Gruppenbach (Bühler)

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View up the Gruppenbach from the Gruppenbach footbridge on the Schönbronn – Bühlerzell church path.  In the Keupersandsteingeröll stream bed.

View up the Gruppenbach from the Gruppenbach footbridge on the Schönbronn – Bühlerzell church path. In the Keupersandsteingeröll stream bed.

Water code DE : 238662
location Swabian-Franconian forest mountains


River system Rhine
Drain over Bühler  → Kocher  → Neckar  → Rhine  → North Sea
source About 200 m southwest of Buhlerzell -Kammerstatt
49 ° 0 '35 "  N , 9 ° 57' 20"  O
Source height approx.  480  m above sea level NHN
muzzle At Bühlerzell- Senzenberg from the right into the Bühler coordinates: 48 ° 58 '51 "  N , 9 ° 55' 35"  E 48 ° 58 '51 "  N , 9 ° 55' 35"  E
Mouth height almost  395  m above sea level NHN
Height difference approx. 85 m
Bottom slope approx. 16 ‰
length 5.2 km
Catchment area 6.668 km²
A Eo : 6.668 km²
at the mouth
83 l / s
12.4 l / (s km²)
Left tributaries Forchenbach
Mangoldshauser Graben
Bach through the Wolfsklinge
Communities Bühlerzell
Bühlertann only EZG gusset
Residents in the catchment area under 300

The Gruppenbach is a forest brook in the Ellwang Mountains in the municipality of Bühlerzell in the district of Schwäbisch Hall in north-eastern Baden-Württemberg , which flows into the upper Bühler from the right after a good 5 km run approximately to the south-west near the hamlet of Senzenberg .


Source and history

The Gruppenbach rises less than 200 m southwest of the outskirts of Bühlerzell- Kammerstatt, roughly in continuation of Hirtengasse at about 480  m above sea level. NHN . It begins in a small depression between the plowed slopes of the Eifeld in the northwest and Fessel in the southeast. There are at least three more springs in a short radius, and wood galleries have accompanied two of the emerging runs from the beginning, which will soon converge. Then the brook runs for about half a kilometer in a south-westerly direction inward and close to the edge of the Great Forest , which extends to the left , and then gradually turns south as soon as a wide forest comes to its right after a total of about 750 m. After about a kilometer, a forest path accompanies its course, which here reaches the valley through the side hollow of an often dry inlet. Three hundred meters later, a short Klingenbach flows from the right from the south of the Benzenhof, and at Bach kilometer 1.8 it runs at a little below 440  m above sea level. NHN together with the 1.3 km long Forchenbach , which approaches from the left from the east from the Spatzenhof.

Immediately afterwards it crosses under the municipal road to Mangoldshausen, approaching from the right of the K 2627 Bühlerzell-Benzenhof, which continues to accompany the stream for a short distance on the left on its steep path. Soon the 1.7 km long Mangoldshauser Graben flows from the left at 425.8  m above sea level. NHN and about 2.4 km below the top Gruppenbach source. This tributary arises on the northeast edge of the Mangoldshausen-Schönbronner Flurinsel. After that, the Gruppenbach slowly turns its course to the southwest again, meanwhile without an accompanying forest path, the next tributary after about 3.4 km of the stream at 412.4  m above sea level. NHN , again from the left, is the 2.2 km long Klingenbach . This draws from the K 2629 and is noticeable in nature on the upper course due to a thin gallery of trees along its course, which cuts through the mentioned corridor island in a small hollow between Mangoldshausen in the north and Schönbronn in the south. Its mouth is at the south-western tip of the one-hectare wet forest meadow triangle of the Jörgenwiese in the Aue, on the north-eastern side of which a hiking trail on the old route of the Schönbronn – Bühlerzeller Kirchenweg crosses the two creeks that have just been separated on two small wooden walkways.

After about 3.7 km the open corridor joins the banks of the Gruppenbach , initially on the right, after about 4.1 km on both sides. Immediately afterwards the 0.8 km long brook flows from the left through the Wolfsklinge , which arises west of Schönbronn. On the right side of its blade, the road from Schönbronn to Senzenberg leads down into the Gruppenbachtal, which then slowly descends the left slope to the level of the Gruppenbachtal on the remainder of the Gruppenbachtal. The Gruppenbach runs in a south-east loop around the property of the former brick mill on his right, whose canal route going slightly above to the right is still recognizable by a wood gallery at the foot of the right valley slope. Finally , after having crossed the L 1072 Bühlerzell - Abtsgmünd -Pommerstweiler , the Gruppenbach flows under, after a total of 5.2 km of creek, at just under 395  m above sea level. NHN from the right at Bühlerzell-Senzenberg into the Bühler .

Catchment area

The group Bach has a catchment area of 6.7 km², which in subspace Ellwanger Berge of the natural environment Swabian-Franconian Forest is located. The highest point is on the northern watershed a little west of Kammerstatt at about 502.4  m above sea level. NHN . On the right side, the watershed is never even 0.7 km away from the brook, on the left, however, at the widest point to over 2.0 km.

The watershed runs in the northwest, from the junction of the valley-crossing road to Mangoldshausen, for example on the K 2627 Bühlerzell-Kammerstatt, initially west towards the Pfaffenbach , which flows into the Bühler in Bühlerzell, then north towards Sperberklingenbach , Reutebach and Braunen Bach , the reach the Bühler via the Avenbach . From Kammerstatt at the northeast tip of the catchment area, the ridge line now follows on the left side of the Gruppenbach with deviations from the southern route of the K 2627 from Kammerstatt via the Spatzenhof to the junction of the K 2629, here the blind-red tributaries Dollesbach , Scherrbach and the rival Streams through the Hahnles and Höfeles blades . Then the Schönbronn watershed passes a little north parallel to the K 2629 and from there runs straight through the Kohlstatt hillside forest to the southwest towards the mouth of the stream. On this section, the catchment area of ​​the large Bühler tributary Uhlbach borders in the southeast, in the section from about Schönbronn in the south the significantly smaller and close Ödenbach competes with the Bühler.

From the confluence at Senzenberg on, the right watershed follows the north-facing field path over the ridge to Rosshalde , Hirschreute and Waldwiesendreieck Schlag , on the other side only the short Rossbach flows to Bühler along noteworthy streams . From the impact the watershed makes a small Ostkurve to the catchment area of which opens in Bühlerzell in the Buhler Schäfbachs and then reached again near the junction of the road to Mangold Hausen am Benzenhof the K 2627th

A good half of the catchment area is forested, including the largest part of the Gruppenbach valley basin.


View up the left Grundbach tributary Klingenbach from near the Klingenbach footbridge on the Schönbronn – Bühlerzeller Kirchenweg. In the Keupersandsteingeröll stream bed.

List of main tributaries from source to estuary. Length of water, catchment area and altitude according to the corresponding layers on the LUBW online map. Other sources for the information are noted.

Origin of the Gruppenbach at about 480  m above sea level. NHN approx. 0.2 km southwest of the outskirts of Bühlerzell -Kammerstatt in continuation of Hirtengasse.

  • Forchenbach , from the left and east-northeast to about 438  m above sea level. NHN near the Gruppenbachbrücke on the Bühlerzell – Mangoldshausen road, 1.3 km and approx. 0.9 km². Arises at about 482  m above sea level. NHN a little west of the Spatzenhof in the beginning forest.
  • Mangoldshauser Graben , from the left and east to 425.8  m above sea level. NHN approx. 0.9 km west-northwest of Mangoldshausen, 1.7 km and approx. 1.0 km². Arises at about 482  m above sea level. NHN approx. 0.9 km east-northeast of Mangoldshausen.
  • Klingenbach , from the left and east to 412.4  m above sea level. NHN at the south-western tip of the Jörgenwiese , a small meadow triangle in the valley forest, 2.2 km and about 1.3 km². Arises at about 477  m above sea level. NHN about 1.3 km northeast of Schönbronn in the Gassenfeld near the K 2629 after the hamlet in front of the Schönbronner Holz . Even before entering the forest, accompanied by a gallery that divides the clearing islands around Mangoldshausen and Schönbronn.
  • (Bach through the Wolfsklinge ), from the left and east to about 404  m above sea level. NHN about 0.3 km northeast of the brick mill, 0.8 km and about 0.3 km². Arises at about 465  m above sea level. NHN about 0.6 km west-southwest of Schönbronn at the beginning of its forest blade used by the road from there to Senzenberg.
  • (Mühlkanal to Ziegelmühle), from the right to about 398  m above sea level. NHN shortly after the brick mill, 0.2 km and below 0.1 km². Goes to about 402  m above sea level. NHN about 0.1 km north of the mill to the right of the Gruppenbach.

Mouth of the Gruppenbach at just under 395  m above sea level. NHN at the southernmost courtyard of Bühlerzell -Senzenberg from the right and northeast into the upper Bühler . The Gruppenbach is 5.2 km long and has a catchment area of ​​6.7 km².


The entire course of the Gruppenbach lies on the Bühlerzell submarket of the municipality of Bühlerzell . Of the catchment area, only a small spandrel of about 3 hectares of forest in the extreme northwest belongs to the area of ​​the municipality of Bühlertann , it is located at the bend in the K 2627 between Benzenhof and Kammerstatt, the entire remaining part of the municipality of Bühlerzell.

In the catchment area, a large part of the hamlet of Kammerstatt, the Kleinweiler Spatzenhof near the Forchenbach source, and the hamlet of Mangoldshausen on the ridge between the Mangoldshauser Graben and the Klingenbach are still above the source. Only at the lower reaches does the Gruppenbach emerge from the forest, here is the brick mill and finally part of the hamlet of Senzenberg, which is divided into three or four settlement groups, directly on the creek. A total of less than 300 people live in the catchment area.


The Gruppenbach flows in the Keuper . Its sources are in the Upper Bunter Mergeln ( Mainhardt Formation ), the catchment area above extends in the north near Kammerstatt and especially in the east over plateaus in the Stubensandstein ( Löwenstein Formation ) and below in the silica sandstone ( Hassberge Formation ). The valley already reaches the lower colored marl ( Steigerwald formation ) in the middle area and remains in the Mittelkeuper until the mouth .

There are the following geotopes:

  • Outcrop in the lower colored marls about 70 m south of the Gruppenbach bridge on the road to Mangoldshausen.
  • Outcrop in the silica sandstone and the lower colored marls in the lower blade of the Mangoldshauser trench.
  • Outcrops in the silica sandstone and the lower colored marls on the Klingenbach.

Nature and protected areas

The Klingenbach runs for the most part in a closed forest area, only on the lower reaches for the last one to one and a half kilometers does it flow in a wide, grassland-dominated trough. The inflowing short slope brooks have dug in steep blades, especially in the lower reaches, clearly visible from the road from Schönbronn to Senzenberg that accompanies the brook through the Wolfsklinge.

In the higher parts of the catchment area in the north and especially in the east are the two clearing islands around Kammerstatt and the Spatzenhof or around Mangoldshausen and Schönbronn. Their plateaus and hills are under the plow, only smaller and deeper parts, especially on the slopes, are grassland.

There are water protection areas on the upper reaches and on the Klingenbach. The wet meadow called Horgenwiese at the mouth of the Klingenbach is protected as a natural monument. The open parts of the lower reaches of the valley are located in the Upper Bühlertal nature reserve with side valleys and adjacent areas .

See also

Individual evidence


Official online waterway map with a suitable section and the layers used here: Course and catchment area of ​​the Gruppenbach
General introduction without default settings and layers: State Institute for the Environment Baden-Württemberg (LUBW) ( notes )

  1. a b c Height according to the contour line image on the background layer topographic map .
  2. a b Length according to the waterway network layer ( AWGN ) .
  3. a b Catchment area according to the basic catchment area layer (AWGN) .
  4. a b Conservative upward estimate based on the settlement shares of the hamlets in the catchment area and the information provided by the Bühlerzell municipal website .
  5. Height according to black lettering on the background layer topographic map .
  6. ↑ Catchment area measured on the background layer topographic map .
  7. a b Height according to the blue lettering on the background layer of the topographic map .
  8. Area measured on the topographic map background layer .
  9. Protected areas according to the relevant layers, nature partly according to the biotope layer .

Other evidence

  1. Modeled values ​​according to the discharge BW water node MQ / MNQ
  2. ^ Name after a resident information provider.
  3. Wolf-Dieter Sick : Geographical land survey: The natural space units on sheet 162 Rothenburg o. D. Deaf. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1962. →  Online map (PDF; 4.7 MB)
  4. Hansjörg Dongus : Geographical land survey: The natural spatial units on sheet 171 Göppingen. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1961. →  Online map (PDF; 4.3 MB)
  5. Geology based on the geological map given in →  Literature or, in the southern part, roughly based on the map server of the State Office for Geology, Raw Materials and Mining (LGRB) ( notes )
  6. Geotope profile outcrop in the Lower Bunter Marls near the Gruppenbach Bridge (PDF) at LGRB.
  7. Geotope profile outcrop in the silica sandstone in the blade of the Mangoldshauser Bach (PDF) at LGRB.
  8. Geotope profile outcrop in silica sandstone and lower colored marls on the Klingenbach (PDF) at LGRB.
  9. Name of the Horgenwiese according to oral information from a resident of the surrounding hamlet.


  • Topographic map 1: 25,000 Baden-Württemberg North, single-sheet cut the maps No. 6925 Obersontheim and No. 7025 Sulzbach-Laufen.
  • Geological map of Baden-Württemberg 1: 25,000 No. 6925 Obersontheim.

Web links