Gianfrancesco Gonzaga di Luzzara

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Gianfrancesco Gonzaga di Luzzara

Gianfrancesco Gonzaga di Luzzara (born February 2, 1488 in Luzzara , † December 18, 1524 ) was an Italian nobleman who, as lord of Luzzara, founded a branch line of the widely ramified Gonzaga family that existed until 1794.


Gianfrancesco was the first-born son of Margrave Rodolfo Gonzaga di Castiglione from the old Italian noble family of Gonzaga , from whose marriage to Caterina Pico della Mirandola , di Carpi widowed. His paternal grandfather was Margrave Ludovico III. of Mantua , whose grandson Gianfrancesco II Gonzaga , Margrave of Mantua (1484–1519), was Gianfrancesco's cousin.

In addition to four sisters, he had the younger brother Luigi Alessandro (1494-1549) and three half-siblings from his mother's first marriage, who as members of the Pio di Savoia family claimed the successor to their father in the Carpi reign .

On July 6, 1495, his father was killed in the battle of Fornovo at the age of 43. Gianfrancesco and his brother Luigi Alessandro formally succeeded their father as lords of Castiglione , Luzzara , Solferino and Castelgoffredo . The mother, Marchesa Caterina, took over the guardianship of her seven and one year old sons. The territory that they had inherited from their father, he had after the death of Margrave Ludovico III. obtained from Mantua in 1478. His eldest son and successor, Federico I , had assigned his brothers border areas of the Margraviate of Mantua. The agreement that had been established between the brothers was signed on June 10, 1479 by Emperor Friedrich III. ratified. Federico I, who was not satisfied with some points, entered into renegotiations with his brothers Gianfrancesco and Rodolfo. As a result, Gianfrancesco's father got the rule of Luzzara in 1480, in return for territorial cession to Mantua ( Canneto and Mariana ). The investiture took place on February 11, 1494 by Maximilian I , because the area was only after the, by Emperor Friedrich III. confirmed agreement.

In December 1501 the mother died, probably an unnatural death. Ariosto reports about this in his epilogue for Alberto Pio, Caterina's son's first marriage. Some sources say she was poisoned by her maid, others that she was strangled by her while she was sleeping. There is talk of spurned love on the one hand and greed for money on the other. Gianfrancesco was thirteen at the time, Luigi Alessandro only seven.

The fiefdom was confirmed by Maximilian I in 1502 and the primogeniture established. The two brothers ruled the rulers jointly. In 1521 they made a division. Luigi Alessandro became sole lord of Castiglione , Solferino and Castelgoffredo , while Gianfrancesco became sole lord of Luzzara .

Gianfrancesco is described as a meek and educated man. Between 1516 and 1521 he had the parish church of San Giorgio in Luzzara restored and embellished (according to the taste of the 16th century). He founded the Oratory of Saint Anne (Oratorio di Sant'Anna) in the Gonzaga Palace and began building the Palazzo della Tomba , which he successfully completed. Although his reign was short, he made important changes to the country in its town planning, worship and social life.

Two months before his death, he abdicated on October 11, 1524 in favor of his son Massimiliano. Gianfrancesco Gonzaga died on December 18, 1524 at the age of 36. He is the progenitor of the Marquis of Luzzara. This branch line of the Gonzaga became extinct in the male line in 1794. (For an overview see below.)

Marriage and offspring

Gianfrancesco Gonzaga was married to Laura Pallavicino (* 1493/1498; †?), Daughter of Galeazzo Pallavicino, Marchese di Busseto († 1520), with whom he had eight children:

  • Massimiliano Gonzaga (* 1513 in Luzzara; † March 4, 1578 in Luzzara) Lord and since 1561 Margrave of Luzzara ⚭ 1548 Caterina Colonna , daughter of Prospero Colonna, Duca di Marsi († 1528)
  • Rodolfo Gonzaga (* approx. 1515/1520 in Luzzara; † after 1553) Count von Poviglio (1539–1553), ⚭ before 1539 Isabella Gonzaga, daughter of Pirro I. Gonzaga, Signore di Gazzuolo († 1529)
  • Elisabetta (†?), Nun
  • Margherita (†?), Nun
  • Guglielmo († young)
  • Galeazzo († young)
  • Angela († young)
  • Ippolita († young)

The Marquis of Luzzara from the Gonzaga di Luzzara branch line (1561–1794)

  • Massimiliano Gonzaga 1st Margrave of Luzzara (1561–1578) (* 1513 in Luzzara; † March 4, 1578 in Luzzara) ⚭ 1548 Caterina Colonna , daughter of Prospero Colonna, Duca di Marsi († 1528)
  • Prospero Gonzaga 2nd Margrave of Luzzara (1578–1614) (* 1554; † September 25, 1614 in Mantua ) ⚭ 1576 Isabella Gonzaga, daughter of Pirro II. Gonzaga, Signore di Bozzolo (1540–1592)
  • Federico I. Gonzaga 3rd Margrave of Luzzara (1614-1630) (* around 1576; † 1630 of the plague ) ⚭ (I) around 1602 Elisabetta Gonzaga (* 1586; † June 12 / July 22, 1620), daughter of Federico Gonzaga di Poviglio; (II) around 1626 Countess Fulvia von Collalto (* around 1609; †?), Daughter of Basilio II. Conte di Collalto
  • (I) Luigi I. Gonzaga 4th Margrave of Luzzara (1630–1666) (* November 3, 1602; † April 24, 1666) ⚭ 1634 Princess Elena Gonzaga (* July 12, 1618; †?), Daughter of Principe Pirro Gonzaga di Vescovato (1590-1628)
  • Federico II Gonzaga 5th Margrave of Luzzara (1666–1698) (November 28, 1636 - March 8, 1698) ⚭ 1667 Princess Luigia Gonzaga (September 13, 1653 - August 28, 1715), daughter of Principe Ferdinando II. Gonzaga di Castiglione (1614-1675)
  • Luigi II Gonzaga 6th Margrave of Luzzara (1698–1738) (born September 19, 1679 - † June 12 (January 13) 1738) ⚭ December 28, 1702 Charlotte de Choiseul (* 1679; † March 2, 1734) , Daughter of Charles-Henri de Choiseul, Seigneur d'Isches
  • Basilio Gonzaga 7th Margrave of Luzzara (1738–1782) (born September 26, 1711; † May 29, 1782) ⚭ October 25, 1738 Maria Borromeo (born January 10, 1712; † March 11, 1761), daughter of Giovanni Benedetto Borromeo 6th Marchese di Angera e 12th Conte di Arona
  • Giovanni Gonzaga 8th Margrave of Luzzara (1782–1794) (* July 4, 1721 in Luzzara; † April 3, 1794 in Mantua) ⚭ 1766 Teresa Anguissola (* July 30, 1745; † April 29, 1819), daughter of Gaetano Anguissola Conte di Vigolzone



  1. A memorial plaque in the church, the text of which says that the church was previously "raw", suggests that the Romanesque structure from the time of Mathilde von Canossa was still visible. With the embellishment , an attempt was probably made to embellish and adapt to the taste of the 16th century. - Luzzara Gonzaghesca: Chiesa di San Giorgio ( restauri del 1516-1521) , 2010, page 7 , accessed on May 29, 2018
  2. Presumably a palace in the style of a country house (casino) east of Luzzara, demolished in 1824. Chronicles describe the elegance, the wall paintings and the magnificent park. The property was surrounded by walls and a large moat over which four drawbridges led. - Turismo Provincia di Reggio Emilia: Luzzara / C. Tomba , accessed May 29, 2018 <
  3. Rodolfo Gonzaga acquired Poviglio Castle in 1539 and called himself Conte di Poviglio . In 1553 he sold Poviglio to the Farnese .

Individual evidence

  1. Isabella Lazzarini:  GONZAGA, Gianfrancesco. In: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 57. Rome 2001. Retrieved May 26, 2018
  2. Bruno Andreolli:  PICO, Caterina. In: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 83. Rome 2015. Retrieved May 28, 2018
  3. Enciclopedia delle Famiglie Lombarde
  4. ^ Genealogical page on the family
predecessor Office successor
Rodolfo Gonzaga di Castiglione Lord of Castiglione and Solferino
Luigi Alessandro Gonzaga di Castiglione
Rodolfo Gonzaga di Castiglione Lord of Luzzara
Massimiliano Gonzaga di Luzzara