Herman de Ranitz

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Herman de Ranitz

Herman de Ranitz (born February 10, 1794 in Groningen , † August 7, 1846 in Bad Kreuznach ) was a Dutch lawyer, politician and mayor of Groningen.



Herman de Ranitz was born into an influential family in Groningen who had risen to the patriciate of the city. A branch of the family settled in Zutphen . The family originally came from Saxony. Her ancestor, Johann Sigmundt Ranitz (Latinized: Ranisius), born in Pirna in 1645 , probably got there during the Dutch War (1672–1678) with Brandenburg troops who had fought on the side of the Netherlands. Herman de Ranitz's grandfather was a member of the Second Chamber of the States General . His father Sebastiaan Mattheus Sigismund de Ranitz (1757-1829) was - after an officer career - the general collector for the property tax and the excise ("hoofdontvanger", German: "main recipient") of the provinces of Groningen and Drenthe .

Lawyer and MP

From 1811, Herman de Ranitz studied Roman law and applicable law at the University of Groningen (“hedendaagsrecht”, literally: contemporary law). In 1816 he was charged with a dissertation on the marriage law of the Romans for the subject of legal history doctorate . In 1819 a second doctorate ( Dr. jur. ) Followed with a dissertation on the separation of powers . He then worked as a lawyer. In 1832 he was elected to the Groningen city council. From 1834 to 1840 he belonged to the Provinciale Staten of the Province of Groningen. In 1838 he was appointed as an alderman for the mayor of Groningen for legal issues ("wethouder"). The memoranda to the King and the States General , which he wrote or co-authored, is based on an extraordinary knowledge of legal history. He was also a Procureur (public prosecutor) at the court in the Arrondissement of Groningen. In 1840 he was elected to the Second Chamber of the States General, but soon gave up his seat and returned to the Provincial States.

Civic engagement

In addition to his main job, de Ranitz devoted himself to improving the school system and caring for the poor . He was secretary, then chairman of the Groningen section of the Maatschappij tot Nut van 't Algemeen (Society for the Benefit of the Commonwealth), founded in 1784 , the most important Dutch association at the time for the "raising" of the "lower classes". Since 1826 he was a member of the poor commission of the city of Groningen. When a Provincial Health Commission was set up after the severe cholera epidemic that hit the province of Groningen in 1832 and 1833, he worked there too. In 1835 he was appointed to the school commission. He was particularly concerned about a good education for the deaf and mute . He was chairman of the Instituut voor doofstommen te Groningen . His proposals to reform schools received national attention. Furthermore was involved in the reform of the prisons.

Mayor of Groningen

In 1842 the King appointed de Ranitz mayor of Groningen. On January 1, 1843, he took office. He set to work with extraordinary drive. The 1840s were marked in Groningen by the beginning of industrialization , namely in the textile industry. As early as 1838, with a significant contribution from de Ranitz, a "spinning school" was set up to train the workers in the first mechanical spinning mill.

In addition to the day-to-day business, he continued - now with the full authority of a mayor - to work for his heartfelt concerns: poor relief and education. This included the establishment of elementary schools to which the poor were also given access.

De Ranitz was closely connected to his alma mater , Groningen University. From 1842 until his death he was its curator . He energetically operated their expansion. Given their inadequate housing, he worked towards building a new main university building ( Academiegebouw ). On February 24, 1842, the city council approved the plans presented by de Ranitz. The Academiegebouw was completed in 1850 after his death.

After the extensive festivities he organized on the occasion of a visit by King Wilhelm I to Groningen, Herman de Ranitz went to Bad Kreuznach to relax and take a cure. There he died unexpectedly on August 7, 1846.

Herman de Ranitz was a member of the Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk .


With Maria Elisabeth Crommelin, whom he married in 1832, Herman de Ranitz had eight children. His son Sebastiaan Mattheus Sigismund de Ranitz (1833-1909) was councilor of the Hoge Raad of the Netherlands and a member of the Second Chamber of the States General. His great-grandson Constant (Coen) de Ranitz (1905-1983) was Mayor of Utrecht from 1948 to 1970 .

His nephew Sebastiaan Mattheus Sigismund de Ranitz (1846–1916) was the most influential figure at the court of regent Emma and from 1903 to 1916 Grootmeester (literally: "Grand Master"), d. H. Chief of the court of Queen Wilhelmina . Two other nephews were MPs, and a third, Alexander Frederik de Savornin Lohman , was Minister of the Interior.


  • King Wilhelm I awarded him the Knight's Cross of the Order of the Dutch Lion .
  • In Helpman, a southern district of Groningen, De Ranitzstraat is named after Herman de Ranitz.


  • Disputatio iuris historica, de lege sacra Romuli de nuptiis . Groningen 1816.
  • Specimen juridicum de imperio civili in partes recte distribuendo . Groningen 1819.
  • Redevoering uitgesproken in eene vergadering der leden van het Genootschap: tot zedelijke verbetering der gevendet, the 7th of march 1826 . Groningen 1826.
  • Memorie van Regte over het Erfpachtsregt, ingevoerd bij de Wet van den 10 Januarij 1824, met Betrekking tot de Groninger Vaste Beklemming . Willem Zuidema, Groningen 1831.
  • Address van de Provinciale Staten van Groningen aan Zijne Majesteit den Koning . Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague 1842.


  • Jacob Baart de la Faille, Antonius Modderman: Ter nagedachtenis van Mr. H. de Ranitz . Groningen 1847.
  • Theodorus Swinderen: Het lager schoolwezen te Leeuwarden, aan Groningen en aan de other big cities in Nederland ter navolging voorgesteld . RJ Schierbeek, Groningen 1847; therein the chapter Over de merit van mr. H. de Ranitz, omtrent het onderwijs , pp. 44-48.
  • Geert Aeilco Wumkes: Ranitz, Herman de . In: Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek , Vol. 10, pp. 777-778.

Web links

  • Mr. H. de Ranitz in the Portal Parlementair Documentatie Centrum of the University of Leiden.


  1. Nederland's Patriciaat , vol. (1910), pp. 353-354.
  2. See the inscription on the grave of Johan Christiaan Ranitz (1677–1727) in the Walburgiskerk .
  3. The spelling with "tz" (instead of the Dutch "ts"), which is unusual in Dutch and only occurs in names of German origin, has been preserved.
  4. ^ Paul Frans de Ranitz, AJA Labouchere: De oorsprong van de tot de Nederlandse adel behorende familie de Ranitz . In: De Nederlandsche Leeuw , Vol. 131 (2014), No. 1 (maart), pp. 21-30.
  5. Mr. H. de Ranitz in the Parlement & Politiek portal , accessed on July 1, 2017.
  6. ^ Jacob Baart de la Faille, Antonius Modderman: Ter nagedachtenis van Mr. H. de Ranitz . Groningen 1847, p. 5.
  7. Memorie van Regte over het Erfpachtsregt, ingevoerd bij de Wet van den 10 Januarij 1824, met Betrekking tot de Groninger Vaste Beklemming . Willem Zuidema, Groningen 1831.
  8. Address of the Provinciale Staten van Groningen aan Zijne Majesteit den Koning . Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague 1842.
  9. 's-Gravenhaagsche stads-almanak voor het jaar 1841 . J. Belinfante, 's-Gravenhage 1841, p. 197.
  10. Bijdragen tot bevordering van de kennis en den bloei der Maatschappij tot Nut van 't Algemeen , Vol. 6 (1846–1847), p. 41.
  11. Verslag van de commissie tot ondersteuning van Personen of Huisgezinnen, after the hostile ziekte onvermogend zijnde, en wilted door geen diaconie bedeeld . J. Oomkens, Groningen 1828, p. 10.
  12. ^ Jacob Baart de la Faille, Antonius Modderman: Ter nagedachtenis van Mr. H. de Ranitz . Groningen 1847, p. 14.
  13. ^ Theodorus Swinderen: Het lager schoolwezen te Leeuwarden, aan Groningen en aan de other large cities in Nederland ter navolging voorgesteld . RJ Schierbeek, Groningen 1847, p. 44.
  14. Hendrik Oktavius ​​Feith: Redevoering, uitgesproken op het feest, gevierd bij het vijftigjarig bestaan ​​van het Instituut voor doofstommen te Groningen, op den 22 van hooimaand 1840 . Groningen 1840, p. IX.
  15. Verenigingen voor armenzorg en armoedepreventie in de negentiende eeuw , accessed on July 1, 2017.
  16. Verslag nopens den Staat der hooge, middelbare en lagere scholen in het Koningrijk der Nederlanden over 1841 . Algemeene Lands Drukkerij, 's-Gravenhage, 1843, p. 14.
  17. Herman de Ranitz: Redevoering uitgesproken in eene vergadering der leden van het Genootschap: tot zedelijke verbetering der veten . Groningen 1826.
  18. ^ Jacob Baart de la Faille, Antonius Modderman: Ter nagedachtenis van Mr. H. de Ranitz . Groningen 1847, p. 9.
  19. arent Toncko Schuitema Meijer: Groningen vroeger en nu . Fibula-Van Dishoeck, Bussum 1969, p. 80.
  20. ^ Jacob Baart de la Faille, Antonius Modderman: Ter nagedachtenis van Mr. H. de Ranitz . Groningen 1847, p. 13.
  21. Jasper Vree: P. Hofstede de Groot en de armenverzorging door vrouwen. A hoofdstuk uit de geschiedenis van de Groninger inside zending . In: G. van Halsema Thzs., Jos. MM Hermans, FRJ Knetsch (ed.): Geloven in Groningen. Capita selecta uit de loofsgeschiedenis van een stad . JH Kok, Kampen 1990, ISBN 90-242-5483-3 , pp. 215-231, here p. 220.
  22. ^ Jacob Baart de la Faille, Antonius Modderman: Ter nagedachtenis van Mr. H. de Ranitz . Groningen 1847, pp. 12-13.
  23. ^ Theodorus Swinderen: Het lager schoolwezen te Leeuwarden, aan Groningen en aan de other large cities in Nederland ter navolging voorgesteld . RJ Schierbeek, Groningen 1847, pp. 46-47.
  24. ^ A b Jacob Baart de la Faille, Antonius Modderman: Ter nagedachtenis van Mr. H. de Ranitz . Groningen 1847, p. 14.
  25. Albert Sassen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 1964–1989 , Vol. 2. Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen 1991, ISBN 90-6243-119-4 , p. 54.
  26. ^ FRH Smit: De Hogeschool in de negentiende eeuw: tussen oud en nieuw . In: GA van Gemert (ed.): "Om niet aan onwetendheid en barbarij te bezwijken": Groningse leererden 1614–1989 . Uitgeverij Verloren, Hilversum 1989, ISBN 90-6550-319-6 , pp. 101–109, here p. 105.
  27. ^ Johan Huizinga : Geschiedenis der universiteit gedurende de derde eeuw van hair bestaan . In: Ders .: Verzamelde Werken . Vol. 8: Universiteit, Wetenschap en art . Tjeenk-Willink, Haarlem 1951, pp. 36–339, here p. 210. See also Johan Huizinga: Academia Groningana MDCXIV – MCMXIV. Commemorative badge heid van derde eeuwfeest universiteit Groningen, Groningen 1914, pp. 1–238.
  28. ^ Jacob Baart de la Faille, Antonius Modderman: Ter nagedachtenis van Mr. H. de Ranitz . Groningen 1847, p. 19.