Henning Ernst von Oertzen

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Henning Ernst von Oertzen (* 1695 near Insterburg ; † October 2, 1756 near Lobositz ) was a Prussian major general and chief of Dragoon Regiment No. 4 .



Henning Ernst was a son of the President of the War and Domain Chamber in Halberstadt, Hans Ernst von Oertzen from the Helpt family († 1734) and his wife Beata Louise Schwichelt.

Military career

Oertzen attended high school and then joined the Prussian Gens d'Armes cavalry regiment . In 1725 he was Rittmeister and in 1739 Colonel Sergeant . In the First Silesian War he took part in the battle of Mollwitz as a major in 1741 and was appointed lieutenant colonel . In the Second Silesian War he took part in the Battle of Hohenfriedberg in 1745 and was then appointed colonel . Oertzen also distinguished himself in the Battle of Thrush and was awarded the order Pour le Mérite by Frederick II . In 1746 Oertzen returned to Berlin with his regiment. In December 1750 the king appointed him major general of the cavalry. In 1752 Oertzen received as chief the Dragoon Regiment No. 4, which had been formed in 1705 by Friedrich von Derfflinger .

In the Battle of Lobositz , Oertzen received three blows in the head, fell from his horse and was kicked in the chest and face by the latter. The next day he died of his injuries. His body was transferred to one of his estates in Niederlausitz and buried there.


Oertzen had been married to Anna Margaretha von Oertzen (1718–1791) from the Lübbersdorf family since 1735, whose father was in the service of Holstein. Her mother was born von Dechow. The marriage resulted in two daughters:

  • Johanne Louise (1740? -1792) ⚭ 1761 Freiherr Ludwig Philipp vom Hagen (* May 3, 1724 - † February 6, 1771)
  • Wilhelmine Marianne (* November 5, 1746 - May 2, 1815) ⚭ Count Hermann Georg Alexander Heinrich von Callenberg (* February 8, 1744 - May 4, 1795), grandfather of Prince Pückler

The son Leopold Heinrich Wedige von Oertzen (1736–1737) died in childhood.


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