Hans-Joachim Koppe

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Hans-Joachim Koppe (born December 13, 1934 in Bunzlau ; † September 4, 2013 in Schulzendorf ) was editor-in-chief of CDU newspapers in the GDR . In the reunified Germany, the journalist continued to write articles for Neue Zeit and other publications. Most recently he was editor-in-chief of the Köpenicker senior newspaper in Berlin.


Koppe was born the son of a Silesian forester and a singer. After fleeing and being expelled, he grew up as the only child of the " resettled " family in the Soviet Zone / GDR , graduated from high school in 1952, worked temporarily as a locksmith and became a journalist for the CDU press. The historian wrote his curriculum vitae as a schoolboy in 1989 in the daily newspaper Neue Zeit in his "Thoughts on the weekend": As the world is reflected in the raindrop, so it is with family history: it is "studied" and appropriated en masse from fragments . Because who didn't care what the ancients experienced and suffered, what they left behind in terms of valuable things and also errors and how they lived - responsibly or into the day. Via a village near Bautzen , the family moved to Niesky , a former colony of the Moravian Brethren , with which he was associated throughout his life. In the early 1960s, the journalist moved to Cottbus with his young family . There he worked for the regional daily newspapers of the CDU Die Union / Märkische Union as a district editor until he was appointed editor-in-chief of the CDU party magazine UnionShare mit (Utm) in 1969. On March 15, 1973, Koppe was appointed editor-in-chief of Utm by Johannes Straubing (* 1934 ) and at the same time appointed deputy editor-in-chief of Neue Zeit under the editor -in- chief Karl-Friedrich Fuchs and thus a member of the editorial board of the central body of the CDU. During this time he graduated from the University of Leipzig as a journalist after a distance learning.

Editor-in-chief of the Neue Zeit newspaper

Wolfgang Heyl informed Johannes Zillig in November 1989 that Dieter Eberle had asked to be dismissed from his position as editor-in-chief of Neue Zeit (NZ) and member of the secretariat of the main board for health reasons . At the same time Koppe was appointed acting editor-in-chief. He was elected editor-in-chief of an opposing candidate by the newspaper's staff. The new editorial line "Christian, democratic, social" determined under his leadership the orientation of the "Zeitung für Deutschland", as the subtitle of Neue Zeit read and, after emphasizing the independence of the former GDR newspaper Neue Zeit, was reflected in the imprint .

After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1990, Koppe commented on the previous censorship in the GDR , which not least affected the daily newspapers: ... the SED's media policy (was) simply "put through". Violations were punished severely. Deviants were banned from writing or working, had to practice self-criticism, or were demoted and transferred to prison. During his time as NZ editor-in-chief, Koppe made sure that the memory of Christian democratic journalists who published high-quality articles in the cultural section of “Neue Zeit” in the early 1950s was not lost. In April 1990, for example, the culture editor Hans-Werner Gyßling (1904-1954) was remembered.

The management of the Deutsche Zeitungsverlages GmbH, to which the NEUE ZEIT publishing house belonged after a change of ownership, said goodbye to Hans Joachim Koppe as editor-in-chief on September 3, 1990, stating health reasons, occasionally introducing Monika Zimmermann , German journalist and historian, a doctor of history who had previously Was editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and FAZ correspondent in the GDR.


Since 1959 he was married to a teacher for German and mathematics. The marriage produced a son and a daughter.


Koppe was a member of the Free German Authors' Association Berlin eV , which represents the interests of writers from all disciplines and genres. He has been writing verses since his youth: Not to be a poet. I just enjoy it. Sometimes I think of a nice line when I go for a walk. A little poem emerges from this.

The success of the Köpenicker senior newspaper , which he helped to set up and run on a voluntary basis after reunification, was largely due to him.

Fonts (selection)

  • Berlin Christian-D [democratic] U [nion] at the crossroads. On the struggle of the progressive forces of the Berlin regional association of the CDU for the democratic united front 1948/1949 , Berlin 1967


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Neue Zeit, August 26, 1989, p. 2
  2. ^ Proposal for the new CDU district executive in Cottbus 1958; KAS digital reading room: ACDP-07-011-1840, PDF, p. 231
  3. Protocol No. 5 of the secretariat of the CDU main board of March 14, 1969 to 5.) "Cadre changes"; Digital reading room of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation
  4. ^ Neue Zeit , March 15, 1973, imprint , p. 2
  5. ^ Minutes of the secretariat of the CDU main board of February 27, 1973 - 9th meeting, to 8) management questions; KAS digital reading room
  6. ^ At that time the journalist lived with his family at Rathausstrasse 13 in Berlin-Mitte; Telephone book for the capital of the German Democratic Republic. 1975 edition, p. 267 column 3
  7. ^ Neue Zeit , November 8, 1989, p. 1
  8. ^ For example, editions of Neue Zeit , June 1, 1990, p. 1, and August 30, 1990, p. 10
  9. DER SPIEGEL 5/1990, pp. (56-61) 61
  10. ^ Neue Zeit , April 28, 1990, p. 9
  11. ^ Neue Zeit , September 4, 1990, p. 2
  12. Christina Matte: Neue Chefin in Neuer Zeit , in newspaper Neues Deutschland , September 5, 1990, p. 2
  13. According to the journalist Brigitte Habraneck in: New Germany , October 14, 1971, p 8
  14. ^ Obituary, "Berliner Woche", Köpenick edition
  15. DNB 574424571
  16. ^ Neue Zeit , October 6, 1981, p. 1
  17. Neue Zeit , June 27, 1973, p. 3