Ivan Dementjewitsch Tschersky

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Ivan Dementjewitsch Tschersky

Ivan Dementjewitsch Tscherski ( Russian Иван Дементьевич Черский ., Scientific transliteration Ivan Dement'evič Čerskij , Polish name Form Jan Czerski, Russian derivation Ян Доминикович Черский / January Dominikowitsch Tscherski ; May 3 . Jul / 15. May  1845 greg. On the estate Swolna , Ujesd Drissa , Vitebsk (now Belarus ); † June 25 . jul / 7. July  1892 greg. in the Kolyma area, Russia) was a Polish-Russian geographer , geologist , paleontologist and explorer .

Due to his Polish nationality, Tscherski was forcibly recruited into the Russian army for his participation in the Polish January uprising in 1863/64 and exiled to Omsk in western Siberia. Under the influence of Grigory Nikolayevich Potanin , he began geological and paleontological studies in the Omsk area. In 1869 Tscherski was released from military service for health reasons and moved to Irkutsk in 1871 . From 1873 to 1876 he carried out research trips to the Sajan , the Sajan foreland and the Angara region . From 1877 to 1880 he investigated the geological structure of the banks of the Baikal , and in 1881 and 1882 the basins of Selenga and Lower Tunguska .

In 1878 Tscherski formulated the idea of ​​an evolutionary development of the earth's surface. He presented one of the first palaeo-tectonic schemes for Siberia, which was then used and further developed by the Austrian geologist Eduard Suess in his work "The Face of the Earth" (1883).

In 1885, Chersky received an amnesty and traveled to Saint Petersburg at the invitation of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences . On the way he carries out geological observations along the post tract from Irkutsk to the Urals , makes detours to the Padun rapids of the Angara (where the Bratsk reservoir is now dammed) and to Minusinsk .

In 1892 he died during an expedition that began in 1891 to the Indigirka and Kolyma river basins on the lower Kolyma near the confluence of the Omolon .

The following are named after Ivan Tscherski:

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