Hans List

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Hans List (born April 30, 1896 in Graz ; † September 10, 1996 there ) was an Austrian entrepreneur .

Live and act

After studying mechanical engineering at the Graz University of Technology , which he graduated after 6 semesters, Hans List received his doctorate on the regulation of diesel engines during his first professional job at the Grazer Waggon- und Maschinenfabrik. In 1926, Hans List was appointed as a scientist at Tongji University in China . There he set up a corresponding institute and carried out significant research work on the calculation of oscillation processes in the gas exchange of internal combustion engines. This was followed by a teaching position as professor for internal combustion engines at the TH Graz from 1932 to 1941 and the professorship for piston engines at the TH Dresden from 1941 to 1945 . The results of his research were sensational studies of diesel engines and internal combustion engines.

The company he founded in Graz in 1948, the “Institute for Internal Combustion Engines Prof. Dr. Hans List ”( AVL ), which emerged from an engineering office founded in 1946. AVL soon became a globally recognized company in the field of engine development, but also in measurement technology and medical technology. Around 1,000 patents show the company's technical capabilities, and numerous subsidiaries around the world also attest to its economic success. In 1979, at the age of 83, he placed the management of the company, which then had 500 employees, in the hands of his son Helmut List . Since then, the company has developed successfully and has over 10,000 employees worldwide.

His methodology consisted of formulating recognized technical problems, representing them mathematically and then solving them - albeit in a simplified form. The subsequent experimental verification of theoretical results was particularly important to him. Implementing the results achieved in industrial products was the last, but certainly not the easiest step in his work. In this way, more than 300 patents were created in the course of his work, which were registered by Prof. List as a sole inventor or in collaboration with employees. His journalistic activities culminated in the "List series": The Internal Combustion Engine , 1st and 2nd episodes (volumes 1–14) in Springer-Verlag were created between 1939 and 1952. They are still among the world's most important series of scientific books in the field of internal combustion engines.

Awards (excerpt)


  • Hans List: My memories. Publishing house for collectors, Graz 1994
  • Dorit Petschel : 175 years of TU Dresden. Volume 3: The professors of the TU Dresden 1828–2003. Edited on behalf of the Society of Friends and Supporters of the TU Dresden e. V. von Reiner Pommerin , Böhlau, Cologne a. a. 2003, ISBN 3-412-02503-8 , p. 569.
  • Rudolf Pischinger: Hans List. In: Almanach of the Austrian Academy of Sciences 1996/97, vol. 147 (1998), pp. 435–444.

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