Georg Tartler

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Georg Tartler

Georg Tartler (born March 23, 1899 in Nussbach (Brașov district) , Transylvania , † October 30, 1976 in Greifswald ) was a German hygienist and epidemiologist.


The son of a school principal attended the elementary school in his place of birth and the Honterus grammar school in Kronstadt . From 1917 he attended the Theresian Military Academy . He was taken prisoner on the Italian front . Returned to Greater Romania in 1919 , he fought in the Armata Română against the army of the Hungarian Soviet Republic . He went to Germany in 1920 and from 1921 studied agriculture at the Friedrichs-Universität Halle . After graduating, he studied medicine at the Hessian Ludwig University and the Friedrich University. In 1925 he became a member of the Corps Normannia-Halle , which was founded in 1846 by the Transylvanian Saxons . He received German citizenship in 1932 . After the state examination in 1933, he was promoted to Dr. med. PhD . Then he worked until 1939 as an assistant at the medical examination office of the Hygiene Institute of the University of Halle. In 1937 he joined the National Socialist German Lecturer Association and became a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party .

Tartler was a member of the Sturmabteilung from 1933 and did exercises in the Wehrmacht from 1935 . Convened in 1938, he was deployed as an on-site doctor in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia . Returned to Halle in 1939, he became a senior assistant at the Hygiene Institute. In 1939 he completed his habilitation. In the same year again drafted into the army , he served until the end of the Second World War as an army hygienist, most recently as a senior staff doctor . In Schwerin he played a key role in setting up the bacteriological investigation office after 1945. The Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald appointed him in 1952 as full professor and director of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology. He was Vice Rector in 1954 and Dean of the Medical Faculty in 1961 . From 1964 to 1966 he was rector of the university. Protests were made against this "because former National Socialists had held the rector's office for 15 years in a row". Nevertheless, Tartler was a city ​​councilor and temporarily city ​​councilor in Greifswald in 1957 .


See also


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Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 109/360
  2. Dissertation: The hygienic conquest of the tropics by the white race .
  3. Habilitation thesis: The acute lead poisoning. An experimental contribution to the clarification of the question of the toxicity of lead compounds in quantitative experiments .
  4. Rector's speeches (HKM)
  5. Topic of the Rector's speech on March 17, 1965: The poliomyelitis vaccination, a great achievement in prophylactic medicine .
  6. ^ Entry on Georg Tartler in the Catalogus Professorum Halensis
  7. Berliner Zeitung , June 25, 1974, p. 4
predecessor Office successor
Hans Wehrli Rector of the University of Greifswald
Werner Scheler