Harry Auterhoff

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Harry Auterhoff

Harry Auterhoff (born August 1, 1915 in Dorpat ; † January 22, 1983 in Tübingen ) was a Latvian chemist and pharmacist.


Harry Auterhoff was born on August 1st, 1915 in Dorpat, today's Tartu . he attended elementary school and high school in Windau before studying chemistry, pharmacy and food chemistry at the University of Riga from 1933 to 1940 . He then visited the pharmacist's practice in Berlin and passed the German pharmaceutical state examination in 1942. He worked as a pharmacist until 1946, and in 1948 Auterhoff received his doctorate from the University of Würzburg . In the years up to 1953 he worked there at the Institute for Food Chemistry and completed his habilitation there. From 1956 to 1958 he was a lecturer at the University of Tübingen . He then followed in 1958 as a professor (at the Institute for Pharmaceutical Chemistry) at the Technical University of Braunschweig . In 1962 he published the “Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry” together with Joachim Knabe. From 1963 he took over the position of director of the pharmaceutical institute of the University of Tübingen. He worked there until his retirement in 1980. As part of his retirement ceremony, he was also presented with the Federal Cross of Merit for his achievements as an academic teacher and scientist, as well as his achievements in non-university offices.

Between 1970 and 1973 Auterhoff was President of the German Pharmaceutical Society. In addition, from 1961 to 1973 he was editor of the Pharmacy Archives , and from 1973 until his death in 1983 as editor of the Deutsche Apothekerzeitung . Scientifically, he dealt with the analysis of vegetable resins and alkaloids , as well as the reaction mechanisms of color reactions. His scientific achievements were recognized by his appointment as a member of the Leopoldina in 1972 and by an honorary doctorate from the University of Mainz in 1982.


Auterhoff's scientific work is reflected in over 200 publications. He worked in the fields of alkaloids, anthraquinones and color reactions. In the area of ​​the active ingredient group of anthraquinones, he has dealt with aloe preparations, aloin (improving the determination of the content of aloin), diachrones ( ester of dantron with ricinoleic acid 1979), rhubarb drugs and senna. In the case of alkaloids, for example, he has contributed to the structural elucidation and analysis of the following substances: cevagine, cevine , china alkaloids, emetine, eserine, rubremetin, morphine , and many more. In addition, he contributed to the elucidation of the detection reactions for malic acid , purines , tartaric acid , isopropanol , sorbic acid and citric acid .

Further awards

  • 1977 Medal of Merit from the Baden-Württemberg State Chamber of Pharmacists
  • 1979 Carl Mannich Medal from the German Pharmaceutical Society


  • Pharmaceutical chemistry . In: Hager's Handbook of Pharmaceutical Practice. 2. Erg.-Bd., Berlin 1958.
  • with Joachim Knabe : Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry . 14th edition, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart, 1999, ISBN 3-8047-1645-8 .
  • with Karl-Artur Kovar : Identification of medicinal substances . 6th edition, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart, 1998, ISBN 3-8047-1554-0 .
  • Pharmacy Dictionary: Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Technology . Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart, 1981, ISBN 3-8047-0656-8 .


  • Wolfgang-Hagen Hein, Holm-Dietmar Schwarz (ed.): German pharmacist-biography supplementary volume . Volume 55, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft MBH Stuttgart, 1986.
  • HJ Roth, on Harry Auterhoff's 65th birthday and retirement. An attempt at a historical-statistical assessment. Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, Volume 120, 1980, pp. 1405–1408.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang-Hagen Hein, Holm-Dietmar Schwarz (ed.): Deutsche Apotheker-Biographie supplementary volume . Volume 55, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft MBH Stuttgart, 1986.
  2. ^ E. Mechler, Large Federal Cross of Merit for Harry Auterhoff , Pharmazeutische Zeitung, 125th year, 1980, pp. 1910–1912.
  3. ^ Hermann J. Roth , On the 65th birthday and on the retirement of Harry Auterhoff. An attempt at a historical-statistical assessment. Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, Volume 120, 1980, pp. 1405–1408.
  4. ^ DPhG: The former presidents
  5. unknown author, University of Mainz honors Prof. Auterhoff , Pharmazeutische Zeitung, 127th year, 1982, p. 2073 f.
  6. ^ HJ Roth, On the 65th birthday and on the retirement of Harry Auterhoff. An attempt at a historical-statistical assessment. Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, Volume 120, 1980, pp. 1405–1408.
  7. a b F. Moll, Professor Dr. Harry Auterhoff on his 65th birthday , Pharmazeutische Zeitung, 125th year, 1980, p. 1528 f.