Heinrich von Bolanden

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Heinrich von Bolanden (* around 1215 ; † November 10, 1286 in Karden ) was a member of the Trier cathedral chapter as well as provost and archdeacon in the Karden collegiate monastery of St. Castor .


Heinrich von Bolanden was the eldest son of the Reichstruchsessen Werner IV von Bolanden and his wife Kunigunde von Leiningen-Saarbrücken, the daughter of Count Friedrich II von Leiningen . His uncles (brothers of the mother) Berthold von Leiningen († 1285) and Heinrich von Leiningen († 1272) officiated as bishops of Bamberg and von Speyer , respectively , his own younger brother Friedrich von Bolanden , from 1272 to 1302 also as bishop of Speyer. The grandmother Agnes von Leiningen, b. von Eberstein was the cousin of St. Hedwig . Heinrich von Bolanden was also counted in 1241 as a relatives ( consanguineus ) of the Archbishop of Trier and Elector Theodoric II of Wied , who named him as a male blood relative ( cognatus ) in 1255 .

In 1241 Bolanden became a member of the Trier cathedral chapter. From 1244 he is named as provost of St. Stephan in Mainz, from 1258 of St. Florin in Koblenz . After he appears in the Boppard necrology as provost of St. Martin in Worms , it is also assumed that he held this office not only there, but also in St. Severus zu Boppard .

When Heinrich von Bolanden was elected as his successor by the Trier cathedral chapter after the death of Trier Archbishop and Elector Arnold II of Isenburg together with the provost of St. Paulin Arnold von Schleiden, the election by Pope Alexander IV was questioned. Instead, he appointed the Metz cathedral dean Heinrich II von Finstingen as the new archbishop of Trier.

Von Bolanden accepted the decision and from then on worked as archdeacon and provost zu Karden in the local St. Castor monastery. Here he acted in various ways in his function as the highest dignitary, such as B. as a sealer of title deeds, as executor, as a witness or as a peacemaker in disputes.

While the earlier Karden monastery clerks, like the other clergymen of the monastery, still lived in the St. Castor Church, their successors, the archdeacons, were members of the cathedral chapter and their seat was Trier. However, during their stays on the Moselle, they lived at Bischofstein Castle between Moselkern and Hatzenport , the construction of which goes back to Archbishop Arnold II of Trier between 1242 and 1259. Heinrich von Bolanden later acquired it, had it expanded and gave it to the Trier Archbishopric on September 11, 1273 on condition that it be granted to his successors in the archdeaconate. The later Karden archdeacons then owned it as an archbishop's fief and each of them had to recognize this when taking office and give the temporary archbishop of Trier a letter and seal about it.

On April 16, 1274 Heinrich von Bolanden donated the goods in Pomerania and Brieden to the monastery in Karden , which he had previously acquired from the Springiersbach monastery , in exchange for an annuity in grain and wine in Müden and Karden, which after his death Irmentrud, the daughter of the deceased knight's Gobile from Franconia, but after their deaths they should fall to the monastery for their anniversaries.

According to more recent findings, Heinrich von Bolanden was also the founder of the institute of the four preamble dates of the St. Stephanus von Bischofstein chapel, which is attached to Burg Bischofstein. These later appeared as collators in the Abbey Parishes of Alflen and Beltheim , where each received a third of the tithe .

When extensive restoration work was carried out in the former collegiate church of St. Castor in Karden in July 1965, the remains of a wooden coffin with the over 2 meter skeleton of Heinrich von Bolanden were found under a large grave slab. Later his bones were buried in a smaller coffin behind a slate in the crypt .


  • Alfons Friderichs (Ed.): Von Bolanden, Heinrich. In: Personalities of the Cochem-Zell District, Kliomedia, Trier 2004, ISBN 3-89890-084-3 , p. 54.
  • Germania Sacra, New Episode 19, The Dioceses of the Church Province of Trier, The Archdiocese of Trier, The St. Kastor Abbey in Karden on the Moselle, edited on behalf of the Max Planck Institute for History by Ferdinand Pauly, Verlag Walter de Gruyter Berlin New York 1986, Heinrich von Bolanden pp. 300-302.
  • Peter and Dr. Winfried Wiilicks: Heinrich von Bolanden - finisher of the St. Castor Church in Karden , In: Heimatjahrbuch Kreis Cochem-Zell 2003, pp. 157–159.
  • Alfons Friderichs (Ed.): Documents & Regesta of the cities, communities, castles, monasteries, mills and farms in the Cochem-Zell district until 1900, Klio Media, Trier 2010, ISBN 978-3-89890-125-3 , Heinrich von Bolanden , P. 271.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Genealogical page on the family
  2. ^ Johann Georg Lehmann : Documented history of the castles and mountain palaces of the Bavarian Palatinate , Volume IV, pp. 76-78, Kaiserslautern, 1857 (reprinted by Pirmasens 1969)
  3. Germania Sacra, New Volume 34, Archdiocese of Trier 8, The Benedictine Abbey of St. Eucharius-St. Matthias before Trier, edited by Petrus Becker OSB, Verlag Walter de Gruyter 1996, Heinrich von Bolanden p. 257. In: book.google.de. Retrieved May 25, 2019 .
  4. ^ Friedrich Back : The Evangelical Church in the country between the Rhine, Moselle, Nahe and Glan until the beginning of the Thirty Years' War. Bonn with Adolph Marens 1872, p. 195.