Hans Holzwarth

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Hans Holzwarth - photo from a family album

Hans Theodor Holzwarth (* 20th August 1877 in Dornhan , † 21st August 1953 in Dusseldorf ) was a German mechanical engineering - engineering . He became known as the inventor of the first fully functional gas turbine that was ready for the market .


Hans Holzwarth was born in Dornhan near Schramberg in 1877 . His father Albert Holzwarth was mayor of the city of Schramberg and was later made an honorary citizen of Schramberg for his services to the industrialization of the city .

After finishing school, Holzwarth studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Stuttgart , where he passed the first state examination in 1901. This was followed by a brief career at MAN , then from 1903 to 1908 Holzwarth worked for Hooven, Owens, Rentschler & Co (HOR) in Hamilton, Ohio, USA . For HOR he first developed a steam turbine known as the Hamilton-Holzwarth turbine . During his time at HOR, however, he also began developing work on a "deflagration gas turbine".

After returning to Germany, Holzwarth worked as a freelancer for a short time in order to devote himself entirely to the further development and marketing of his gas turbine. He became an employee of the machine factory Thyssen & Co. in Mülheim an der Ruhr , on whose behalf he built the first two functioning prototypes (with financial support from his cousin Erhard Junghans, co-heir and commercial manager of the Junghans watch factory ). After a long collaboration with Brown, Boveri & Cie. (BBC) Holzwarth finally founded his own company in Mülheim in 1927, Holzwarth-Gasturbinen GmbH .

The Holzwarth gas turbine

Prototype on the test bench of the Körting brothers , 1908 (today in the Deutsches Museum )

The "explosion" turbine developed by Holzwarth from 1905 onwards differs fundamentally from the gas turbines commonly used today in that the combustion in the Holzwarth GT takes place in a combustion chamber with a constant volume ( isochoric ) closed off by valves , discontinuously clocked, ignited by a magneto . Holzwarth took over this functionality from the gasoline engine . Since the pressure increase in the combustion chamber only occurs when the gas is ignited, the Holzwarth GT managed without a turbo compressor . Holzwarth took over the actual expansion turbine from the steam turbines; it is a 2-stage Curtis turbine .

Holzwarth turbines were built in large numbers by the BBC in particular until the late 1930s; later, today's standard construction with turbo compressor, continuous combustion and open combustion chamber prevailed.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans Holzwarth , In: Internationales Biographisches Archiv. 42/1953, October 5, 1953, in the Munzinger archive ( beginning of article freely accessible)
  2. a b c Neue Deutsche Biographie (see literature)
  3. ^ H. Wilda: Steam Turbines - Development and Engineering: Their Theory and Construction. Watchmaker Publishing, 2003, ISBN 1-929148-26-7 .
  4. Albert Bantlin: American steam turbines . Verlag A. Kröner, 1905, p. 28 f . ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  5. ^ First Holzwarth experimental gas turbine, 1908. Deutsches Museum, accessed on February 10, 2011 .
  6. ^ University archive Stuttgart: inventory overview ( Memento from July 3, 2007 in the Internet Archive )


  • Manfred Busch: The Holzwarth gas turbine. In: Stuttgart technical history lectures. 1980/81, p. 161ff.
  • Hans Holzwarth: The gas turbine - theory, construction and operating results of two executed machines. Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich 1911.
  • Gustav Goldbeck:  Holzwarth, Hans. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 9, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1972, ISBN 3-428-00190-7 , p. 581 ( digitized version ).

Web links

Commons : Hans Holzwarth  - Collection of images, videos and audio files