Gerhard Schridde

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Gerhard Schridde (born December 26, 1904 in Jerxheim ; † January 15, 1968 in Braunschweig ) was a German teacher , local researcher and nature conservation officer .


Gerhard Schridde was born in 1904 as the son of a teacher in Jerxheim in the Helmstedt district. In 1905 the family moved to Riddagshausen near Braunschweig. Schridde graduated from the Reform Realgymnasium Braunschweig in 1924 with the Abitur and then studied mathematics, geography and biology at the Technical University of Braunschweig and at the University of Marburg . After the first state examination for teaching at secondary schools, he worked as a trainee lawyer at the Braunschweig Lyceum from 1930 . After the assessor exam he worked as a teacher at the Oberschule in Bad Harzburg . With the outbreak of the Second World War , he did military service from 1939. After the end of the war and his return from captivity , he worked as an unskilled worker in canning factories and pharmacies before returning to school in 1949. In Braunschweig he taught at the Hoffmann-von-Fallersleben School and then as a teacher until he took early retirement at the end of 1966 at the Neue Oberschule . In addition, from 1951 to 1965 he was a lecturer at the German Drug Academy (today Dr. von Morgenstern Schools ). In 1957, he succeeded Otto Willke as the commissioner for nature conservation and landscape management for the city of Braunschweig. In the same year the National Association for Homeland Security appointed him to the board.

Schridde was married to Hedwig, b. Kronjäger († 1964). The couple had a son and a daughter. In the second marriage he was with Liesel, geb. Haberkamp married. Gerhard Schridde last lived on Neuhofstrasse in Riddagshausen. He died in Braunschweig in January 1968.

In Riddagshausen between was Kreuzteich and means pond situated Gerhard-Schridde path named after him.

Fonts (selection)

Schridde wrote numerous local and natural history publications. He published among others in the Braunschweigische Heimat .

  • The plane tree on the Gaußberg in Braunschweig. Thoughts on the tasks and limits of tree protection . In: Braunschweigische Heimat 1967, 53 (1), pp. 22–24.
  • Thirty years of the Riddagshausen nature reserve: Half a century of worry about the Riddagshausen pond area . In: Braunschweigische Heimat 1966, 52 (3/4), pp. 93–96.
  • What must happen to save the Riddagshausen landscape? . In: Braunschweigische Heimat 1966, 52 (2), pp. 56–61.
  • (together with Werner Flechsig and Hans-Adolf Schultz ): Do you know your home country? Interesting facts about the Braunschweig region and its surroundings. 3. The Vorsfelder Werder and its immediate surroundings. Compilation . In: Braunschweigische Heimat 1965, 51 (4), pp. 113–126.
  • (together with Werner Flechsig and Hans-Adolf Schultz): Do you know your home country? Interesting facts about the Braunschweig region and its surroundings. 2. The Braunschweigian Leinetal. Compilation . In: Braunschweigische Heimat 1965, 51 (3), pp. 80–93.
  • (together with Werner Flechsig and Hans-Adolf Schultz): Do you know your home country? Interesting facts about the Braunschweig region and its surroundings. 1. The land around Asse and Osel. Compilation . In: Braunschweigische Heimat 1965, 51 (1/2), pp. 33–50.
  • Riddagshausen's office building and European reserve . In: Braunschweigische Heimat 1965, 51 (1/2), pp. 57–58.
  • Those who love their homeland like you ... Oberamtmann Albert Nehrkorn in memory . In: Braunschweigische Heimat 1964, 50 (4), pp. 122–126.
  • What dangers do modern pest control methods threaten our domestic landscape today? . In: Braunschweigische Heimat 1962, 48 (4), pp. 121–125.
  • The bird watch . In: Braunschweigische Heimat 1957, 43 (1), pp. 15-17.
  • The song of home in Hoffmann von Fallersleben's work . In: Braunschweigische Heimat 1956, 42 (1), pp. 43–47.
  • The importance of local history in upper-level teaching in high schools . In: Braunschweigische Heimat 1952, 38 (3), pp. 65–69.


Individual evidence

  1. Werner Flechsig: Gerhard Schridde for memory . In: Braunschweigische Heimat 1968, 54, p. 4
  2. Braunschweigisches address book 1967 1968 , 137th edition, entry: Schridde, Gerhard, Studienrat, Neuhofstr. 1
  3. ^ Norman-Mathias Pingel: Schridde, Gerhard . In: Manfred Garzmann , Wolf-Dieter Schuegraf (Hrsg.): Braunschweiger Stadtlexikon . Supplementary volume. Joh. Heinr. Meyer Verlag, Braunschweig 1996, ISBN 3-926701-30-7 , p. 118 .