Hans Dama

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Hans Dama or Johann Dama (born June 30, 1944 in Sânnicolau Mare , Kingdom of Romania ) is an Austrian writer of Banat-Swabian descent.


Hans Dama studied German , Romanian , pedagogy , economics and geography at the University of the West Timișoara , the University of Bucharest and the University of Vienna . His thesis was entitled Special Forms of Modern German Poetry . In 1974 he left Romania and moved to Vienna , where he also received his doctorate. Since 1980 he has been teaching at the University of Vienna.

Hans Dama's research focuses on Banat literature and intercultural relationships and cultural studies. Most of his literary works are in the form of poems , although, as in his volume Unterwegs, he also writes in prose . All of his works are in the Austrian National Library .

Dama's work has appeared in numerous German , Austrian , Mexican , Romanian, Spanish and Hungarian magazines, and he has published anthologies , essays and studies. Dama also translated Romanian poetry from the works of Lucian Blaga , George Bacovia , Nichita Stănescu , Anghel Dumbrăveanu and others. Two of his poems were set to music in the United States .


  • In 1963 Dama received the Via La studențească magazine's poetry prize
  • The price of 1997, he was Nikolaus Lenau Prize of the International Lenau Society awarded
  • In 2003 he was awarded the Translator Prize at the XXIII. Lucian Blaga Festival in Romania.

Publications (selection)

Literary and cultural history

  • Aspecte din activitatea studentului Eminescu la Viena (1869-1972) . In: UNIREA, Vienna, 2/1989, pp. 10–11.
  • Eminescu's years of study in Vienna . where, pp. 16-17
  • Anghel Dumbraveanu - a Romanian poet of the "Generation 60" . In: ÖOH, No. 3/1989, pp. 617-631.
  • To break down prejudice. Romanians evening held at the University of Vienna . In: NW of April 7, 1990.
  • Eminescu as a student in Vienna . In: LENAU-FORUM, 18th year 1992, episode 1–4, pp. 147–159, Vienna
  • Eminescu and Lenau. Historical Relations between Austria and Romania . In: General German newspaper for Romania, Bucharest, November 11, 1994
  • The end of the classless society in Romania . In: DSFBl. 4/1992, pp. 168-170.
  • The beginnings of the German-speaking press in old Romania . In: GGR contributions to German studies 1, Bucharest 1997, pp. 107–115.
  • Philosophical basics in Lenau and Eminescu , in: "Timisoara Contributions to German Studies, Vol. 4" (Ed. Roxana Nubert ), Timisoara 2003, pp. 235-250.
  • Linguistic walks through time and space , in: “What separates and connects. Self-testimonials on individual multilingualism ”(Ed. Barbara Czernilofsky, Georg Kremnitz), Vienna 2003, pp. 77–88.
  • Ritmul vital al ceremoniei . In: Orient Latin, Timișoara, No. 1–2 / 2003, p. 21 ff.
  • Traduceri de Hans Dama , in: Meridian Blaga III, (ed.) Societatea Culturala “Lucian Blaga” Cluj-Napoca, Editura Casa Cartii de Stiinta, Cluj-Napoca, 2003, Chapter VI, Blaga în germana, pp. 296–305 .
  • Whims of Fate / Capriciile destinului (Versuri). Ediție bilingvă. Versiunea românească de Simion Dănilă
  • In the shadow of time / In umbra timpului . Bilingual book of poems. Pollischansky publishing house, Vienna 2011, ISBN 978-3-85407-073-3


  • The settlement of the Danube Swabians in the Banat crown land . In: DD of September 12 and September 19, 1976.
  • Ada-Kaleh. The magic of a vanished island . In: DD of May 2, 1976 and in: SODVJBl., Munich, 2/1989, pp. 137-141.
  • Timisoara church monuments after the Turkish expulsion . In: DD of November 21 and December 5, 1976.
  • A lighthouse to the southeast. Vienna University 600 years old . In: Kulturpolitische Korrespondenz, Bonn, 2/1985.
  • How Morissena became Grand Saint Nicholas. From the past of a heath town . In: NBZ from July 27, 1968.
  • The strange bird 'gluttonous', which actually belongs to the Banat Timișoara at home. Three-volume book on the Banat, printed in Leipzig in 1777. In: DD of July 24, 1977.
  • Little stories about coffee . In: NBZ of May 7, 1969.
  • Scientifically active . In: DW of April 2, 1964.
  • A look back in time. Banat Bronze Age - Finds in Lower Austria . In: DD, g. 44 / No. 46 of November 20, 1994
  • From Altbeba and Perjamosch. Banat Bronze Age finds in Lower Austria . In: General German newspaper for Romania , Bucharest, January 6, 1995
  • Grand Saint Nicholas: From the history of a Banat community from its beginnings to the beginning of the 19th century . In: Der Donauschwabe (various episodes)


  • Did Columbus Discover America? (3 episodes). In: NBZ, June 1971. Reprinted in: Donauschwäbische Forschungs- und Lehrerblätter, 3/1992, pp. 131-134.
  • Scientific study trip Timisoara students: Banat-Transylvania - Moldova . In: DW of April 30, 1964.
  • The GW lessons for 10-14 year old students in Romania . Diploma thesis, Pedagogical Academy, Vienna 10, 1977.
  • City on two continents-Istanbul. Visiting the dethroned queen on the Bosporus . In: Karpatenrundschau from December 25, 1970.
  • Joseph II visits the pilgrimage church of Maria Radna . In: DD of March 21, 1976.
  • From the Altgass' to Las Vegas. Travel report USA (summer 1994) . In: DD, various editions.
  • On the threshold of the Atlantic. Travel impressions from Ireland . In: General German newspaper for Romania, August 31, 1995.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. unibuc.ro ( Memento of July 24, 2010 in the Internet Archive ), University of Vienna , Institute for Romance Studies - Lect. univ. Dr. Johann Dama
  2. ( page no longer available , search in web archives: Hans Dama's literary reading in the library )@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / bibliothek.hu
  3. romanistik.univie.ac.at  ( page no longer available , search in web archives ), Institute for Romance Studies at the University of Vienna: Mag. Johann Dama@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / romanistik.univie.ac.at