Georg Zacharias Platner

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Georg Zacharias Platner

Georg Zacharias Platner (* July 27, 1781 in Nuremberg ; † July 8, 1862 there ) was a German businessman and politician, he became known as the initiator and founder of the Ludwig Railway from Nuremberg to Fürth.


Platner completed an apprenticeship in his father's Nuremberg trading company as well as in Basel and Hamburg . In 1801 he returned to Nuremberg, where he joined the family business. In 1808 Platner married Maria Katharina Elise Cramer . After the death of his father in 1811 he took over the management of the company. As a result of the continental blockade , the company had to switch from trading in indigo to tobacco .

As early as 1810, Platner took on public duties. Among other things, he represented the Nuremberg merchants in Munich with the king and as a member of the second chamber of parliament . From 1818 he was a member of the community plenipotentiary college, from 1827 market manager and commercial appeals court assessor. As a negotiator for Nuremberg, he took part in the negotiations for the establishment of the South German Customs Union in 1828 with Johannes Scharrer . In 1846 he handed the company over to his sons Georg and Albert. In 1848 he was a member of the preliminary parliament .

Platner and the Ludwig Railway

He was fascinated by the idea of ​​building a railway line from Nuremberg to Fürth . On May 14, 1833 , Platner gave with various proponents, u. a. also the mayors of Nuremberg and Fürth issued an invitation to participate in the establishment of a railway company. This appeal was very well received; the financial participation in the future company was numerous. The main shareholder was Platner with 21,000 guilders .

The basis for this success was that he was the first to conduct market research . He had a master turner from Fürth count all people and transports between Nuremberg and Fürth. Based on these figures, he created a profitability calculation for the railway line .

On July 3, 1835 , the railway company was named Ludwigseisenbahn after King Ludwig gave his approval. The line from Nuremberg to Fürth was opened on December 7, 1835.

Platner, who was also director of the company, earned 1200 guilders less than his train driver William Wilson with an income of 1500 guilders.

Platner as a sponsor of the Nuremberg city green

Georg Zacharias Platner had a memorable reputation as a selfless beautifier of the Nuremberg area . From 1818–1821 he laid out what is known as the Platnersanlage , a green corridor as a publicly accessible landscape garden, on what is now Bucher Strasse in connection with his private garden on neighboring properties that also belong to him . Today's college garden emerged from Platner's private garden, the green space on Friedrich-Ebert-Platz from the green space called Platner 's complex . GZ Platner also made a contribution to the beautification of the Judenbühl , which he had converted into an English landscape garden at his expense from 1856, which for a long time served as a fairground under its new name Maxfeld and from which the later city ​​park emerged . Platner was also involved in the beautification of the Dutzendteich Park .

The Platnersberg , now a Nuremberg green area, is named after Platner . In 1836, Platner bought the property, which was still called Thumenberg at the time, together with his manor house, and expanded the gardens into a spacious park. In 1854 a royal rescript approved the renaming in Platnersberg.

His grave is in the Johannisfriedhof (Nuremberg) .


  • City council of Nuremberg (ed.): Nuremberg figures from nine centuries. A home book for the 900th anniversary of the first documentary mention of Nuremberg, Verlag Ulrich & Co, Nuremberg 1950
  • Wolfgang Mück: Germany's first steam train. The royal privately owned Ludwig Railway between Nuremberg and Fürth . ( Dissertation at the University of Würzburg ), Fürth 1985 (2nd revised edition)
  • Carl Wölfel: Georg Zacharias Platner - A memorandum on the question of the entrepreneurial personality of the first German railway., Munich 1935
  • Ernst MummenhoffPlatner, Georg Zacharias . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 26, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1888, p. 260 f.
  • Erika Bosl: Platner, Georg Zacharias. In: Karl Bosl (ed.): Bosls Bavarian biography. Pustet, Regensburg 1983, ISBN 3-7917-0792-2 , p. 592 ( digitized version ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Archives: Members of the Pre-Parliament and the Fifties Committee (PDF file; 79 kB)