Gernot de Vries

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Gernot de Vries (born October 26, 1925 in Völlenerfehn ; † February 21, 2012 in Aurich ) was a German Protestant pastor and Low German author .

Gernot de Vries was pastor in the parish Aurich-Kirchdorf. His anecdotally condensed Low German stories about the main character Lamke Pannkook in East Friesland became a popular folk book that shows snapshots of village life. He was also the author of the East Frisian dictionary: Low German / High German .



Individual evidence

  1. Peter Hansen: Gernot de Vries on
  2. Reinhard Goltz , Ulf-Thomas Lesle (ed.): Dat Land so free un wiet . Hoffmann and Campe, Hamburg 2006, ISBN 3-455-40026-4 .