Jean Keller (architect)

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Jean Keller , actually Johann Heinrich Cornelius (born March 28, 1844 in Darmstadt ; † November 22, 1921 in Augsburg ), was a German architect from historicism to the beginning of modern architecture. In his time he was one of the most famous architects in Augsburg and had a significant impact on local and regional architecture. His skills extended into the field of interior design and furniture design. Keller was very active for Friedrich von Hessing , the founder of what was then Europe's largest orthopedic sanatorium in Augsburg-Göggingen .

Buildings (selection)


  • Residential building at Schaezlerstrasse 8, facade structured in a late Classicist style , around 1875
  • Another villa in Kellers at Schaezlerstrasse 3 was demolished a few years ago because of the new building of the headquarters of Lechwerke AG .
  • " Haag-Villa ", director 's villa of the former " Johannes Haag Maschinen- und Röhrenfabrik AG " (founder of the German central heating industry, merged into Sulzer AG ), Johannes-Haag-Strasse 14, Neo-Renaissance , before 1892, today owned by Stadtwerke Augsburg
  • Motherhouse of the Evangelical Diakonissenanstalt , as well as chapel and park enclosure, Frölichstrasse 17, neo-Gothic brick building , 1881–1893
  • Augsburger Kammgarn-Spinnerei (AKS), Schäfflerbachstraße 26: Large parts of the buildings, which were once over 50 hectares, but now largely destroyed, came from Jean Keller. The following of Keller's buildings have been preserved: old steam engine house, 1893; two director's villas with wash house; former wash and bath house of the AKS workers' settlement , 1879, neo-baroque plaster structure; Sorting building in the style of an “industrial basilica”; Head building of the northwest sheds in the style of a factory castle (there today the Bavarian Textile and Industry Museum, "tim").
  • Former United Shoe Factory Berneis-Wessels , August-Wessels-Strasse 5; mostly around 1903–1912 based on plans by Jean Keller, Eduard Rottmann and Philipp Jakob Manz .
  • Augsburg-Pfersee : Factory and administration building of the metal industry company JN Eberle & Cie. GmbH (first fretsaw factory in the world; today part of Greiffenberger AG ), Eberlestrasse 28, brick building in Art Nouveau style , built 1903–1906 / 1907
  • Former insurance company for Swabia and Neuburg, today the State Surveying Office, Holbeinstrasse 10, neo-baroque, in the style of Italian palaces, 1910
  • Former residential building of the Insurance Company for Swabia and Neuburg, today Social Court, Holbeinstraße 12, neo-baroque, 1907
  • Reconstruction of the former town house Ulrichsplatz 12 Martini-Palais , today a law firm: 1894 reconstruction of the rear building in the inner courtyard and the stair tower in the neo-renaissance style, in 1897 the neo-baroque front facade as well as the interior of the older building. The client was the textile entrepreneur Martini , at that time the owner of the former school calico factory .
  • Conversion of a former Fugger house into a neo-Gothic department store "Kröll & Nill" 1898/99, Annastraße 19, destroyed in the war.


Kurhaus Göggingen

" Hessing'sche Ökonomie- und Heilanstalt " (Europe's largest orthopedic clinic at the time it was built; builder Hofrat Friedrich von Hessing ): several buildings in the entire complex in romantic neo-baroque styles from the early days .

  • Main building (today “Hessing Clinic”), Hessingstraße 17, built from 1868. Two wing buildings (east and south wings) with neo-baroque west gables have been preserved
  • Ehrenhof / Drei-Flügel-Anlage Milchkuranstalt, Klausenberg 8a – c, 1875. The east wing still preserved and used, among other things, as a bicycle shop. Front and west building replaced by new building.
  • Multifunctional theater, Klausenberg 6. The building constructed in glass, iron and stone between 1885 and 1886 combines a multifunctional society house, spa house, theater and palm house / winter garden, surrounded by a typical landscape garden based on the English model of the pleasur garden . At least in Europe, it is the only preserved building of its kind from the Wilhelminian era. After extensive damage due to renovations and a fire on October 30, 1972, it was restored true to the original from 1988 to 1998 and is now used by Parktheater GmbH.
  • former chapel of the Hessing institute, 1888
  • St. Johannes Institution Church , today the chapel of the Hessing Clinic, Wellenburger Strasse 12, 1890–1893. Neo-Baroque, neo-Gothic inside.

District of Augsburg

  • Fischach -Elmischwang, house No. 1: Former castle, today retirement home, 1902/03. Historicizing.
  • Hurlach : reconstruction of the castle, 1898/1899.


Middle Franconia

  • Bernd Vollmar: The building history of the Kurhaus area . In: Vollmar / Simnacher: ... the fairy temple of the muse , Augsburg 1999.

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