Gerhard von Buchka

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Gerhard Friedrich Ludwig Ernst Anton von Buchka (born December 22, 1851 in Neustrelitz , † November 16, 1935 in Rostock ) was a German lawyer , judge, member of the Reichstag and director of the colonial department of the Foreign Office .


Gerhard von Buchka was a son of the judiciary at the Mecklenburg-Strelitz law office, later Minister of State in the Ministry of Justice of Mecklenburg-Schwerin , Hermann von Buchka , who was raised to the hereditary nobility of Mecklenburg in 1891 and his wife Elisabeth, née. von Stein (1829-1884). The chemist Karl von Buchka was his brother.

After initial lessons at a private school in Rostock, Buchka attended the Fridericianum high school in Schwerin and passed the Abitur there in 1869. He studied law in Munich (1869) and Göttingen (member of the Corps Bremensia ), had to be studied but for the military service in the Franco-German war 1870/1871 interrupt, which made him the first Grand Ducal Mecklenburg Dragoon - Regiment fought. After the end of the war, he resumed his studies in June 1871, finished it in Rostock in 1873 and was awarded a Dr. jur. PhD . He first proposed the Richter career and rose to the judge at the Mecklenburg judicial service Higher Regional Court of Rostock on.

In the Reichstag election in 1893 , Buchka was elected as a member of the German Conservatives in the 9th  German Reichstag and was a member of this until 1898. He represented the constituency of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin 5 (Rostock - Doberan). On April 1, 1898, he became director of the colonial department of the Foreign Office and chairman of the colonial council . His unsuccessful term of office ended on June 12, 1900, when he was initially transferred to temporary and from 1909 to permanent retirement. His successor was Oscar Stübel . During the time of his activity, the reintegration of German New Guinea into the Reich administration, the acquisition of the colonies on Samoa and the Carolines through the Samoa Treaty and the development of Cameroon through the award of land and mining concessions.

In retirement he moved back to Mecklenburg and became director of the Grand Ducal Consistory in Rostock and also vice-chancellor of the university there. As an author he published in the legal field. In 1919, Privy Councilor von Buchka in Rostock was the representative of the Mecklenburg-Schwerin People's Government for the council at the university .

Since 1895 he was married to the writer Edithe Léontine, b. Bernard (1877-1940).

The Buchka family archive is located in the Rostock University Archive.


Fonts (selection)

  • Comparative representation of the civil code for the German Empire and common law (= comparative representation of the civil code for the German Empire and the national rights. Vol. 1). Liebmann, Berlin 1897.
  • State private law of the Grand Duchies of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg-Strelitz (= the civil law of the German Empire and Prussia. Erg.-Bd. 5). Publishing house of the bookstore of the orphanage, Halle (Saale) 1905.


  • Heinrich Schnee [ed.]: German Colonial Lexicon. Volume 1: A-G. Quelle & Meyer, Leipzig 1920, p. 247 ( digitized version ).
  • Martin Buchsteiner: The Mecklenburg Gerhard v. Buchka and the colonial policy of the German Empire 1898–1900. Sanitz 2006 (housework, 1st state examination, high school teaching degree).
  • Martin Buchsteiner: Gerhard von Buchka (1851-1935). From Mecklenburg judiciary to director of the colonial department in the Foreign Office. In: Mecklenburgische Jahrbücher. Vol. 122, 2007, ISSN  0930-8229 , pp. 223-252

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinrich Klenz:  Buchka, Hermann von . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 47, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1903, pp. 320-322.
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 39 , 779
  3. Registration of Gerhard von Buchka in the Rostock matriculation portal
  4. ^ Carl-Wilhelm Reibel: Handbook of the Reichstag elections 1890-1918. Alliances, results, candidates (= handbooks on the history of parliamentarism and political parties. Vol. 15, 2). Half volume 2. Droste, Düsseldorf 2007, ISBN 978-3-7700-5284-4 , pp. 1372-1375.
  5. Thomas Beck : The Rostocker Ordinariate for Pharmacology under Paul Trendelenburg 1919–1923. In: Würzburg medical history reports. Volume 25, 2006, pp. 205-213, here: pp. 205 f.
  6. ^ Rostock University Archives. Stock: 6.02.0 - Estate of the von Buchka family .
  7. ^ Government Gazette for Mecklenburg-Schwerin. 1908, ZDB ID 704327-2 , S. LX.
  8. German Colonial Journal. Vol. 11, No. 3, 1900, ZDB -ID 515829-1 , p. 97 .

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