Hermione David

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Jules Pascin : Hermine au lit

Hermine Lionette Cartan David (born April 19, 1886 in Paris , † December 1, 1970 in Bry-sur-Marne ) was a French draftsman and painter . She is the great-granddaughter of the revolutionary painter Jacques Louis David .


From 1902 to 1905 she was one of the first female students and pupil of Jean Paul Laurens at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. She exhibited in the salons of the Union des femmes peintres et sculpteurs (1904) and the Société des Artistes Français (from 1905).

When her relationship with Jules Pascin (1855–1930) , a French by choice from Bulgaria, began in 1907 , Hermine David was already a successful painter, graphic artist and miniaturist. The two artists worked in different studios in Montmartre and Montparnasse .

Pascin introduced Hermione David to the group of artists who met regularly at the Café du Dôme . These included Friedrich Ahlers-Hestermann , Rudolf Levi , Jules Pascin, Hans Purrmann , Fritz Stuckenberg , Rudolf Tewes , Rudolf Troendle and Alfred Weisgerber . These artists followed the French painters Paul Gauguin , the Nabis , the artists of Pont-Aven , Henri Matisse and the Cubists. It was not just about the luminosity of the colors, but they were driven by the desire for the new line of which Matisse spoke. Composition and construction became important criteria in those Paris years.

Due to her position as a recognized artist and the only woman in this group, her work deserves special attention. However, your work can hardly be found in German museums or on the German art market. The Städtische Galerie Delmenhorst owns an extremely rare single sheet with the etching Sunday excursion .

In 1915 Hermine David and Jules Pascin traveled first to England and then to America, where they married in 1918. Hermione David had the opportunity to do an exhibition in New York. They separated shortly after 1920, and Hermione David returned to Paris. This was followed by solo exhibitions in London and at the Berthe Weill Gallery , and in 1923 participation in the salons of the Société du Salon d'Automne , the Société des Artistes Indépendants (1923) and the Société du Salon des Tuileries . Hermione David's most productive period was in the 1920s and 1930s. She illustrated several books, among others by Alain-Fournier , Jean Giraudoux , André Maurois , Marcel Proust , Paul Claudel , Valery Larbaud , Jean Giono , Victor Hugo , Gérard de Nerval , Arthur Rimbaud .

As a printer, she excelled in the techniques of drypoint and lithography . Most of this work represented scenes in and around Paris. Most of this work was printed and published by Jacquart Publishing. Hermione David was valued by critics and collectors for her keen eye, her mastery of spatial structure and the rich texture of her drypoints. In 1932 Hermione David was commissioned to produce at least six large lithographs with scenes from near Paris. Hermione David remained an active artist well into the 1960s. She died in December 1970 at the age of 84.


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