Happy trip - Portugal

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Episode in the Happy Journey series
title Happy trip - Portugal
Happy Journey Logo.png
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 45 minutes
classification Season 3, episode 2
14th episode in total ( list )
First broadcast December 23, 1993 on ProSieben
Director Stefan Bartmann
script Peter Weissflog
music Heinz Kiessling

←  Predecessor
Happy Journey - Venice

Successor  →
Happy Journey - Arizona

Happy Journey - Portugal is a German TV film by Stefan Bartmann . The production of the 14th part of the television series Happy Journey took place in November 1992 in Lisbon and Portimão in the Algarve . The film premiered on December 23, 1993 on ProSieben .


The aircraft crew consists of Captain Viktor Nemetz ( Juraj Kukura ), his co-pilot Rolf Erhardt ( Volker Brandt ) and the stewardesses Sabine Möhl ( Alexa Wiegandt ), Alexandra Peters ( Claudine Wilde ) and Eva Fabian ( Sandra Krolik ). The tour guides Sylvia Baretti and Andreas von Romberg are given by Conny Glogger and Thomas Fritsch . The guest actors are Katja Studt , Christiane Krüger , Claus Wilcke , Anaid Iplicjian , Jale Arıkan , Rogério Samora , Katja Bienert , Lutz Reichert and Torsten Emrich .


The Webers came to the Algarve with their daughter Babette. Mother Ruth wants to do beauty treatments while on vacation and father Jens is only busy with his work. This is how Babette feels neglected. To attract attention, she puts her mother's ear clips in the pocket of the stewardess Sabine and accuses them of theft. When the truth comes out, she is house arrested by her father, but escapes and leaves a suicide note that causes her parents to be extremely upset.

The fish manufacturer Maria Seabra is looking for a husband for her daughter Rosa. Rolf Erhardt, a seasoned pilot in a smart uniform, seems to be the right person. Attempts by Maria to pair Rosa up with Rolf fail miserably because, without her mother's knowledge, Rosa already has a chosen one, the fisherman Otello. But Maria also likes Rolf!

Tour guide Andreas has a film developed that he found on the street after he and Sylvia had watched a couple of lovers. On the prints you can see how the man murdered his lover. Sylvia and Andreas go looking for the culprit. The police are also involved. Eventually it turns out that a group of actors and photographers are creating scenes for a photo magazine.

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