Heinrich Notthannt von Wernberg

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Heinrich Notthracht von Wernberg (* approx. 1370; † 1440 ) from the House of Notthracht was mayor in Regensburg , Vicedom in Straubinger Ländchen, and vault in Hainaut , Holland and Zeeland .



Heinrich Notthracht, who was nicknamed "the rich" or "the acquirer" in the family history, was born around 1370 as the son of Albrecht XIII. Born in Emergency von Wernberg zu Neueglofsheim and his second wife Helene von Achdorf. After his father's death in 1380 were Conrad of Paulsdorf to Tännesberg and uncle Hans Notthafft of Wernberg about him and his siblings as a guardian appointed.

From Bavaria to Holland

In 1404 Heinrich appears as the highest captain of the Roman king in Bavaria. At the beginning of 1408 he was elected mayor of the city of Regensburg as successor to Hadmar von Laber . After only one year in office, he resigned the mayor's office and was on February 2, 1409 by Duke Johann III. from Straubing-Holland to Vicedom, i.e. as a deputy, in the Lower Bavarian part of the country with headquarters in Straubing . As a result of the turmoil of war after taking office in Holland, Duke Johann III appointed. his energetic Vicedom Heinrich Notthracht and appointed him on April 10, 1418 as a vault in Hainaut, Holland and Zealand. In addition to the small seal , the duke had entrusted him with his large state seal, so that he was also entitled to conclude and seal important matters and legal transactions in the name of the sovereign. Together with eight councilors, he directed government affairs in the absence of the sovereign. In 1419 Heinrich Notthracht followed his master to Luxembourg , where Johann married Elisabeth von Görlitz . On January 28, 1423 Duke Johann appointed him governor in the Duchy of Luxembourg and the County of Chiny .

In the Hussite Wars

Soon afterwards Heinrich Notthaid's star was already sinking. For unknown reasons, Duke Johann III withdrew from him. his favor; in July 1424 he deposed Heinrich of all his offices. Half a year later, the duke fell victim to a poison attack. Soon after his dismissal, Heinrich found himself in the service of Duke Heinrich XVI. von Bayern-Landshut , on whose behalf he worked as an arbitrator in the division of the Straubing legacy in May 1426 (for the background, see the Pressburg arbitration award ). At the state parliament held in Straubing in August 1430, King Sigismund appointed Vicedom Heinrich Notthracht as the supreme captain in front of the forest and commissioned him to lead the daily war against the Hussites . In September 1433 the Hussites suffered their greatest and probably decisive defeat on German soil near Hiltersried . Heinrich Notthracht did not appear personally among the fighters, but his son Albrecht V and Friedrich von Wolfstein carried the princely banner on the right wing of the battle order.

The condemnation of Agnes Bernauer

According to a legend widespread in Bavaria, Heinrich Notthracht von Wernberg is said to have played a key role in the removal of Agnes Bernauer as Vicedom in 1435 . However, he was not Vicedom in Straubing at the time in question. Rather, Duke Albrecht III was. since 1433 active as governor of his father Ernst in Straubing. As a ducal councilor, Heinrich was not involved in the condemnation of Agnes Bernauer, and there was probably no formal trial at all. Heinrich Notthaid was the advice of Duke Ernst's brother, Wilhelm III. who died a few weeks before Agnes Bernauer's death. Soon afterwards Heinrich Notthracht found himself in the service of Duke Heinrich XVI. from Bavaria-Landshut.

Importance in family history

Heinrich Notthphia von Wernberg used the favor of the Wittelsbachers to acquire the most important estates of his family branch, especially the lucrative dominions Aholming and Runding . He died in 1440 and found his final resting place in the Carmelite Church in Straubing. He had been married three times. The first wife, Agnes von Gumppenberg, died in 1421. She had given her husband at least 3 sons and 3 daughters. His second marriage was to Praxedis Paulstorfferin and most recently to Anna Puchberger, Eckher's widow . Heinrich Notthaffts granddaughter Amalie Notthafft married Georg von Höhenrain, the owner of the rule of Waldeck .

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Notthracht website


  • Family history of the Notthracht by Franz Notthracht Frhr. v. Weißenstein, Part II: Notthracht von Wernberg, manuscript in the Bavarian Main State Archives, Notthracht Lit. 1458
  • Harald Stark : Sovereign offices - from castle keeper to Vicedom and from Erbtruchseß to grand treasurer, in: Karel Halla / Volker Dittmar (eds.): Po stopách šlechtického rodu Notthrachtů - Notthphia v Čechách av Bavorsku - In the footsteps of a noble family in Böhth und Bayern - Catalog for the exhibition of the same name in the Regional Museum Eger (Cheb) and in the Egerland Museum Marktredwitz, Cheb 2006, pp. 374–394.

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