Hermann Winter (engineer)

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Hermann Winter (born August 30, 1897 in Neukloster , † September 14, 1968 in Braunschweig ) was a German aircraft designer and pilot . He was instrumental in building the Bulgarian aviation industry before World War II .


Hermann Winter attended secondary school in Wismar and passed secondary school in 1914. From April 1st to July 31st of the same year he completed a traineeship at the Schlosswerft in Harburg (Elbe) . After the outbreak of World War I , he volunteered with the Rostock Fusilier Regiment 90. He was deployed in November 1914 in the Reserve Infantry Regiment 210. In Flanders, Winter was seriously wounded and, after his recovery, worked as a trainer in the Fusilier Regiment 34 in Krackow appointed to Stettin. On December 20, 1917, he again volunteered for training as a pilot at Flieger-Ersatzabteilung 2 in Köslin. After receiving the pilot's qualification, he was transferred to the Western Front, but was no longer used.

During the uprisings in the course of the November Revolution, Hermann Winter received a shot in the right upper arm in a battle near Czarnikau , which left him with a lifelong handicap and ended his career as a pilot. In the hospital he decided to become an aviation engineer and prepared for his Abitur by self-study, which he completed on June 24, 1919. He began studying mechanical engineering in February 1920 at the Technical University of Charlottenburg .

There he founded in 1921 along with several other students, the "Berlin Flight Research Association" at the Technical University Berlin, Berlin's first gliding club and constructed together with his friend Edmund Pfister first glider of the group, the tailless "Charlotte" with 15.2 meters span and 100 kilograms empty weight. In 1922, Winter took this plane on III. Rhön competition , but crashed on the first flight from about eight meters. The aircraft was rebuilt and received conventional stick controls. He started the follow-up competition in 1923 with the now known as "Charlotte II" sailor and was able to perform a few gliding flights. However, Winter collided with a tree during a flight and was slightly injured. In the same year he flew the glider at the First Austrian Glider Competition near Vienna and in 1924 at the First International Glider Competition in Italy in Asiago on the southern edge of the Alps.

DAR-3 Garwan

Winter received his diploma in 1924 and then a job as a senior design engineer at "Stahlwerk Mark Flugzeugbau" in Breslau . In November of the same year he moved to Albatros in Berlin-Johannisthal . Just six months later, at the request of the Bulgarian government, Winter went to Boshurishche near Sofia , where he practically founded the Bulgarian State Aviation Industry (DAR) under the most difficult conditions and constructed the country's first own types, for example the DAR training aircraft . 1 and the reconnaissance aircraft DAR-3 .

In 1929 Winter returned to Germany and went to Bayerische Flugzeugwerke as a designer . Until 1931 he still had an influence on the construction of the DAR. From September 1930 to February 1934 he worked at the Danzig Technical University at the chair for aircraft construction. Winter later moved to DVL Berlin and at the end of 1935 to Fieseler in Kassel.

From August 1938 until his resignation in 1960, Winter worked at the Technical University of Braunschweig as professor for aircraft construction and head of the institute for aircraft construction and lightweight construction. There was also some work on various aviation topics and the STOL aircraft LF1 Wren .

Fonts (selection)

  • Glider and slow flight. Verlag Gustav Wenzel & Sohn, Braunschweig 1949, OCLC 249965646 .
  • with Günter Niederstadt, Werner H. Boehm: Investigations of glass fiber polyester plastics for use in aircraft and vehicle construction. in: DFL report. No. 97. German Research Institute for Aviation eV (DFL), Braunschweig Airport 1958, OCLC 73597261 .
  • Manufacturing technology for aircraft and space vehicles. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1967, OCLC 2936418 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Peter Korrell: Winter in Bulgaria . In: Flieger Revue extra . No. September 18 , 2007, ISSN  0941-889X , p. 101 f .
  2. ^ Frank-Dieter Lemke, Rolf Jacob: The Academic Fliegergruppen in Germany until 1945. Part 1. In: Flieger Revue extra. No. 29, March 2010, ISSN  0941-889X , p. 52.
  3. ^ Carsten Karge: With Charlotte in Veneto . In: Akademische Fliegergruppe (Ed.): Annual Report 2011/2012 . Berlin 2013, DNB  013347667 , p. 27-35 .
  4. Der Spiegel 22/1950: ZAUNKÖNIG / AVIATION Start from the towel on spiegel.de