Helmut Bohatsch

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Helmut Bohatsch (* 1956 in Graz ) is an Austrian actor and musician .


Bohatsch grew up in Krieglach in Styria . His brother is the well-known Austrian painter Erwin Bohatsch. 1970 to 1975 music-pedagogical secondary school and high school diploma . From 1978 to 1985 he worked as an actor and musician in Styria. After moving to Vienna , he was a member of the Serapionstheater Vienna from 1986 to 1990 and co-founder of the independent theater group Drama Wien .

Since 1992 he has been co-author, actor, sound designer and co-producer on 14 Drama Vienna productions so far. He works as an actor and singer in a wide variety of theater, music, television and film productions and is also active as a speaker for ORF , Bayerischer Rundfunk , NDR for radio plays, features and literature as well as for various television documentaries.

Music and theater projects (selection)

Film and TV

Published CDs

  • Alles Liebe , Bohatsch & Skrepek, published by Extraplatte , 2004
  • Journey to Groß-Garabannien , texts by Henri Michaux , together with Peter Rosmanith, published by Mandelbaum , Bibliothek der Töne , 2007
  • Alles in Butter , Bohatsch & Skrepek, published by Extraplatte, 2011

Radio plays

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://b527b.w4yserver.at/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Helmut-Bohatsch-Vita.pdf
  2. ^ The cat at the Austrian Film Institute
  3. List of the episodes in which he participated
  4. Actor "Soko Wien"