Jaime Bernardo of Bourbon-Parma

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Jaime Bernardo von Bourbon-Parma at the World Economic Forum on India 2012
Coat of arms of the House of Bourbon-Parma

Jaime Bernardo of Bourbon-Parma , full name Jaime Bernardo, Duke of San Jaime, Count of Bardi, Prince of Bourbon-Parma (born October 13, 1972 in Nijmegen ) is the Dutch Ambassador to the Holy See .


Jaime (called Jacques ) Bernardo comes from the noble Bourbon-Parma family . He is the twin brother of Margarita and one of four children from the marriage of Carlos Hugo von Bourbon-Parma (1930-2010) with Irene (* 1939), daughter of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands and her husband Prince Bernhard . He is an extended member of the Dutch royal family . He was accompanied by Bernard Jan. Cardinal Alfrink Roman Catholic baptized.

He married Viktória Cservenyák (* 1982), a native of Hungary, in Apeldoorn on October 5, 2013 . The daughter Zita Clara Princess of Bourbon-Parma (born February 21, 2014 in Amsterdam) and Princess Gloria Irene of Bourbon-Parma (born May 9, 2016 in Rome) come from the marriage .


Jaime Bernardo grew up with his mother in Palais Soestdijk after his parents divorced in 1981 . He studied political science with a focus on international relations at Brown University in Rhode Island . At Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore , he completed a master's degree in International Economics and Conflict Management .

He joined the diplomatic service of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and worked in the Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken , the ministry responsible for foreign affairs, diplomatic relations, European cooperation and international development cooperation. He worked for the Dutch embassy in Baghdad , Iraq , and for a peacekeeping mission in Pol-e Chomri in northern Afghanistan . In 2007 he worked for EU Commissioner Neelie Kroes , later in the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ambassador to the Holy See

On February 7, 2014, he was appointed Dutch ambassador to the Holy See. He was sworn in by King Willem-Alexander on July 15, 2014 and confirmed by Pope Francis on December 20, 2014 .

honors and awards

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kabinet geeft vorm aan modernisering diplomatie met benoeming van 20 nieuwe ambassadeurs ( Memento from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken , February 7, 2014 (nl)
  2. New Ambassador of Netherlands presents credentials to Pope , Radio Vatikan , December 20, 2014 (en)
predecessor Office successor
Hans Docter Dutch Ambassador to the Holy See
since 2014