Hermann Jung

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Hermann Jung (original Low German form of name: Hermann Junge , Latinized: Hermannus Jungius ); * 1608 (or 1609) in Brokzeile-Nord, today Brokzeile, municipality of Hodorf in Holstein ; buried June 7, 1678 in Monnickendam near Amsterdam in the (reformed) Groote Kerk, was an important Evangelical-Lutheran pastor and didactic (friend of Johann Amos Comenius ) and an early pietist chiliast in the Netherlands who was friends with Friedrich Breckling . He worked as a pastor in Monnickendam from 1641 to 1678.

Hermann Jung had enrolled at the University of Rostock on July 9, 1628 . In between he enrolled on August 10, 1629 under the rectorate of Joachim Jungius (1587-1657) at the Academic Gymnasium Hamburg in the Hanseatic city spared from the war. In 1636 and 1638, in the Rostock "Swedish Era", he is mentioned again as a student at the University of Rostock. He was particularly distinguished by the knowledge of Hebrew he had acquired there from Samuel Bohl (1611–1639) , which he was able to convey to ordinary people. With Philipp Jakob Spener , the founder of German Pietism as a movement, he made contact in early 1678 through Friedrich Breckling.


  • Samuel Bohl [Praeses] / Hermann Jung [Respondens]: Disputatio Secunda Respondente 7th [septimo] Octobr [is]. Hermanno Jungio . [Rostock] 1636 [published 1637]. [ Contains six other disputations in:] Samuel Bohl: Scrutinium sensus Scripturae sacrae ex accentibus, publicatum Rostochi a M [agistro]. Samuel Bohl [...] . ( Disputatio prima respondente […] Johanne Michaelis . Disputatio secunda respondente Hermanno Jungio etc.) Rostochii [Rostock] 1636.
  • Philipp Hartmann [Praeses] / Johannes Andreae, Joannes Reimerus, Martinus Jacobus, Johannes Reimarus, Paulus Moth, Hermannus Jung [Respondentes]: Decas Disputationum Logicarum […] In qua Praecepta Logices de Doctrina Enunciationis & Syllogismorum dilucide proponuntur & exemplis sacris illustrantur . Rostochi [Rostock] 1638. - Link to the digitization: http://purl.uni-rostock.de/rosdok/ppn729466221 .
  • Johannes Michaelis [Praeses] / Hermann Jung [Respondens]: Discursus Philologicus De Propria Et Primaeva Terminorum Suppositions In tribus linguis Capitalibus Circa interpretationem Autorum accurate observanda . Rostochii [Rostock] 1638.
  • Regia redemtorum nutricatio, Regentibus cum Regendis aequè salutífera divinis in literis lucide diffusa, diam Salutis ad Regulam hanc brevi simplicitate concepta . Amsterdam 1660 with the anonymous title edition:
  • Optima Politica. Divinis in Literis lucidè diffusa, hîc breviter adumbrata . [Amsterdam 1660];
  • With a simple conscience, doubts about the Flensburg judgment, again M [agistrum]. Fridericum Brecklingium , in: Friedrich Breckling: Veritatis triumphus . 1660, sheets K 7b - K 9b; or [Improved edition without year], pp. 188–190;
  • Scripture Troost Tot Jegelix Heyl. [...] tegen William Ames Verwerring en Verdoeming . Amsterdam 1661;
  • Hope and meaning from these last times , 1st edition 1663, 2nd edition 1666 and 3rd edition (1697), printed to: Friedrich Breckling: Christ Judex . 1st ed. 1663, 2nd ed. 1666 and 3rd ed. [1697] (= Part III in: Friedrich Breckling: Six witty different writings . 1697);
  • Danish Community Foundation in Amsterdam . 1664;
  • [Hermanni] Jungii Onschuld, op Gotfried Artus siin Boeckschen to Frid [ericum]. Brecling, zoomed de Eere van het Consistorium van Amsterdam gereddet, & c., Dat, onder other, Jungium mede accused . Amsterdam 1669;
  • Dobbelde is responsible to the Consistorium to Amsterdam, en its Eeren-Redder [Gotfried Artus] . Amsterdam 1669;
  • The doot getroost ontmoet ick! [Corpse poem for Paulus Cordes, Lutheran preacher in Amsterdam]. In: Reimerus Ligarius: Exequiae Cordesianae . The Hague / Amsterdam [1675], p. 31.


  • Johannes Mollerus [Johann Möller]: Cimbria Literata [learned Jutland ]. Copenhagen 1744, Volume 1, pp. 288 f .: Hermannus Jungius; see. also Volume 3, pp. 72–89: Fridericus Breclingius, here p. 75 f. 83. 85.
  • G [eorg] Wegemann: The Brandes-, Boje-Francke- and Albert Francke family legacy together with evidence of kinship of the families entitled Junge, Bilenberg, Boje, Kirchhoff, Sommer and [nd] v [ieler]. another]. In: Journal of the Society for Schleswig-Holstein History . Volume 34, 1904, p. 92 and plate 5.
  • Johannes Gravert: The farms between the Elbe , Stör and Krückau with the families of their owners over the past 3 centuries. Glückstadt 1929 (unaltered reprint Krempe 1977), p. 374 on the parents' farm (Johann Junge and Margareta née Martens), today's house Brokzeile 6 in Hodorf.
  • Hellmut Augustin (compilation): The farms between the Elbe, Stör and Krückau with the families of their owners (Johannes Gravert 1929). Photo book, (Krempe) 1976, p. 349 Photograph of Hermann Jung's father's farm.
  • Karl Hermann Junge: Contribution to the genealogy of the Junge family in Westholstein. Hamburg 1976, sheet 27 and family table 1 (from sheet [52]).
  • Reinhard Breymayer : Politics from the Spirit of the Bible . The rediscovered “Optima Politica” [Amsterdam 1660] by Hermann Jung, a friend of Friedrich Breckling and Johann Amos Comenius. Edition and bibliography . In: Dietrich Blaufuß (ed.): Pietism research. About Philipp Jacob Spener and the spiritualistic- radical pietistic environment. 1986, pp. 385-513 (pp. 448-513 bibliography).
  • Reinhard Breymayer: A forgotten friend of Comenius: Hermann Jung (around 1608–1678) from Brokzeile near Hodorf ( Holstein ), pastor in Monnickendam (Netherlands). In: Comenius Research Center at the Institute for Education at the Ruhr University Bochum: Mitteilungsblatt. 19, 1986, pp. 18-30. Reprint: Reinhard Breymayer: A forgotten friend of Comenius: Hermann Jung. In: Klaus Schaller (Ed.): Twenty years of Comenius research in Bochum. 1990 (Schriften zur Comeniusforschung 18), pp. 179-184.
  • JL Klaufus: D [ominus]. Hermann Jung. In: Documentatieblad Lutherse Kerkgeschiedenis (Haarlem). Volume 1, 1987, pp. 38-41.
  • Karl Hermann Junge: Pastor H. Junge (1608–1678). An almost forgotten pietist. In: North German family studies. Volume 38, 1990, No. 1, pp. 40-42.
  • Reinhard Breymayer: Jung (Jungius), Hermann. In: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck. Volume 9, Neumünster 1991, pp. 170-172.
  • R [Einhard] Breymayer: Jung (boy, Jungius), Hermann. In: Biografisch lexicon voor de geschiedenis van het Nederlandse protestantisme. Volume 4, Kampen 1998, pp. 239-240.
  • Reinhard Breymayer:  Jung, Hermann. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 3, Bautz, Herzberg 1992, ISBN 3-88309-035-2 , Sp. 840-843.
  • Reinhard Breymayer / Red [action]: Jung, Junge, Jungius, Hermann . In: [Walther] Killy. Literary dictionary. Authors and works from the German-speaking cultural area . 2nd Edition. Edited by Wilhelm Kühlmann, Vol. 6. Berlin, New York 2009, pp. 212-213.


  1. See the entry of Hermann Jung's matriculation in the Rostock matriculation portal

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