detailed instructions. Munich 1966.