Gustav Adolf von Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld

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Gustav Adolf Emil Hermann Freiherr von Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld (* December 2, 1811 at Haus Voerde , † December 7, 1881 in Trier ) was a Prussian major general .


Origin and family

Gustav Adolf was a member of the Freiherrn Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld . His parents were the Prussian major a. D. and Knight of the Order of St. John Alexander Wilhelm Sigismund Leopold Christoph August Freiherr von Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld (1767–1839) and Adolfine, née Freiin von Hertefeld (1782–1832). He remained unmarried and without a physical heir.


Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld began his career in the Prussian army in 1830 as a Ulan in the 5th Uhlan Regiment . in 1832 he was promoted first to portepeef ensign and then to secondary lieutenant . He was assigned to the teaching squadron for the years 1835 to 1837 . He received his promotion to prime lieutenant in 1844. During the campaign against Denmark he took part in the battle near Schleswig. With his promotion to Rittmeister in 1852, he also became squadron chief . In 1858 he was promoted to major, then in 1859 was a regular staff officer in the 7th Hussar Regiment . In June 1859, he became the commander of the 7th Landwehr Hussar Regiment, but released from this position in November. In 1860 he became the commander of Hussar Regiment No. 9 , rose to lieutenant colonel in 1861 and to colonel in 1865 . During the mobile relationship in 1866 he was in command of the 3rd Landwehr Cavalry Brigade and took part in the campaign with the Reserve Corps. In 1866 he was released from his war position with the Order of the Red Eagle III. Class awarded with swords and received his departure with the character as major general and pension . During the mobile relationship in 1870 he was inspector of the VIII Army Corps and was released from this position after the end of the war .
