Ivan Ivanovich Pushchin

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Nikolai Alexandrowitsch Bestuschew anno 1837: Iwan Iwanowitsch Pushchin

Ivan Ivanovich Pushchin ( Russian Иван Иванович Пущин , scientific. Transliteration Ivan Ivanovich Puščin * May 4 jul. / 15. May  1798 greg. In Moscow , † April 3 jul. / 15. April  1859 greg. On the estate Marjino, Bronnitsy district , Moscow governorate ) was a Russian judge ( college assessor ), author and Decembrist .


Ivan Pushchin, son of Senator Ivan Petrovich Pushchin (1754-1842) from Ostashkov Rajon and his wife Alexandra Mikhailovna, née Ryabinina, came from the noble family of Pushchins on his father's side. Ivan was educated at the Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum from 1811 to 1817 . At this elite school, he was friends with Pushkin . Ivan began his military career in October 1817 as an ensign in the Imperial Bodyguard Mounted Artillery . On January 26th, 1823 - in the meantime become a lieutenant - he resigned after a controversy with Grand Duke Michael and from then on embarked on a civilian career as a lawyer. From December 13, 1823 he was a judge at the Moscow Court of Justice. Exercising such an office was frowned upon among nobles. Pushkin, however, praised Ivan Pushchin's step in the right direction.

Soon after leaving the Lyceum - that is, from late autumn 1817 - Iwan, together with Alexander Nikolajewitsch Muravjow , Michail Nikolajewitsch Muravjow-Wilenski , Pawel Iwanowitsch Koloschin, Iwan Grigoryevich Burzew, Vladimir Dmitrijewitsch Volkhovsky and Wilhelm Küchlbecker , had one of the saints' forerunners of the secret band of Desebundes , conspired. In 1817 he had joined the Rescue Association , the first Decabrist secret society, and in 1818 he had become a member of the Welfare Association .

On January 11, 1825, Ivan Pushchin met with Pushkin and informed his friend about the existence of a secret society.

Ivan Pushchin participated as a civilian in the officers' survey on St. Petersburg's Senate Square in December 1825 . Immediately after the failure of the uprising, Alexander Gorchakov offered him to flee. Ivan Pushchin turned down the offer.

Ivan Pushchin's grave in Bronnitsy

Ivan Pushchin was sentenced to death for his involvement in the Decembrist conspiracy. Pardoned as a convict, he was exiled to Siberia - came to the Ostrog Tschita and then to the Katorga Peter hut . Released from prison, he was forcibly resettled first in Turinsk and then in Yalutorovsk . In the Siberian exile, Ivan Pushchin had two illegitimate children: Anna (1842–1863) and Ivan (1849–1923). Pardoned by Alexander II in August 1856 , he returned to Saint Petersburg in December and married the widowed Natalja Fonwisina in May 1857 . He died two years later at Natalja's country estate, the Marjino estate near Bronnizy . Ivan Pushchin was buried in Bronnitsy.

Works (selection)

  • 1845: Letters from Jalutorowsk to Georg von Engelhardt - "Письма из Ялуторовска". Russian Archives 1879
  • 1856: Memoirs - "Воспоминания" (written down at the request of Yevgeny Ivanovich Jakuschkin)
  • August 1858: Memory of the friendship with Pushkin - "Записки о дружеских связях с А. С. Пушкиным "


  • Andreas Hermann Heinrich von Rosen : From the memoirs of a Russian Decembrist . Contributions to the history of the St. Petersburg military uprising of December 14 (26), 1825, and its participants. Read Leipzig 1874 online
  • Princess Maria Volkonskaya : Memories. Title of the Russian original: Записки княгини М. Н. Волконской. Epilogue, notes and translated into German by Lieselotte Remané . Re-seals: Martin Remané. Buchverlag Der Morgen, Berlin 1978 (1st edition, 168 pages)
  • Natan Edelmann: Bolshoi Jeannot. Story about Ivan Pushchin. Vagrius Publishing House, Moscow 2004. ISBN 5-475-00066-2

Web links

Commons : Iwan Iwanowitsch Pushchin  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Russian Пущин, Иван Петрович
  2. Russian Пущины
  3. Russian Лейб-гвардии Конная артиллерия
  4. Russian Муравьёв, Александр Николаевич
  5. Russian Колошин, Павел Иванович
  6. Russian Бурцев, Иван Григорьевич
  7. Russian Вольховский, Владимир Дмитриевич
  8. Russian Священная артель
  9. Russian Союз спасения
  10. Russian Союз благоденствия
  11. von Rosen, p. 47, 6. Zvo
  12. Russian Читинский острог
  13. Volkonskaya, page 82, the fifth ZVU
  14. Russian Русский архив
  15. Russian Якушкин, Евгений Иванович
  16. Russian Ivan Pushchin: Memory of the friendship with Pushkin , see also Записки о Пушкине. Письма
  17. Entry in WorldCat