Józef Łukaszewicz

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Józef Łukaszewicz ( Russian Юзеф Лукашевич ; born December 1 . Jul / 13. December  1863 greg. On the estate Bikiškė at Mednick ; † 19th October 1928 in Vilnius ) was a Polish - Russian geologist and university professor .


Łukaszewicz came from a Szlachta family. After graduating from high school in Wilna in 1883, he studied at the mathematics department of the Imperial University of St. Petersburg . He belonged with Pachomi Ivanovich Andrejuschkin , Vasily Denisovich Generalov , Orest Makarovich Govorukhin , Sergei Andreyevich Nikonov , Vasily Stepanovich Ossipanow and other for 1886 and founded by Pyotr Yakovlevich Schewyrjow and Aleksandr Ulyanov out terrorist fraction of Narodnaya Volya . Łukaszewicz also invited Bronisław Piłsudski from his group of friends to join the group. After the unsuccessful assassination attempt on Alexander III. Łukaszewicz received the death penalty in the subsequent trial in 1887, which was converted into the unlimited Katorga in the Shlisselburg Fortress .

As a result of the revolution , Łukaszewicz was released in 1905 with a ban on any political activity. He now lived in his father's house under police supervision. In 1907 he was allowed to return to St. Petersburg so that he could complete his studies at the Imperial University of St. Petersburg. In his three-part work on the inorganic life of the earth (1908–1911) he described the zonal metamorphosis of rocks and discussed the mechanisms of the material cycle in the earth's crust . The work was honored by the Russian Geographical Society and the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences . He traveled in Italy , Egypt , Turkey and Greece . He taught at various universities in the Russian Empire .

From 1911 Łukaszewicz worked in the Geolkom ( Geological Committee of the All-Russian Geological Institute), whose director until 1914 was Feodossi Nikolajewitsch Tschernyschow and then Karol Bohdanowicz . During the First World War , Łukaszewicz described the influence of glacier processes on mountain formation in 1915 . In 1916 he became dean of the Faculty of Geomorphology of the Higher Geography course, later the St. Petersburg Geography Institute.

After the February Revolution of 1917 , Łukaszewicz became a member of the Petrograd Soviet . After the October Revolution he became the first director of the new St. Petersburg Geography Institute. In 1919, Łukaszewicz returned to Vilnius, disappointed with the development of the revolution. At first he worked as a school supervisor of the previous administration in Upper East . On January 1, 1920 he was appointed acting professor at the chair of geology at the Polish Stephan Báthory University in Vilnius. As early as the summer of 1920 he became professor and head of the chair for physical geology.

Łukaszewicz was buried in the Rasos cemetery in Vilnius . Ignacy Łukasiewicz was a distant relative.

Individual evidence

  1. Iłowiecki, Maciej: Dzieje nauki polskiej . Wydawnictwo Interpress, Warsaw 1981, ISBN 83-223-1876-6 , p. 216 .
  2. Algirdas Gaigalas, Vytautas Merkys: Juozas Vaclovas Lukoševičius . In: Visuotinė lietuvių enciklopedija . tape XIII , 2008.
  3. Józef Łukaszewicz; Stefan Bergman: Pierwszy marca 1887 r. Wspomnienia . PIW, Warsaw 1981, ISBN 83-06-00514-7 , p. 188 .
  4. Alwida A. Bajor: Terrorysta, carobójca, uczony, "czarownik" .. In: Magazyn Wileński . No. 4 , 2004, p. 30–31 ( [1] accessed February 7, 2018).