Heinrich Rudolph Redeker

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Heinrich Rudolph Redeker (born September 14, 1625 or 1626 in Osnabrück , † December 23, 1680 in Rostock ; also Redecker ) was a legal scholar , university professor and privy councilor .


Redeker studied law in Rostock from autumn 1647. He then went to the universities of Marburg and Strasbourg and became the tutor of Count Ludwig Friedrich from the house of Nassau-Saarbrücken . His promotion to Doctor of Law took place at the University of Strasbourg in 1655, he went to France and Holland .

In 1657 Redeker became a council professor of the institutions , then in 1663 ducal professor of the institutions and from 1671 to 1680 ducal professor of the Pandects at the University of Rostock and assessor at the consistory . He was vice rector in 1666 and 1667 and rector of the university in 1660, 1666, 1673, 1675, 1676 and 1679 . From 1677 he was ducal Schwerin privy councilor and also royal Danish councilor.

His son of the same name Heinrich Rudolf Redeker (1658–1715) became a councilor and member of the ducal judiciary in Schwerin.

The Rostock legal scholar Christoph Redecker was his nephew.

Works (selection)

  • De fideiussoribus , Strasbourg 1647.
  • De summo principe imperii , 1652.
  • De homagio , 1652.
  • De majestate , 1659.
  • De postis , 1662.
  • De errore calculi , Rostock 1664.
  • De morte , Rostock 1664.
  • De advocatis , Rostock 1665.
  • De rescriptis principum sub-et obreptitiis , Rostock 1665.
  • De haereditate conventiali , Rostock 1667.
  • De exceptione non numeratae pecuniae , Rostock 1667.
  • De crimine sacrilegii , 1670.
  • De assessoribus , Rostock 1672 and Jena 1755.
  • De usuris et mora , 1674.
  • De traditionibus , 1675.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal (last accessed on May 21, 2019).
  2. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal (last accessed on May 21, 2019).