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Women in a Gond village in Umaria district (2010)
Gond women in Umaria District , Eastern Madhya Pradesh (2010)
Gond Man in Umaria District , Eastern Madhya Pradesh (2010)

The Gond are an indigenous people in India and with 13.3 million members the second largest ethnic group among the approximately 700 "recognized tribal communities" of India ( Scheduled Tribes ). The Gond live in central India in the historic Gondwana landscape , whose name comes from the Dravidian language family and means "Land of the Gond". Their main settlement area is in the state of Madhya Pradesh , in which around 5 million Gond live according to the 2011 census in India . Your Dravidian language Gondi has around 3 million speakers. In contrast, the Gond people in the Bastar district in Chhattisgarh speak the Bhatri , a strongly different dialect of the Indo-Aryan language Oriya .

The Gond artist Bhajju Shyam (* 1971) made the art of the Gond known worldwide with his books.


Scheduled Tribes (ST)

In 11  federal states , the resident Gond (with many subgroups) are recognized as Scheduled Tribe (ST: "registered tribal community"), to which the Indian constitution is entitled to state protection and support measures.

The following subgroups are assigned to the ST in Madhya Pradesh (5,093,000 members): “Gond, Arakh, Arrakh, Agaria, Asur, Badi Maria, Bada Maria, Bhatola, Bhimma, Bhuta, Koilabhuta, Koliabhuti, Bhar, Bisonhorn Maria, Chota Maria, Dandami Maria, Dhuru, Dhurwa, Dhoba, Dhulia, Dorla, Gaiki, Gatta, Gatti, Gaita, Gond Gowari, Hill Maria, Kandra, Kalanga, Khatola, Koitar, Koya, Khirwar, Khirwara, Kucha Maria, Kuchaki Maria, Madia , Maria, Mana, Mannewar, Moghya, Mogia, Monghya, Mudia, Muria, Nagarchi, Nagwanshi, Ojha, Raj, Sonjhari, Jhareka, Thatia, Thotya, Wade Maria, Vade Maria, Daroi ”.

The two STs in Chhattisgarh (4.3 million) and Maharashtra (1.6 million) also include the groups mentioned, while the ST in the other 8 states "Gond, Gondo, Rajgond, Maria Gond, Dhur Gond" or only Include "Gond, Naikpod, Rajgond".

Social indicators

The following list compares social indicators from the 2011 India Census for the Gond and its subgroups in 11 states (see Comparative List of Indian States ):

  • State: Gond members recognized and counted as Scheduled Tribes (ST) at the state level
  • Population of the state
  • Gond: a total of 13.3 million with all subgroups
  • from 2001: India-wide growth of 22% (from 10.9 million) - partly also due to new state allocations, the Gond in Uttar Pradesh were not registered as ST in 2001, in Bihar only 51,000 Gond were counted (2011: 257,000 = +496%)
  • Share of the respective population - the Gond make up 1% of the population of India (1,210,855,000)
  • rural areas - only 8% of all Gond live in cities (India-wide: 31%)
  • Gender distribution : number of female to 1000 male persons (balanced would be 1000: 1000) - there are slightly more women among the Gond (1004; India: 943)
  • under 7: children from 0 to 6 years and their gender distribution from girls to 1000 boys - here too the Gond are higher than India (919: 1000) with 975
  • Reading ability (from 7 years), also for men (♂) and women (♀), as well as the gap between the two (India: 74%; 82% ♂ and 65% ♀ = 17% gap)
  • ST (Scheduled Tribes): the registration as a "tribal community" is only valid for the residents of a state - in 2011 there were 705 ST with 104.3 million members across India (see list ), the 11 ST of the Gond made up 12.7% of them ( after the Bhil with 16.4%; see the 33 largest indigenous peoples of India )
State Residents Gond From 2001 onwards proportion of rural Female under 7 Female read gap ST proportion of
36 IndiaIndia India 1,210.9 million 13,256,928 + 22.1  % 1.09  % 92.39  % 1004  : 1000 14.98  % 975  : 1000 60.7  % 70.9  % 50.6  % 20.3  % 11 12.71  %
1 Madhya Pradesh 72.6 million 5,093,124 + 16.9% 7.02% 93.69% 0997: 1000 15.76% 963: 1000 60.1% 70.0% 50.2% 19.8% 1 38.42%
2 Chhattisgarh 25.5 million 4,298,404 + 17.5% 16.83%0 92.76% 1027: 1000 15.43% 997: 1000 56.7% 67.5% 46.2% 21.3% 1 32.42%
3 Maharashtra 112.4 million 1,618,090 4th+ 4.1% 1.44% 84.67% 0976: 1000 11.27% 964: 1000 74.7% 82.4% 66.8% 15.6% 1 12.21%
4th Odisha (Orissa) 42.0 million 888.581 + 13.6% 2.12% 97.37% 1026: 1000 13.91% 994: 1000 59.7% 71.6% 48.0% 23.6% 1 6.70%
5 Uttar Pradesh 199.8 million 569.035 - 0.28% 93.32% 0966: 1000 17.37% 938: 1000 61.2% 73.5% 48.4% 25.1% 1 4.29%
6th Andhra Pradesh 84.6 million 304,537 + 20.8% 0.62% 94.68% 1028: 1000 12.25% 976: 1000 49.3% 58.3% 40.6% 17.7% 1 2.30%
7th Bihar 104.1 million 256,738 +495.7% 0.25% 93.65% 0976: 1000 18.61% 960: 1000 60.9% 72.8% 48.7% 24.1% 1 1.94%
8th Karnataka 61.1 million 158.243 + 15.8% 0.26% 89.53% 0961: 1000 12.78% 931: 1000 63.4% 72.3% 54.3% 18.0% 1 1.19%
9 Jharkhand 33.0 million 53,676 2+ 2.0% 0.16% 81.30% 0994: 1000 15.65% 971: 1000 59.8% 71.0% 48.6% 22.4% 1 0.40%
10 West Bengal 91.3 million 13,535 + 37.7% 0.01% 54.33% 0900: 1000 11.41% 909: 1000 74.8% 82.9% 65.9% 17.0% 1 0.10%
11 Gujarat 60.4 million 2,965 + 37.8% <0.01% 37.81% 0861: 1000 14.57% 862: 1000 55.9% 63.3% 47.4% 15.9% 1 0.02%


According to the 2011 census in India , 91.3% of the total of 13.3 million Gond are Hindus ( India: 80% ) and around 0.2% each are Muslim (India: 14%) and Christian ( Christians in India : 2, 3%). The old animistic ethnic religion “Gond / Gondi” still has almost 1 million followers (7.3%), while others like “Addi Bassi” or “Sarna” only have a few tens of thousands each (compare the largest ethnic religions in India ).

The list calculates the shares of Gond that one of the six major religions in India belong to or under "Other religions and beliefs" (Other Religions and Persuasions) specified - atheists (without faith in Divinity), there is no in Gond:

Indian census
000Gond 13.256.928000
Madhya Pr.
Andhra Pr.
West Beng.
religion 100% 38% 32% 12% 7% 4% 2% 2% 1 % 0.4% 0.1% 0.02%
1. Hindus 91.297%0 88.473%0 89.763%0 94.805%0 99.726%0 98.186%0 99.060%0 99.434%0 98.511%0 57.711%0 96.779%0 99.427%0
2. Muslims 0.182% 0.186% 0.094% 0.382% 0.091% 0.211% 0.241% 0.356% 0.385% 0.177% 0.776% 0.169%
3. Christians 0.244% 0.365% 0.258% 0.073% 0.053% 0.023% 0.122% 0.059% 0.030% 0.589% 0.650%
4th Sikhs 0.010% 0.010% 0.006% 0.017% 0.010% 0.016% 0.013% 0.005% 0.029% 0.044%
5. Buddhists 0.033% 0.014% 0.005% 0.196% 0.009% 0.019% 0.008% 0.017% 0.004% 0.006% 0.081% 0.169%
6th Jainas 0.005% 0.006% 0.003% 0.007% 0.003% 0.004% 0.011% 0.009% 0.007% 0.006% 0.022% 0.236%
7th Other R. u. Ü. 8.010% 10.780%0 9.786% 4.204% 0.009% 0.270% 0.008% 0.018% 0.030% 41.341%0 1.278% 0%
7.1 "Gond / Gondi" 7.329% 10.702%0 8.381% 3.865% 0.263% 4,270%
7.2 "Adim dhamm" 0.284% 0.877%
7.3 "Addi Bassi" 0.159% 0.022% 0.350% 0.292% 0.332%
7.4 "Sarna" 0.153% 0.008% 36.696%0 1.263%
7.5 …Further… 0.078% 0.054% 0.163% 0.035%
7.9 unclassified 0.006% 0.003% 0.006% 0.013% 0.009% 0.007% 0.008% 0.018% 0.030% 0.043% 0.015%
8th. Without specification 0.219% 0.166% 0.085% 0.315% 0.099% 1.272% 0.536% 0.101% 1.004% 0.171% 0.369% 0%
Real numbers of religious followers 
2011          alle Gond:  MadhyaPr. Chhattis. Maharash. Odisha   UttarPr. AndhraP. Bihar    Karnat.  Jharkh. Westb. Guja.
Gond:          13256928 = 5093124 + 4298404 + 1618090 + 888581 + 569035 + 304537 + 256738 + 158243 + 53676 + 13535 + 2965
1. Hindus      12103205 = 4506047 + 3858396 + 1534035 + 886143 + 558714 + 301675 + 255285 + 155886 + 30977 + 13099 + 2948
2. Muslims        24180 =    9494 +    4041 +    6174 +    808 +   1198 +    735 +    915 +    610 +    95 +   105 +    5
3. Christians     32411 =   18575 +   11083 +    1179 +    467 +    130 +    373 +    152 +     48 +   316 +    88 +    0
4. Sikhs           1308 =     488 +     259 +     275 +     92 +     89 +     39 +     14 +     46 +     0 +     6 +    0
5. Buddhists       4342 =     689 +     200 +    3170 +     80 +    109 +     25 +     43 +      7 +     3 +    11 +    5
6. Jains            683 =     294 +     135 +     120 +     30 +     22 +     34 +     24 +     11 +     3 +     3 +    7
7. Other R & P  1061814 =  549059 +  420631 +   68032 +     77 +   1534 +     25 +     46 +     47 + 22190 +   173 +    0
8. Not Stated     28985 =    8478 +    3659 +    5105 +    884 +   7239 +   1631 +    259 +   1588 +    92 +    50 +    0

„7. Other Religions and Persuasions“ (1,06 Mio. von 13,3 Mio. = 8,01 %):
Gond / Gondi     971647 =  545067 +  360253 +   62540 +      0 +   1495 +      0 +      0 +      0 +  2292 +     0
Adim dhamm        37709 =       0 +   37709 +       0 +      0 +      0 +      0 +      0 +      0 +     0 +     0
Addi Bassi        21030 =    1099 +   15033 +    4720 +      0 +      0 +      0 +      0 +      0 +   178 +     0
Sarna             20233 =       0 +     365 +       0 +      0 +      0 +      0 +      0 +      0 + 19697 +   171
Gondwana           3844 =    1122 +    2722 +       0
Nature Religion    1549 =     910 +     639 +       0
Adi Dharm          1120 =       0 +    1120 +       0
Budhadeo            913 =     193 +     720 +       0
Koya punem          744 =       0 +     744 +       0
Adi                 691 =      95 +     596 +       0
God                 482 =       0 +     482 +       0
Koyatur             328 =       0 +       0 +     328
Malla               217 =     217 +       0 +       0
Hindai              214 =     214 +       0 +       0
Persapen            182 =       0 +       0 +     182
Dhamma               55 =       0 +       0 +      55
Other unclassified  856 =     142 +     248 +     207 +     77 +     39 +     25 +     46 +     47 +    23 +     2



The Gond have a social and cultural relationship with the Pardhan , whose musicians recite epic stories in the houses of the Gond, which they accompany on the fiddle bana or occasionally on the bin-baja bow harp . At the Gond von Bastar, group singing and group dances are part of festive occasions. There are traditional chants to make rain, chants and dances at hunting ceremonies, harvest festivals and weddings. The accompanying rhythm instruments include the large, double-headed cylinder drum dhol , the somewhat smaller barrel drum dholak , the small kettle drum turimuri ( turburi ) and occasionally the bell-shaped, wooden slit drum dudra . Wind instruments are a flute about 80 centimeters long ( bopur berod ) and in the bison horn dance a corresponding horn that produces two tones. A simple professional band playing at weddings may consist of a large kettle drum nissan , a small kettle drum turburi, and a bowling oboe mohori .


  • Verrier Elwin, Shamrao Hivale: Songs of the Forest. The Folk Poetry of the Gonds. Allen & Unwin, London 1935.
  • Stephen Fuchs: Culture summary: Gond. HRAF Press, New Haven CT, USA 2011 (detailed ethnographic overview with literature).
  • Wilfrid Vernon Grigson: Maria Gonds Of Bastar. Oxford University Press, London 1938.
  • Matthias Hermanns: The religious-magical worldview of the primitive tribes of India. Volume 2: The Bhilala, Korku, Gond, Baiga. Steiner, Wiesbaden 1966.
  • Walter Kaufmann : The Songs of the Hill Maria, Jhoria Muria and Bastar Muria Gond Tribes. In: Ethnomusicology. Volume 4, No. 3, September 1960, pp. 115-128.
  • Barbara A. West: Gond (Coetoor, Koi, Koitor, Koitur, Koytor). In: Encyclopedia of the Peoples of Asia and Oceania. Infobase, New York 2009, ISBN 978-0-8160-7109-8 , pp. 241–244 (short description; full text in the Google book search).

Web links

Commons : Gond  - Collection of Images
  • HRAF research project: publications on the Gond.
  • Stephen Fuchs: Gond. In: Encyclopedia.com. HRAF-Text, 1996 (English; detailed ethnography; another ethnography from 2009 at the bottom of the page).

Individual evidence

  1. 2,984,453 Gondi speakers according to Census of India 2011: Paper 1 of 2018: Language - India, States and Union Territories (Table C-16). Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner India, New Delhi 2018, p. 8: Table Statement 1, Part-B: Languages ​​not Specified in the Eighth Schedule (Non-Scheduled Languages) (English; PDF: 945 kB, 52 pages on censusindia.gov.in).
  2. a b Numbers of the Gond as ST in 11 states (2011): Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Statistics Division: Statistical Profile of Scheduled Tribes in India 2013. Government of India, New Delhi 2013, pp. 141 and 147–158xvi (English ; PDF: 18.1 MB, 448 pages on tribal.nic.in).
  3. Numbers of the individual Gond-ST per country (2011): Census of India 2011: A-11: Individual Scheduled Tribe Primary Census Abstract Data. Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner India, New Delhi 2019 (English; download overview );
    → 11 national Excel tables: Madhya Pradesh , Chhattisgarh , Maharashtra , Odisha , Uttar Pradesh , Andhra Pradesh , Bihar , Karnataka , Jharkhand , West Bengal , Gujarat .
  4. 10,859,422 Gond in the 2001 census: Ministry of Tribal Affairs: Report of the High Level Committee on Socio-Economic, Health and Educational Status of Tribal Communities Of India. Government of India, New Delhi May 2014, p. 47 (English; extensive evaluation; PDF: 5.0 MB, 431 pages on indiaenvironmentportal.org.in); Quote: "As per the 2001 census, the tribe with the largest population is the Bhil (12689952) followed by the Gond (10859422), the Santal (5838016) and the Mina (3800002)."
    → Numbers of the individual Gond-ST each State (2001): Census of India 2001: ST-14: Scheduled Tribe Population by Religious Community (for each tribe separately). The Registrar General & Census Commissioner India, New Delhi 2014 (English);
    → 11 national Excel tables: Census Digital Library. Instructions: First, select the census year "2001", then on the screen where Tabulations plan of Census Year - 2011 below the point Special Tables for Scheduled Tribes (ST Series) click, from ST 9 to ST-16 Select then ST-14: Click
    Scheduled tribe population by religious community and select the desired state from the long list that appears or from the pull-down menu: Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Gujarat - there the members of the individual Scheduled Tribes for each state are listed alphabetically in detailed XLS Excel tables, including the Gond; However, only "ST.htm" is offered as a download name - this name must be changed to "ST state name .xls" each time before saving in order to be able to load it as an Excel table and avoid overwriting.
  5. a b c All religious followers of the Scheduled Tribes as individual download for each state:
    Cenus of India 2011: ST-14: Scheduled Tribe Population by Religious Community. Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner India, New Delhi 2019, accessed on February 5, 2019 (English; download overview );
    plus appendices to “Other Religions and Beliefs”: ST-14 A: Details Of Religions Shown Under 'Other Religions and Persuasions' in Main Table (for each tribe separately). ( Download overview );
    1. Madhya Pradesh: ST-14: Main Religions. + ST-14 Appendix: Other Religions (State 23).
    2. Chhattisgarh: ST-14: Main Religions. + ST-14 Appendix: Other Religions (State 22).
    3. Maharashtra: ST-14: Main Religions. + ST-14 Appendix: Other Religions (State 27).
    4. Odisha / Orissa: ST-14: Main Religions. + ST-14 Appendix: Other Religions (State 21).
    5. Uttar Pradesh: ST-14: Main Religions. + ST-14 Appendix: Other Religions (State 09).
    6. Andhra Pradesh: ST-14: Main Religions. + ST-14 Appendix: Other Religions (State 28).
    7. Bihar: ST-14: Main Religions. + ST-14 Appendix: Other Religions (State 10).
    8. Karnataka: ST-14: Main Religions. + ST-14 Appendix: Other Religions (State 29).
    9. Jharkhand: ST-14: Main Religions. + ST-14 Appendix: Other Religions (State 20).
    10. West Bengal: ST-14: Main Religions. + ST-14 Appendix: Other Religions (State 19).
    11. Gujarat: ST-14: Main Religions. + 0 "Other religions and beliefs".
  6. Jan Van Alphen in the booklet accompanying the music CD Traditions musicales des Gond / Musical Traditions of the Gond. Archives Internationales de Musique Populaire (AIMP XX), Geneva 1990 (English; recordings from 1978, 1980, 1981).