Hermann Mandel

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Hermann Mandel (born December 13, 1882 in Holzwickede (Westphalia); † April 8, 1946 in Kluvensiek near Rendsburg ) was a German theologian and religious scholar who propagated a "race of the soul" during the time of National Socialism .

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Mandel, originally Johannes Hermann, was the son of Heinrich Mandel, a teacher and later head of an orphanage in Neukirchen. In Moers he attended the Adolfinum grammar school , where he graduated from high school at Easter 1901. Afterwards Mandel studied theology in Halle , Königsberg and Bonn . In October 1904 he passed the pro lic exam in Koblenz . concionandi . In the same year he continued his studies at the University of Greifswald with Carl Stange . In 1906 he received his doctorate and habilitation at the same time with his work The Scholastic Doctrine of Justification, Its Significance for Luther's Development, its Basic Problem and its Solution by Luther . Then he was a lecturer in Greifswald, from 1911 titular professor.

From 1912 to 1918 Mandel was professor for systematic theology in Rostock, then as successor to Erich Schaeder from 1918 to 1935 professor at the University of Kiel . During these years, Mandel moved further and further away from Protestant teaching and turned to "German theology". Their basic idea lay in the opposition “between Western and Eastern Near Eastern intellectual culture”. The former was understood by Mandel as a "religion of reality", close to nature, directed towards coping with life, the latter as a " beyond religion", hostile to nature, dualistic and fatalistic. Mandel's psychology of religion was anti-Semitic and was based on the assumption of an unchanging racial basis for any belief. Around 1933, Mandel became a member of the Volkischer Bund für Deutsche Kirche ( German Church ), where he propagated a Christianity that had been purified from all Jewish influences.

In 1933 Mandel also joined the " German Faith Movement " and was chairman of a short-lived circle of friends of the German Faith Movement Working Group and, until autumn 1944, co-editor of Jakob Wilhelm Hauer's magazine German Faith .

In 1934 Mandel became a member of the National Socialist teachers' association . In 1937 he joined the NSDAP .

In 1936 he published the essay Arische Gottschau . In the same year Mandel left the theological faculty and entered the philosophy faculty, where he held lectures on racial psychology, racial culture and ideology as director of the Institute for Racial Spiritual History until 1942 . He headed the institute until 1945.

In 1938, Mandel joined the National Socialist German Lecturer Association . In 1939 his book Rassenseelenkunde was published as a biological science . From 1942 he took part in the Nazi project war mission of the humanities , where he treated the subject of philosophy as an Indo-European achievement, specific characteristics of the Indo-European philosophy .

After the end of the Second World War, Mandel's writings on German belief in God from German mysticism to the present (Armanen-Verlag, Leipzig 1934), Nordic-Aryan reality religion ( Hirschfeld, Stuttgart 1934), Arische Gottschau according to the oldest documents of faith (Heims, Leipzig 1935), German instruction in questions and answers (Heims, Leipzig 1935), confessional beliefs and German beliefs (Gutbrod, Stuttgart 1936), racial intellectual history (Heims, Leipzig 1936) and reality ethics (Barth, Leipzig 1937) in the Soviet occupation zone on the list of literature to be segregated set.

His grave is in the Eichhof park cemetery .

Fonts (selection)

  • The knowledge of the supersensible: outline of systematic theology. Leipzig: Deichert 1911–1912.
  • Nordic-German soulism in contrast to the Orient. Stuttgart 1934.
  • Nordic-Aryan religion of reality. 1934.
  • German religious instruction in question and answer. 1935.
  • German belief in God. 1934.
  • Racial intellectual history. An introductory inaugural lecture and a systematic research overview. Leipzig 1936 (Writings on the German Faith. Issue 6).
  • The essence of Judaism according to self-testimony and cultural achievement. The Jewish question in the light of race psychology and cultural biology . In: Der Weltkampf, 1942, pp. 189–199.


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Individual evidence

  1. Ulrich Nanko: The German Faith Movement. A historical and sociological investigation. Diagonal-Verlag, Marburg 1993, p. 61, ISBN 3-927165-16-6 . The Bund für deutsche Kirche was founded in May 1921 and published the magazine Deutschkirche . The founders and sponsors of the federal government were the Wagner researcher Hans von Wolhaben , the national literary historian Adolf Bartels and the editor of Heimdall magazine Adolf Reinecke as well as Protestant pastors and theologians.
  2. a b c Ernst Klee : The dictionary of persons on the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945 . Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, second updated edition, Frankfurt am Main 2005, ISBN 978-3-596-16048-8 , p. 388.
  3. http://www.polunbi.de/bibliothek/1946-nslit-m.html ; http://www.polunbi.de/bibliothek/1948-nslit-m.html