Grigory Alexandrovich Gamburzew

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Grigori Alexandrovich Gamburzew ( Russian Григорий Александрович Гамбурцев ; born March 10, jul. / 23. March  1903 greg. In St. Petersburg ; † 28. June 1955 in Moscow ) was a Russian geophysicist , seismologist and university teachers .


Gamburzev's father, Alexander Alexandrovich Gamburzew, was a general in the Imperial Russian Army , who taught in educational institutions of the Red Army after the October Revolution and took on responsible tasks in the headquarters of the Red Army. Gamburzew studied at the physics and mathematics faculty of Moscow University (MGU) with a degree in 1926.

In addition to his studies, Gamburzew was an employee of the Institute of Physics and worked in the special commission for the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (1922-1926). He then became an employee of the photochemistry laboratory of the Moscow branch of the Commission for the Study of the Productive Forces of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR, since 1991 Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN)) (1926-1932). He also taught at the geophysical faculty of the Moscow Prospecting Institute (MGRI).

In 1932 Gamburzew became head of the seismological laboratory of the Institute for Petroleum Prospection (NGRI). In 1934 he moved to the All Union Office for Geophysical Prospecting (WKGR). 1938–1949 he worked at the Institute for Theoretical Geophysics of the AN-SSSR. In 1939 he received his doctorate in physical and mathematical sciences . He headed the department for physical methods of prospecting and became a professor . He developed a new type of seismograph and the mathematical theory for its use. He also developed a new method of refraction seismics to search for deposits . Another focus of work was earthquake forecasting .

Gamburzew led the geophysical work in Ischimbai , the Second Baku , (1941-1943) and on the Apscheron peninsula (1943-1944). He was head of the Eastern Europe expedition of the AN-SSSR (1941-1943), professor at the chair for geophysical and geochemical methods of prospecting at Gubkin University for Petroleum and Gas (1944-1953), organizer and then head of the geophysical expedition for the Uranium ore prospection (1946–1951) and Vice Director of the Institute for Geophysics of the AN-SSSR. In 1945 he prepared the raw material base for the new nuclear industry . Assistant on his expeditions was his wife Luisa (Perl) Samuilowna née Weizmann, who had studied at the Sternberg Institute for Astronomy (graduated in 1937). Lev Alexandrovich Ryabinkin was one of his students .

In 1946 Gamburzew became director of the Institute for Geophysics of the AN-SSSR and a corresponding member of the AN-SSSR. In 1955 he became a real member of the AN-SSSR. He died at a meeting of the Presidium of the AN-SSSR when his report and the division of his institute, which had become too large, were being discussed into three independent institutes.

Gamburzew was buried in Moscow's Novodevichy Cemetery.

The Gamburzew Mountains in East Antarctica , which were discovered by the Soviet Antarctic expedition in 1958, are reminiscent of Gamburzew . A tectonic mountain range in the Bolshezemelskaya tundra , the Wal Gamburzewa oil deposit in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and in Arkhangelsk Oblast, and the geophysical research vessel Akademiker Gamburzew and the RAN Institute for Earth Physics also bear his name.

Honors, prizes

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b К 110-ЛЕТИЮ СО ДНЯ РОЖДЕНИЯ АКАДЕМИКА Г.А. ГАМБУРЦЕВА (1903–1955) . In: Технологии сейсморазведки . No. 2 , 2013 ( [PDF; accessed October 6, 2018]).
  2. a b Никонов А. А .: Новая книга о Г. А. Гамбурцеве. К 100-летию со дня рождения (accessed October 6).
  3. a b Great Soviet Encyclopedia : Гамбурцев Григорий Александрович.
  4. a b Gubkin University: ГАМБУРЦЕВ Григорий Александрович (accessed October 6, 2018).
  5. GA Gamburcev: The seismic depth sounding . Bergakademie Freiberg , 1956.
  6. GA Gamburcev; Ju. V. Rizničenko; IS Berzon et al.: The Broken Wave Correlation Method (KMGW) . Institute for Applied Physics at the Bergakademie, Freiberg 1957.
  7. Deep Seismic Sounding database: 1956 Caspian Sea DSS experiment (accessed October 6, 2018).
  8. Гамбурцев А. Г .: Г. А. Гамбурцев и проблема прогноза землетрясений (accessed October 6, 2018).
  9. ^ GA Gamburzew: Basics of seismic exploration . Sagner, Munich 1965.
  10. Для сотрудников: Список выпускников (accessed October 6, 2018).
  11. RAN: Гамбурцев Григорий Александрович (accessed October 6, 2018).