Gino Strada

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Gino Strada, 2010

Gino Strada (actually Luigi Strada ; born April 21, 1948 in Sesto San Giovanni ; † August 13, 2021 ) was an Italian surgeon and peace activist .

Gino Strada completed a medical degree in Milan and specialized in trauma surgery , after which he also practiced his profession as a surgeon in war zones. In the 1980s, Strada completed several research stays abroad; he then worked for the Red Cross in Pakistan and Somalia . In 1994, together with his wife Teresa Sarti and some professional colleagues, he founded the aid organization Emergency , an international aid organization for the victims of war and landmines .

He was the author of several books. In March 2007, during the kidnapping of La Repubblica journalist Daniele Mastrogiacomo in Afghanistan, he played a central role in negotiations with the Taliban kidnappers because of the trust he enjoyed among the local population.

Strada is considered an icon of pacifism in Italy. He was on duty in Bergamo with his non-governmental organization Emergency in 2020 during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic . During the second wave in Italy, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte asked the Strada organization for help in Calabria.

Strada died of heart failure on August 13, 2021 at the age of 73.


Web links

Commons : Gino Strada  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Francesca Polistina: Gino Strada. Retrieved December 12, 2020 .
  2. ^ Addio a Gino Strada, è morto a 73 anni il fondatore di Emergency: “Siamo frastornati. E 'una perdita enormous per il mondo intero ”. In: Il Fatto Quotidiano. August 13, 2021, accessed August 13, 2021 (Italian).
  3. ^ È morto Gino Strada, il fondatore di Emergency aveva 73 anni. In: Corriere della Sera. August 13, 2021, accessed August 13, 2021 (Italian).